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B&C Blood Angels Call to Arms


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Guys, we have some serious and bad news. 





For the last 12 years I have been technical admin and paymaster for the B&C, however the last two years have seen a decline in my eyesight due to severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy. I have around 50% of my original eyesight remaining after two years and cataracts developing due to the damage done by my extensive eye operations. The summation of this is that I cannot easily see to paint figures or models as I once did and it has been painful to feel my modelling skills slip away as things got worse. This in turn has led to a decline in my involvement with the hobby in general.


As I am sure you can understand this has also had a personal and financial impact upon my welfare. Given this in the near future I will be stepping back as paymaster of the B&C, followed over the course of the next year by handing over the technical administration role.


This will mean the B&C needs to self fund, our current expenditure runs around $200-$250 a month, which I have been personally covering. We have successfully used donation drives to fund new hardware a number of times and I propose this could be used to cover the running costs of the B&C for the next year. Also something that needs to be made clear, is that T-Shirts, Dice and Bags do not raise enough money in the course of a year to cover a single months payments.


You will notice a donation button in the top left hand corner of the home page, if you wish the B&C to continue as it is then you will need to step up and donate to ensure that!


In the past, we have always risen to the challenges we have faced, replaced expensive hardware when needed due to your generosity, now the Bolter & Chainsword needs to stand on its own two feet and only you can make this happen.


I am sorry that I will be unable to continue to support the B&C as I have always done, this has been a hard decision for me .. but I think the right one.


- Brother Argos


TLDR;  Donate to keep the B&C Running NOW



Brother Argos has asked all the mods to share this in our respective forums. 



I've been a contributing member since 2004 (that's 10 years now, for me - almost a 3rd of my life) and JamesI since 2002!!.

It's been a safe-haven of friends and an online community second-to-none in terms of quality and dedication of the posters involved - and the BA forum has been exemplary of this quality.


The long and short is, B&C has lost its funding and as a result we will lose the B&C.

We've often done donation drives in the past, and many of us have chipped in.  
The issue now is, that the B&C is "ours".  
If we want to see it continue, we will need to make a little more effort than before.
I implore you, if you enjoy what we have here, and feel it is worth your time, consider a small monthly donation to keep this community going. 
Cheers and thanks, 
Brindley (aka Morticon) and James (aka JamesI) 
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Hello. I have contributed as I have found the community here to be very friendly and helpful.


I wonder if a subscription has been considered?

New member too!


Thanks zoatibix.  

I think there is a subscription method somehow.  Or do you mean, like for everyone?  I think for now it will have to be donation based.

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Donated also.

Hopefully this will generate enough steam to be able to become self sufficient rapidly smile.png

It's 1/3 of the way there after less than 12 hours, I think the 3k target will be met.

I don't think that it is a great idea to actually have a target like that, some people may decide not to donate if they see the target has been met.

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Guys, we have some serious and bad news. 





For the last 12 years I have been technical admin and paymaster for the B&C, however the last two years have seen a decline in my eyesight due to severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy. I have around 50% of my original eyesight remaining after two years and cataracts developing due to the damage done by my extensive eye operations. The summation of this is that I cannot easily see to paint figures or models as I once did and it has been painful to feel my modelling skills slip away as things got worse. This in turn has led to a decline in my involvement with the hobby in general.


As I am sure you can understand this has also had a personal and financial impact upon my welfare. Given this in the near future I will be stepping back as paymaster of the B&C, followed over the course of the next year by handing over the technical administration role.


This will mean the B&C needs to self fund, our current expenditure runs around $200-$250 a month, which I have been personally covering. We have successfully used donation drives to fund new hardware a number of times and I propose this could be used to cover the running costs of the B&C for the next year. Also something that needs to be made clear, is that T-Shirts, Dice and Bags do not raise enough money in the course of a year to cover a single months payments.


You will notice a donation button in the top left hand corner of the home page, if you wish the B&C to continue as it is then you will need to step up and donate to ensure that!


In the past, we have always risen to the challenges we have faced, replaced expensive hardware when needed due to your generosity, now the Bolter & Chainsword needs to stand on its own two feet and only you can make this happen.


I am sorry that I will be unable to continue to support the B&C as I have always done, this has been a hard decision for me .. but I think the right one.


- Brother Argos


TLDR;  Donate to keep the B&C Running NOW



Brother Argos has asked all the mods to share this in our respective forums. 



I've been a contributing member since 2004 (that's 10 years now, for me - almost a 3rd of my life) and JamesI since 2002!!.

It's been a safe-haven of friends and an online community second-to-none in terms of quality and dedication of the posters involved - and the BA forum has been exemplary of this quality.


The long and short is, B&C has lost its funding and as a result we will lose the B&C.

We've often done donation drives in the past, and many of us have chipped in.  
The issue now is, that the B&C is "ours".  
If we want to see it continue, we will need to make a little more effort than before.
I implore you, if you enjoy what we have here, and feel it is worth your time, consider a small monthly donation to keep this community going. 
Cheers and thanks, 
Brindley (aka Morticon) and James (aka JamesI) 


I joined the B+C in 2002, but wasn't active for many years.  In 2003 and 2004 I lives somewhere where the nearest players were 50 miles (and crossing the border in Canada) away.  B+C was my only contact with 40k.  When I became a Blood Angel player in 2006, the B+Cers were those who helped guide me in the new chapter.  Same when I decided to have a second force of Thousand Sons. 


Its time for all of us to step up and keep the Bolter and Chainsword the great site it has been for so long.




Any chance of rousing the troops and making a legion vs legion thing?

This was done on one of the previous donation drives.

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I am all for a subscription, this is the best 40k forum by far. Bro Argos has give a lot to this community and it is time for us to give back! I plan to donate every payday; it is important we keep it going.


I feel sincerely sorry for Argos with his health problems - and it sucks that it has ruined his hobby - I wish him all the best for the future

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Donated - because this community is the best place by far on t'internet to get your hobby fix without falling to the black rage at every other poster ridiculousness and I'd be gutted to lose it, I may not post much but it certainly gets a few hits from me everyday - this site has dragged me kicking and screaming back into 40k in a big way and although my wallet hates me I wouldn't have it any other way! Give generously brothers.

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Awesome work so far guys. 


The BA players in this forum have really stepped up to the plate! 


Its the the last quarter push, so if you havent given yet - please consider it! Thank you so much!

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                                                                             ,  For Sanguinius!  I have tithed to the brotherhood


                                                                       Emperor protect you Brother Argos  Thank you and all the best

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I love this forum for two reasons:

  1. It is by far the best tool I have for my hobby with so much knowledge there’s nothing I can’t endeavour to find or ask. People are willing to help with any problems you have rather than just take the mickey . It’s a great thing to be a part of!!!!
  2. Makes me look busy at work.
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Donated - B&C is the first place I came to when getting back into the hobby and without it I might not have kept going. The camaraderie and positivity on these boards is wonderful and the work on show provides endless inspiration. B&C is also my only real tie to this hobby as none of my real world friends are into it, thus, even without the aforementioned aspects, it would is invaluable.

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Donated. Gotten a lot of mileage from this site over the years and would hate to see it go away. Besides, where else am I going to post my terrible quality photos and have people like them biggrin.png

Should do some sort of custom forum title or the like for those that donate. Or a special forum sig banner etc. I have seen that work well for motivation other places.

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