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Papa Nurgle's Playthings (2500 pt list)


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Ok so unless I have posted here before and don't remember it this is my first post and obviously my first time asking for a list review.

I really like the feel of this list and just want to see how you guys think it'd do.




Typhus 230 pts.


Chaos Sorceror 195 pts.

     Power Fist, Melta Bombs, Chaos Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Ichor Blood, Gift of Mutation, level 3 mastery







Chaos Terminators 433 pts.

     4 guys (total) Mark of Nurgle, Power fists on all, Combi-flamers on all

          Land Raider







2 Identical Units of

Plague Marines 285 pts.

     10 guys, Icon of Despair, Rhino





Fast Attack


Chaos Bikers 200 pts.

     5 Guys, Mark of Nurgle Power Weapon, Combi-Plasma, and Melta Bombs on champion, 2 Meltas on the bikes, Icon of Despair


Heldrake 170 pts.

     Hades Autocannon






Secondary Detachment (Daemons)





Daemon Prince of Nurgle 255 pts.

     Warp-Forged Armor, level 3 mastery







2 Identical Units of

   Plaguebearers 140 pts.

     15 guys including Plagueridden





Fast Attack


Plague Drones 161 pts.

  Plaguebringer with Death's heads, Rot Proboscis






So to share my thinking here:


Typhus belongs in the Land Raider with the Terminators, who all have paid for power fists because I asked my group if they minded me using the Deathshroud power scythes which have the same cost (if I have an opponent who doesn't want that then I'll have some free points and will count them as power axes instead). This unit will be my beaststick killing whatever I deem appropriate that's not a vehicle.


The Sorceror (who also has a scythe) will be with the bikers and they will proceed to tear up vehicles or rip through light infantry.

Also to note Sorceror will be taking Biomancy.


Plague Marines can camp an objective in mid or proceed up to rip into light infantry and sieze objectives there.


Heldrake is really my only anti-air which does worry me some. 


Deamon Prince will go Malefic Deamonology and will summon whatever seems to be the most useful.


Plaguebearers are there to block lanes and if possible hold objectives simultaneously.


Plague Drones I have no particular reason to bring but just seemed like they'd fit.


Sorry for the novel but wanted to make it clear not just what the list consisted of but my thoughts on it as well

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You may consider a palanquin/bbos/pf lord rather than typhus. Although I would have to see the list play more to really make a guess. Do you plan on taking malefic with the dp? Without some more units I would be worried about scoring.

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I do plan on Malefic for the DP. and I heavily considered a regular lord (though not on palanquin since he'd be riding in a LR) even calculated him tricking him out for CC. I decided the extra 50 pts roughly was worth it for the destroyer hive and 3 of the 4 nurgle psychic powers (2 plus primaris with psychic focus) plus 2 warp charge dice per turn. 

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I'd do the following for point cost vs effectiveness reasons:


1. Use  a Chaos Lord with Power Fist and Lightning Claw and Palanquin instead of Typhus. Typhus hits at Initiative 1, could end up hurting himself with Daemon Weapon and actually doesn't kill Infantry as fast as a Lord with PF & LC (or even Black Mace)


2. Scrap the Termi Power Fists for Power Axes. Or maybe 1 Chain Fist if you're really worried about armor but don't try to have units be overly expensive jack of all trades. If they are going after Infantry with Flamer then stick to anti-Infantry


3. Scrap the Combis on the Bikes as you already have Meltas - again don't try to have units be overly expensive jack of all trades


4. Instead, give the Plague Marines Plasma Guns (2 per squad)


5. Plaguebearers could use a Herald for FNP


6. Plaguedrones could use an Icon as they can push forward fast and then you can Deep Strike the Bearers or the Prince on top of them



With the above you have more focus.


Termis go after Infantry.


Bikes go after Armor.


Plagues go after TEQs.


Plaguebearers hold Objectives.


Heldrake goes anti-air.


Drone can react if something goes sideways.

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So i had to rework the list quite a bit after a crushing defeat by a guard tau leafblower list. Cut the land raider and a termy shrunk both plague marine units to 7 and both plaguebearer units to 10. Added 2 trip las predators a defiler and a soulgrinder thoughts?
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