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Psychic Scream and Chariot


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Thread title pretty much states it. Psychic Scream would inflict 3D6-LD wounds on the rider, and do nothing on the chariot. Can the controlling player just assign it to the chariot?

I feel like yes currently :)


Cheers, Ushtarador

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Ηm... if it says wounds, i dont think he can choose chariot, cause it inflicts wounds without a S given to re-allocate the wounds to AV chariot...  Those chariots need FAQs....i believe are so bad written and op...

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Psychic Shriek must roll to hit. If you do so successfully, you've caused 1 hit and so have a hit pool.


The player controlling the chariot allocates each hit pool to either the rider or the chariot.


Simply allocate the hit to the chariot, and psychic shriek does nothing.

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