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primarch killing options?

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What set up are you currently using to kill primarchs at the 2k point?


im looking at the cerastus knight as an option but not entirely sure I5 on the charge will make any difference.  Perhaps 2 x venators would be a better option and even look at the option of 3 x venators?


Close combat is hard to pull off at the cost efficiency end for points so im guessing firepower is the ony real option?

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please note i said the 2000pts limit - i cant stick my warhound in until 3000pts


regarding plasma its difficult to get lots when the options are thallax and myrmidon secutors. It turns out pretty expensive in points :(

Most effective is probably the venator plasma fusil weaponry it has.

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Unfortunately I think you are stuck with:

Secutors with Graviton or Plasma

Ursarax with Volkite (Blast)

Destructors with Graviton or Photon

Thallax with their one Plasma, Photon or Multi-Melta


Anything with AP2+ in volume.


Otherwise maybe a Lightning with Kraken or Phosphex

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  • 1 month later...

You could tie one up for a while with this guy;


Malagra Arch-Magos w/master-crafted paragon blade+chainfist, abeyant, machinator array, cyber-familiar, rad grenades, cyber-occularis

(255 points)


Paragon blade is for stabbing non-Primarch characters, obviously you'd just choose chainfist against a Primarch. They're at -1 Toughness, and you're a T6 W4 with 2+/3+ and IWND. Might rip half the wounds off a weaker one before you succumb. 

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