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Drop Podding Chaos Marines


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I've one myself a cheap Drop Pod on ebay and am going to ally in a space marine squad so I can represent an elite Chaos squad podding in just like in the fluff.


Which codex do you think I should use? I am leaning toward a Space Wolf Pod with Wolf Guard as they can be outfitted for any role (likely combi meltas) but I'm really sure about the benefits/disadvantages of other Marine dexes.

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Dreadclaws are overpriced and less useful. Using CtA allied pods is cheaper, more effective, and die just as well as our suicide units, but more efficiently.



If I'm going to pay the points for a suicide unit, I'll pay the least as possible.


Squad of 10 Wolf Guard could work, 3 combi-meltas and 2 combi-flamers, possible a powerfist or meltabombs if the whole suad doesn't die and I get to charge something.

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Yeah... I find myself very much wanting to get 2 old dreadclaws and proxy them as loyalist droppods for chaos unbound lists. If we ever get the rumored chosen box they'd make perfect sternguard. I like to run 5 ultramarines sternguard w combi-plasma in pods.
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But unless you use Unbound, you'll still need 1 HQ and 1 Troop in addition to Wolf Guard. Unless you take whats his name HQ that makes Wolf Guard Troop.


Will be more expensive than a Dreadclaw but you get the additional SW HQ. Not sure how effective a lone SW HQ will be though.

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