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dedicated transports and unbound armies

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May be an easy one, but just wanted a bit of clarification, apologies if it has already been covered.


In an unbound army can you only take units normally found in the dedicated transport section as a dedicated transport, or can you take them as a unit on their own. For example a drop pod is normally only available as a dedicated transport, could I take it as a unit of it's own without needing a squad for it?

I would have thought that, in theory at least, yes you could.  However the power of the transport is usually the unit that it contains (I'm aware that certain transports may be exceptions [cough]Night Scythes[/cough]).  A drop pod on it's own is a (relatively) easy kill point, although it could be used as a line of sight blocker, I suppose.


Essentially there is no FoC for unbound armies, you can take whatever you want, from whatever codex.  Jumble them up and get going... the only thing to be careful of is the allies matrix and the effects of Desperate Allies / Come the Apocalypse.


Now that does raise the idea of other marines "borrowing" Blood Angels Razorbacks and Rhinos (thus benefiting from fast transports)... or indeed Marines "borrowing" Chimeras etc.


Effectively Unbound is Apocalypse play... there are no limits... take what you want...


The idea behind it is to allow the free creation of themed lists, or to recreate famous battles from the background, without having to worry about meeting restrictions.  If your approaching it with that intent, then I doubt you'll have any problems.

yeah the drop pod was just an example I picked, the question came up actually because of Bjorn the Fell handed who cannot take a drop pod (outside fw at least)


but it does open some options that can be used


Many thanks

You could include any number of Dedicated Transports you wanted.  Like a load of Grey Knight Razors for thier guns and Warp Charges.


The debatable question is whether other units could start embarked upon them.


Unbound doesn't specifically negate the Dedicated Transport restrions on embarked units.


It just waivers any Detachment Restricions (of which Unbound uses *no* Detachment to not follow thier restirction...), and has no FoC.

Not a bad question.  I think the intention of unbound is to just bring whatever models in whatever slots of codex entries in your list.  That said, dedicated transports are purchased with the entry, similar to wargear.  To me, the option to purchase a dedicated transport only happens when the unit that has access to it purchases it as well.  Then again, Unbound is Unbound...

Like I said, it offers up some unique options for narrative play (don't shoot me please... tongue.png ).

[slightly off topic]

For example, a surrounded and trapped force of Crimson Fists getting evacuated by a Mechanised force of Blood Angels.

You could have Kantor and 2-3 units of Sternguard, plus maybe a Dreadnought or Thunderfire Cannon etc. starting on the table, with a Blood Angels force of Baal Predators and Rhinos/Razorbacks starting in reserve... The aim being to extract the Crimson Fists before they're overwhelmed.

Now there was nothing really stopping you doing this at any point in the history of 40k (except people's imagination), but it's now that much easier to do.

[/slightly off topic]

I would imagine that the ruling about units not being able to deploy in "another units" dedicated transport would have to be agreed between players as it's not really covered in the unbound rules.

Dedicated Transports are units in their own right.  But Unbound only relaxes 'detachment restrictions'.  The restricion on what unit can start the game embarked in a dedicated transport isn't a detachment restriction, but a rule of Transports.


Unbound does nothing to change those rules.

Which only restricts which units can deploy in those transports. As far as I understood the OP, he wasn't asking to deploy dedicated transports with other units in them. He was asking if he could add them to his list on their own, when otherwise they would be unavailable to us without bringing the unit that unlocked their purchase.

... he did then clarify that he would like to put Bjorn in a Drop Pod, which is why the discussion has progressed slightly.  So, would such a union be allowed?

(See post #3 in this thread)


I'd be tempted to say yes, as having Bjorn come down in a Drop Pod would be a cool cinematic moment in the game.

It's cool, but sadly not allowed.


Dedicated Transports (Page 82);




when it is deployed, it can only carry the unit it was selected with


This is a Transport restriciton, and Unbound does nothing to remove it.


Sure, you can take a DT in a Unbound army without taking a unit with it, but in that case nothing can be embarked when it is deployed.

I'm aware of that, but what I'm getting at is that if I were playing an unbound game against an opponent then it's more than likely to be a narrative affair rather than a competitive one, in which case the flagrant breaking of the dedicated transport rules would most likely be discussed and agreed before the game.


RAW wise, you're right.  However, the way I see unbound games... playing loose with the rules may well be required.  Now I like RAW, it's useful, especially in a competitive framework, but I doubt we'll see too many examples of competitive gaming involving unbound armies, they're just too difficult to balance.

yeah i think the best answer really has been ask your opponent, personally I think there are only very specific circumstances when you would want a dedicated transport on it's own anyway (like the bjorn example I used)


Thanks for your input all

  On 6/5/2014 at 3:28 PM, Kristoff said:

  On 6/5/2014 at 10:34 AM, Raeven said:

It would be nice to bring your entire army in drop pods. Terminators and bikes too. msn-wink.gif

To bad Bikes can't be transported in Drop Pods. Drop Pods don't list them as an exception.


Too bad :<


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