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How Far Could We Take Unbound Lists?


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Ok so, I've got a knight and a drop pod. Next up is a squad of marines for the pod but... how far do we take unbound?


Grey Knight Paladins as Thousand Sons Terminators? Carnifexes as abhuman mutants from the Eye?


Is it OK to take unbound and counts as this far?

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Why not? The only problem I see is that if you go too far, you end up with One Eye Open screwing you around loads. Also you may well end up breaking yourself carrying that many Codexes.



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The obvious stuff is Astra Millitarum (however the new silly name for Imperial Guard is spelt). Corrupted PDF forces and access too tank squadrons and a load of Lords of Chaos like the Stormlord and other huge armour pieces.

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Take Ahriman and a big unit of cultists for psychic shenanigans.


Then take the knight and some drop podding sternguard, then 2 tactical squads with ML for cheap combat squadding scoring, then Tigurius for ML3 and rerolling goodness. Add some devastator centurians to count as super obliterators, and a Stormraven for some air dominance. 


If you have trouble fitting all this in, you can drop Ahriman and the cultists.

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I would have no problem with my opponent taking random units for counts as - orks as mutants, canifexes as big mutants like you said, it sounds fun.


I just hope it does not go as far as Xenith suggested though as if one cuts Ahriman and the Cultists, you end up with what is basically a battle forged ultramarine army with an imperial knight, leaving one in the same position many of those unhappy with the codex were already in before 7th.


I will personally be using unbound to create more fluff oriented lists such as a Lost and the Damned type army with orks as mutants and imperial guard led by a chaos lord/dark apostle.

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Thousand Sons Terminator Sorcerers: 5 Sorcerers from Codex Chaos Space Marines in Terminator Armour, slaps the Grey Knights around silly.


I personally don't like the idea of using lots of counts as, mainly because it gets confusing fast.


The Imperial Guard (I refuse to use that other name) are a good choice, but the things people are saying are perfectly doable outside of unbound IMO.


The Thousand Sons idea I like and you could use as Unbound: aforementioned Sorcerers, Ahriman, Primaris and  Wyrdvane Pskers a plenty and cultists. The IG pskers are the sacrifices which is why they have "one eye open" - they know something is up. The Cultists know whats going on and true devotees, the TS are there to reap the rewards.


Thing with Unbound, it's for fluff, but bouncing around codexes will just be a nightmare. Try to stick to one or two codexes, but think what the army wants to be first.

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I would say the easy one is Inquisitors you could make them Radical or Heretic Inquisitors and their henchmen just followed. You could also do Legion of the Damned and make the even more sinister like they are some sort of half demon warped marine ghost.

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Thing with Unbound, it's for fluff, but bouncing around codexes will just be a nightmare. Try to stick to one or two codexes, but think what the army wants to be first.

This. Unbound makes the modeler in me a very happy bear but the reality of it is it'll probably be hard for me to keep up with all the different rules, let alone my opponents. Considering this I'll stick to very clear counts as conversions, e.g. Renegade inquisitors, drop pod with veterans.

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A elite core of MoT CSMs, with loads upon loads of ...whatever Storm Troopers are called.

UNSC army, Spartans and ODSTs-the Spartans are S3s, so have to be kept secret from the general public (what with the problems and the rampant 'we're sending ampped up war orphans on suicide missions')  so that justtifies One Eye Open.

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My plans personally


Khorne daemons with WE(using SW dex for juggernaut riders and CSM dex for hel drake and lords)


210 Zombies with typhus and support(thinking two knights and heldrakes)  


Word Bearer Terminator army(A personal dream of mine)


Word Bearer with traitor guard support and Daemons.


I can't wait to try these all out.  

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Take Ahriman and a big unit of cultists for psychic shenanigans.


Then take the knight and some drop podding sternguard, then 2 tactical squads with ML for cheap combat squadding scoring, then Tigurius for ML3 and rerolling goodness. Add some devastator centurians to count as super obliterators, and a Stormraven for some air dominance. 


If you have trouble fitting all this in, you can drop Ahriman and the cultists.

Or skip Ahriman as you said and you are playing a Battleforged SM army...

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My plans personally


Khorne daemons with WE(using SW dex for juggernaut riders and CSM dex for hel drake and lords)


210 Zombies with typhus and support(thinking two knights and heldrakes)  


Word Bearer Terminator army(A personal dream of mine)


Word Bearer with traitor guard support and Daemons.


I can't wait to try these all out.  

Why not just have 'lesser' Juggernaught lords-not that using the space wolf codex is bad or anything.

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