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Best Weapon Options for the Predator

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I just added a chaos predator to my army and I'm wondering what fellow chaos players generally consider to be the best weapons options. I know it's far from our best heavy support choice, but I like tanks so I'm always going to have a few in my army.


I'm thinking either keep it cheap, just add heavy bolters and keep it under 100pts for some anti infantry firepower, or make it more expensive and throw on as many lasercannons as I can. Given the other vehicles I usually take are a forgefiend and heldrake, I'm leaning towards the lasercannon option to give me some dedicated anit armor (my only other anti armor being 1-2 melta guns).

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Sounds like the lascannon option is your best bet. It's one of the cheapest ways to get lascannon on the board and the new vehicle damage table just made it more durable.


It also is a simple unit for target priority which helps make in game tactical decisions easier.

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I'm still a huge fan of the humble Auto-las.  It does well in just about every game I use it in.


I usually pair it with a Vindicator and a couple of Rhinos (with Chosen inside).  Gives me a nice core of armour.


I also have a Dakka-pred (Autocannon, Heavy Bolters, Havok Launcher, Warpflame Gargoyles) which can pump out a load of Horde-shredding firepower, albeit as a pill box (it rarely moves).


I used to run the TL Las, Heavy Bolter variant back when I ran World Eaters, it never did much.  The lack of crossover between the weapons hurt it, badly.  The Auto-las is usually the better option because the Autocannon can deal with (light) vehicles in addition to the Lascannons.  The Lascannons in turn remain viable against infantry, especially late game where the option to try and character snipe raises it's head (depleted bodyguards making the character vulnerable).


The Relic Predators are something I've looked at with misty eyes as well.  The Plasma Destructor (as Max says) being the one I like the look of the most, for the reason he gives... 3 Plasma Cannon rounds hurts!  The Flamestorm Cannon appeals as well (though it needs a fast platform (Lucifer Engines) to truly excel, which we lack access to).


The best advice would be to look at your list and work out which areas are in need of a boost, as there's likely to be a Predator variant that can fill that void.  Just make sure you have at least a couple more tanks to try and overwhelm the enemies anti-tank capabilities.

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Relic Predator with the plasma destroyer. Someone else here suggested it to me, and I tried it and discovered that it wrecks face.

I can confirm this. Relic Preds with Plasma Destroyers are awesome  and useful against most anything. Can only recommend them provided your opponents don't have a problem with you using Forgeworld units (which they shouldn't).

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Relic predator sounds great, love the potential of 3 plasma cannons, I just probably won't get my hands on one for sometime and I don't tend to use FW units, though I think I'll have to make an exception for the relic.


Autocannon+lasers sounds like a nice way to keep the lasercannon variant cheaper, I just see those shots being less useful when you want to use the pred against AV13/14. Either way I'm leaning towards autocanons/las or just las. 


Thanks for the advice. 

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AC/Las is generally my preference - but there's milage for Tri-Las for your tank killing, and perhaps AC/HBs if you fancy mixing it up and going anti-troop! Appreciate for what you want it'll be either of the former.

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Autocannon+lasers sounds like a nice way to keep the lasercannon variant cheaper, I just see those shots being less useful when you want to use the pred against AV13/14. Either way I'm leaning towards autocanons/las or just las. 


The AC/LC variant has been a tried and true performer now for the last 3 editions. It brings a lot of value for the points you're spending and while it might not be the best option in any given situation, it can still respond effectively. 

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I've had the best result with tri-las predator, it's cheaper than lascannon havocs, but I love simple autocannon, heavy bolters, havoc launcher and warpflame gargoyles, it' just so much fun to fire four weapons at some light infantry from 36" range :)
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Autolas has worked for me in the past, but with the new vehicle damage chart, I'm inclined to try trilas in the future.  If I don't just skip straight to the relic.  It'll be a while before I get around to messing with predators again, though.

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Depends on how you run them I find, and what you need.


I've got one list written up that has 3 of them, 2 of them are tri-las anihalators because I need the long range anti-tank (especially these days) the other I am going to try out as an auto-cannon/Heavy bolter warpflame variant to help my marines deal with hordes.

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Relic Predator with the plasma destroyer. Someone else here suggested it to me, and I tried it and discovered that it wrecks face.


Where would I find the rules for such a glorious device, might I ask?


Aside from that, I'd have to agree with the others. You can never go wrong with the AC/LC Pred. Add on Warpflame Gargoyles and a Havoc Launcher for some extra, albeit stationary, firepower.

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Relic predator sounds great, love the potential of 3 plasma cannons, I just probably won't get my hands on one for sometime and I don't tend to use FW units, though I think I'll have to make an exception for the relic.

I'm working on making my own with leftover parts. I'm not 100% this is how I'm going to do it, though:


3 plasma shots per round that don't have Gets Hot! is good, three tanks putting out 9 plasma templates is ungodly, believe me. They make things go away with a quickness.

Where would I find the rules for such a glorious device, might I ask?

EDIT: Imperial Armour Apocalypse (2013 edition) is where the Chaos Relic Predator rules can be found.

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Thats the book whos mystery is urpassed only y its power right? Seriously cant wait to get my hands on that.


I still take a plain Las turret no sponsons, ive found I save more points for other goodies 2 of them mostly take anti high AV. Anyone else not take sponsons?

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Thats the book whos mystery is urpassed only y its power right? Seriously cant wait to get my hands on that.


The Harlequins keep stealing it en route to the publishers and taking it back to its hiding spot deep in the webway.


But I was taught faith and patience by being a SoB player, so I'm sure it will come eventually...

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I have run a autolas Predator many times and it always performs. I also do something many might think odd, I put a Havoc Launcher on my autolas.


I have found that since I always try to keep the Predator in cover, it is sometimes deprived of good targets for the lascannons (especially if you face fast enemies like Eldar). The Havoc launcher removes one glaring weakness of the autolas without costing much. It has also helped me out a lot when it put the finishing wound on a Wraithlord, not to mention all the Eldar infantry and 'Nid infantry it has killed over the years.

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I have run a autolas Predator many times and it always performs. I also do something many might think odd, I put a Havoc Launcher on my autolas.



Makes sense to me, it's another 48" weapon that has some value against light armor but adds that missing punch against infantry. Turns it into a true all comer vehicle. 

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Thats the book whos mystery is urpassed only y its power right? Seriously cant wait to get my hands on that.


I still take a plain Las turret no sponsons, ive found I save more points for other goodies 2 of them mostly take anti high AV. Anyone else not take sponsons?


I don't see why you would not take sponsons unless you were really tight on pts. Sponsons means spending 20-40pts to essentially triple your damage output..seems like a no brainer to me.


I'll have to get my hands on imperial armor book apocalypse at some point. 2+ relics just sounds nasty.

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I'm also in with auto-las preds. The strength of all of the weapons mean they can take on most targets with relative ease, and I generally use it a a big game hunter (ie, shooting Nob retinues, Nid Warriors, Wraithguard/lords etc) as it can make its points back easier and quicker with these targets. I do have a tri-las pred in the works too though, for that extra anti-armour punch. 

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