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Best Weapon Options for the Predator

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I gotta say, the Auto/Las was pretty awesome in the last game I played (yesterday).  I won't say it "bull:cussted" on the Wraith knight, but it helped put a couple of wounds on it (which my Oblits finished).  


7th is really weird in that, my Tau army would always take out the scoring units first...and then go about killing the rest of the army at my leisure.  Now it's like...everything's scoring...I tried not to think about it too much (I think and play differently with my Tau than when I play with my Chaos) and I had a good game-utilizing beserkers and keeping my army generally assault oriented with minor fire support.


It was hard...way harder than if I'd brought my tau, and it kind of felt wrong at first when I thought about how my beserkers were fighting "weaklings" of the Guardians...but they went through those elves like crap through a goose it was AWESOME again.


I kinda want to get another predator now.

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7th is really weird in that, my Tau army would always take out the scoring units first...and then go about killing the rest of the army at my leisure.  Now it's like...everything's scoring...I tried not to think about it too much (I think and play differently with my Tau than when I play with my Chaos) and I had a good game-utilizing beserkers and keeping my army generally assault oriented with minor fire support.



I think that's better - like to how it used to be. Everything now a threat. Brilliant!

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I often focus on the big guns first and push forward with two Riptides to really squeeze my opponent, while Hammerheads shoot stuff. Then after that the Outflanking Kroot and Fire Warriors appear, and I surround and annihilate my opponent's forces. It really did terrify them when I switched to an aggressive Tau list that steals their own Deployment Zone, at least it's not, "them just running up towards me and getting shot," eh? :P

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But that list makes no sense in an enviroment where there are better alfa strike list. If you don't get turn 1 and play against WS you would get anihilated.


everything is scoring helps little , till unbound is a formant where you don't have to ask your opponent to use it. Super scoring only change the game for armies with good transports. Pods , serpents or GK psychic razorbacks becoming scoring is huge.

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But that list makes no sense in an enviroment where there are better alfa strike list. If you don't get turn 1 and play against WS you would get anihilated.


Not when everything that matters is off-table ready to redeploy. If I get first turn, their alpha strike is dead, if they get first turn, they have to kill everything before my reinforcements arrive.

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But that list makes no sense in an enviroment where there are better alfa strike list. If you don't get turn 1 and play against WS you would get anihilated.


Not when everything that matters is off-table ready to redeploy. If I get first turn, their alpha strike is dead, if they get first turn, they have to kill everything before my reinforcements arrive.


And that's why I can't in good conscience make an Alpha Legion army (30k or 40k) because Tau just do that kind of thing better with the rules and tools available to them than ANY Space Marine Legion or Chapter does.  I love the Alpha Legion most of all the legions-mostly from the Index Astartes article that said they trained their recruits as TEAMS and frowned on personal Heroics.  I didn't care for the making themselves look like eachother/Alpharius, or all that-but that they could always advance with the mission and adapt as necessary to accomplish the goals.  That's AWESOME.  That's VERY Spartan-esque.


That said, I don't get the feeling of "Total battlespace control" with any other army other than my tau.

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Me neither, though my Guard are a fun, new departure.


The new list isn't competitive by any stretch, but the switch from a sit back 'n' shoot to swarming my opponent's Deployment Zone from all sides is incredibly fun and really scares my opponents! 20 Kroot Outflanking can drop 40 S4 shots onto a backfield Infantry squad, then claim the Objective they were holding. A couple of Markerlights and you're stacking Wounds on that unit. You have to, otherwise the next turn the Kroot are all dead. Hence why Darkstrider comes in to deal with the harder targets alongside a Carbine team of Fire Warriors with the new Defensive Grenades with Blind.


The rest of my army is an aggressive, scary distraction to draw my opponent out of their Deployment Zone, really. Tau aren't just a shooting army, their Deployment and Movement options are also excellent if you build 'em right.

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Wouldnt the best loadout be the relic predator with plasma destroyer and lascannons? its only 20 points more than the triple las and you get 3 plasma blasts that dont get hot. If you want dakka then autocannon heavy bolter seems the way to go. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Retrieving this from the second page because I'm excited about my Chaos Relic Predator project.

Got some bits in the mail today, and I have a better concept going for the conversion. Behold!


That's not the chassis it's going to go on, I don't think. I'm going to shave off most of the exhaust stacks and add plastic tubing and see if I can't get creative and move the cupola back on the turret like the FW version, as well as some other minor things to make it look "older."

Just thought I'd bump this to share, because a Leman Russ plasma cannon bit is only like $7 on eBay, and not everybody can do FW or wants to deal with resin, and this awesome tank needs to be in every CSM army possible. msn-wink.gif

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I really should be working on my ETL vow right now, but last night I dug through my sprue collection and found a spare Rhino and started this:


I've been taking pictures of every step, so when I'm done I will have a fairly easy "Poor Man's Relic Predator Conversion" tutorial to post.

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