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Codex: SM Librarians in 7th


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7th edition has come, and wih it the tides of the empyrean have shifted. As the power of the various disciples waxes and wanes, it's time to take a look, at the various tables and what they do for us, as well as our options for accessing them. First allow me to clarify; standard librarians do not have access to divination, the tick on the reference sheet refers to the fact Tigurius can take it. You still refer to individual unit entires as per the codex for normal librarians. With that I consider that we have he following options:

1) Bare bones Librarian
The basic Libby is a pretty good stat line for his points cost, and gives access to biomancy, telepathy, telekinesis, pyromancy and demonology. Upgrade to Lvl 2 for a power fist is a good upgrade if you have the points spare, but often you'll only be taking the bare bones Libby to fill the mandatory HQ requirement. One point of contention is that the only way to get an invun for a bare bones Libby is the shield eternal, which is probably wasted seeing as it costs almost as much as the librarian itself.

2) TDA Librarian
For a power fist more than a normal Libby you upgrade to a 2+ save and a 5+ Invun, as well as gaining the ability to deep strike. The latter is only relevant if you're going to be joining a unit of terminators really, as TDA otherwise prevents you from entering any transport other than a land raider. This option also gives you access to a storm shield for the price of a meltagun, giving him a fairly reliable invun and bringing to the same cost as 4 power fists. Not a terrible choice if you're taking terminators anyway and don't want to fork out the points for a captain/CM.

A TDA Libby with SS and biomancy can be a fairly good CC HQ, but requires a fair amount of luck to get the right powers, and you'll probably have to take some other psykers to act as warp charge batteries, which pushes the cost up.

3) Tigurius (UM chapter tactics only)
With codex marines being able to take other chapte tacticsas an allied detachment, even if you play another chapter Tiggy is still an option. Until an FAQ lands is still unclear exactly how Tiggys ability to reroll failed tests interacts with 7th, but he's still an outstanding Psyker for his points. He's also the only Psyker to be able to access divination, although this is less desirable than it used to be (I'll cover this eventually). Regardless, being able to reroll which powers you get in the first place, as well as being the only ML3 Psyker in the book still makes him pretty powerful, but you're unlikely to be able to cast all 3 unless you take some cheap warp charge batteries.

GK, Inquisitor and AM allies to follow.


I'll come and say it right off the bat - I don't think this codex is built with this discipline in mind. The increased risk of perils on what is already a fairly fragile platform is, in my opinion, not worth it, particularly as the more powerful spells from malefic/sanctic tend to be ML2 or higher. I'll probably come back to cover this a bit later in more details, but for know if you want malefic, you're probably playing the wrong codex, and if you want sanctic, you should be looking at Grey Knight allies (might do a bit on this if I expand the article later).

Mostly a damage dealing discipline with a couple of support spells thrown in. Most of the powers in this discipline are good against horde targets (gants, boyz, GEQ) with only molten beam being useful against MC's or armoured targets.

Flame breath - people trash this all the time, but an extra heavy flamer template is ok I suppose. Being able to use psychic powers on one target and shoot another has helped this, although if you're close enough to use this you'll probably want to assault that target anyway. Mediocre.

Fiery form - a 4++ and flaming attacks is ok, but not outstanding, and only affects the Psyker, and ideally you want to keep a Libby out of combat, and if you're going the CC TDA Libby route, biomancy is better. Rerolling pyromancy wounds is a nice bonus, but you're probably better off going for another witch fire if you're that way inclined, particularly useful in conjunction with low S pyromancy powers like inferno. Mediocre.

Fire shield - 4+ cover to one unit in 24 and difficult terrain. Would be good if ignores cover wasn't so common (tau, divination, barrage etc). I consider it mediocre for a MEQ or TEQ unit, but GEQ would benefit greatly from this, and could save you having to buy an aegis line if you take blob squads/conscripts. The addition that ground within 6" counts as difficult is very good for a unit about to be charged, and could swing a combat entirely in your favour. Occasionally an opponent will put objectives in the open, forcing you to break cover in order to seize, and hoping to then remove you from said objective with low AP weaponry. This could be valuable in such an instance.

Spontaneous combustion - looks good until you realise that as a witchfire you have to roll to hit and then roll to wound. The way it reads also leads me to believe the initial wounded model gets cover saves, even if the rest don't. Short ranged as well as being a witch fire, making it easier for opponents to DTW against you. Focussed witchfire gives you an invaluable way to pick out special/heavy weapons in a unit however, and S6 AP3 makes it fairly reliable at killing MEQ.

Sunburst - Very short ranged and low S makes it primarily good against horde infantry, but its a nova so that does with the territory, but has WC1 and a fairly high damage output (assault 2D6) it is situationally very useful. Has enough damage potential to be worthwhile for use against MEQ/TEQ as well as GEQ if you find yourself in range with a spare warp charge.

Inferno - assault large blast ignores cover with S4 AP5 makes it amazing at clearing GEQ from behind an aegis line, but can be used against tougher infantry (think tactical marines / fire warriors) fairly reliably as well. If this was a WC1 power I think it would be strong, but WC2 is a little steep IMO. Assault means you dont have to take TDA though, and its a power that is very rarely not going to find some use if you can get it off. And you librarian can cast it from inside a Rhino!

Molten beam - a WC2 meltagun, does exactly what it says on the tin. My issue with this power is that you can't rely on getting it, and so it has no strategic value pre-game in making your Libby a reliable form of anti tank. However, the changes to beam powers mean that you could be getting an auto-hit meltagun for free, with the potential to hit more than one target if they're close to one another. If taking a TDA Libby deep striking with a unit of Termies, this would be a very useful power to roll.

Largely benefits a ranged support Psyker, CC psykers should look elsewhere. Choosing this discipline requires a healthy pool of WC dice, as 3/7 powers are WC2, something a lot of people won't take into account when choosing it. Consider bringing GK allies or cheap WC battery units, as a bad WC roll could rain on your parade if you rely too heavily on these powers.

Prescience - same as before, still good but now WC2. That's a big nerf, and with the increased difficulty to casting psychic powers means it's not the auto take it was before. Requires your Psyker to effectively be a babysitter for a ranged unit if your taking him/her just for this power, and with the increased difficulty to cast powers, I'd say the days of the lvl1 Inquisitor just for servo skulls and divination as an auto take are gone. Still good as a primaris, but no longer the power house it was.

Foreboding - the value of this power varies depending on what unit your Psyker is. It's therefore going to be hugely situational, and it's use could vary. Probably worth switching for prescience depending on the unit that accompanies your Psyker. Mediocre simply because it's use is going to be so dependent on the unit he/she accompanies.

Forewarning - useful for almost any unit bar hammernators when facing death by quality of fire rather than quantity. Still excellent for centurions, or any allied unit (eg guardsmen blobs) with naturally poor saves, but not so valuable for MSU armies. Could be combined with Sanctuary from sanctic demonology for a 3++, but you're tempting the wrath of the dice gods if you rely on it.

Perfect timing - the ability to ignore cover for a WC1 power is very good, but forces you into taking your Psyker as a ranged unit babysitter. Due to the nerf to jink, 7th edition is likely to bring fewer cover saves, however wave serpents, autarchs with mantle of the laughing god and night fighting are still about. Tigurius / GK librarian in a guard blob squad behind a defence line with this an foreboding is going to be going to put out a frightening amount of firepower, be difficult to shift and nigh on impossible to assault. Good for any ranged support Psyker.

Precognition - on the face of it, rerolling wounds, hits and your own armour saves sounds awesome, but unfortunately you can only take this on Tiggy for C:SM, a AM primaris Psyker, an inquisitor or a GK GM/Libby. Of all those, only the GK GM really wants to be in combat. All the others have only T3 or 2 wounds, making them far too fragile to risk in combat, especially if they're you're warlord (I know some of them can't, but worth a mention). Combat psykers exist, and this is good for them, but avoid if unless going down that route. Poor for most of the choices available to C:SM, and probably the weakest power in this discipline.

Misfortune - this took a big hit in 7th, and is also a WC2 power. A good power to take if you have a lot of guardsmen, or DAngel dakka banner, or a lot of bolters, but a balanced list should be bringing the tools to deal with 2+ saves without having to rely on this power, and most C:SM lists simply don't have the volume of fire that this power would take advantage of. Being a Malediction, this can be denied easier than a blessing, as any unit with adamantium will or a high mastery level Psyker could be getting a 4+ on their DTW rolls. Poor for most SM armies, but finds a place in dakka banner or infantry guard lists.

Scrier's gaze - as useful as being able to reroll reserves and outflank is, mysterious objectives isn't as useful (unless you're relying on sky fire nexus being the result, which is probably a poor game plan), and discarding a tactical objective is entirely hit or miss - there's no guarantee you'll get anything better for you. Tigurius definitely doesn't want this power, as he's already giving you rerolls to reserves, and WC2 is a high cost for this power. It also requires a fair amount of planning ahead, as the psychic phase happens after mysterious objectives, reserves and outflank (and tactical objectives if memory serves), meaning you have to use this power the turn before you want to gain any benefit from it. I think there are better powers in this discipline for most psykers out there.



This discipline is a bit of a mixed bag, some nice utility and damage dealing powers mixed with some lacklustre rolls as well. It's a good choice for the basic barebones mandatory HQ choice, as the potential to get levitation or objuration mechanicum for WC1 could make your otherwise mediocre HQ into a fairly useful utility character, and the primaris now isn't too bad with the changes to beam powers. Take for an all round utility character,


Assail - an 18" beam with S6 is actually surprisingly good, now that you dont lose -1S for every target it passes through. You could be causing a fair abount of wounds, but this is largely dependent upon positioning of enemy models, and being able to get your psyker into a decent position as well. Strikedown is a nice little buff as well, giving the power the potential to swing a combat in your favour, on top of just being a pure DPS power.


Crush - being a completely random S and AP makes this one hard to judge - it could be S2 AP6 and struggle to take down a grot, or get a good S6+ with AP1-3 and be useful for taking out heavy/special weapons in a MEQ/TEQ unit. The average roll on a 2D6 should give you a decent strength (7-8) but the same can't be said for AP. I'd rate this slightly below spontaneous combusion as a focussed witchfire.


Objuration Mechanicum - for WC1, this power offers utility against infantry and vehicles. For a unit about to rapid fire, gets hot! can generate a few wounds, although rarely more than a straight up DPS power. The real gem here is that against vehicles, it counts as a S1 haywire hit. This could be the final hull point of a Leman Russ, or a Land Raider carrying those nasty TH+SS terminators about to mess up your gunline. It can also hit flyers, an although they aren't the OMG units they used to be, its another source of anti air. It has the same problem as molten beam however, as you can't rely on getting it you can't plan around its use.


Shockwave - another nova, with decent damage potential as it rolls 2D6 to generate wounds. Has the usual nova problem of being very short ranged, and is mostly inferior to sunburst, with no AP and doesn't ignore cover. As with sunburst, has the potential to be useful against most infantry targets if you get a high wound roll, but if you're looking for pure DPS powers this isn't the discipline for you anyway.


Levitation - probably the best power in this discipline, a free 12" move for WC1 can be a game changer. Although it isn't going to damage you enemies in any way, or make you harder to kill, it gives you the ability to screen a unit from LoS, move onto an objective, block enemy movement, get out of charge range etc. Although you can't charge after using, you still get to shoot, which can set up some sneaky directional fire shenanigans. For WC1 this is an excellent power, and almost any unit can benefit from its effects.


Telekine dome - essentially an inferior version of forewarning from divination, same range, worse invun save, and costs WC2. Its hard to defed a power thats straight up worse than another, but I suppose this power has decent utility for a unit thats expecting to receive some low AP shooting in the next turn - think tacticals on an objective about to be blasted by a battlecannon, or for GEQ in the open against most shooting. Probably the weakest power in this discipline, but not a terrible power.


Psychic maelstrom - this bad boy will require some serious WC dice behind it in order to get off successfully, although a S10 AP1 barrage large blast can seriously ruin someones day. Having said that its only 12" range, which makes it most suited to a psyker who has the means to get close to the enemy, a TDA psyker deep striking is most likely the best way of achieving this, although as a witchfire, it can be cast by a libby in a Rhino out of the top hatch as well, which could work well to mitigate any damage caused if the template scatters. Casting this power is also going to require a fairly large warp charge dice pool, requiring you to invest quite heavily into additional psykers in the first place in order to reliably generate enough WC. At the end of the day, provided you can get close enough, this power can hurt pretty much anything except flyers / flying MC's, and your opponent knowing that a psyker with this power is getting close enough to use can force them to make some hard target priority choices, making it a potent power for the psychological threat alone.


First update complete, my next is telekinesis and fleshing out the pyromancy section.


Second update complete, upon reflection and having played a couple of games I feel I was too harsh on pyromancy; buffs to witchfire powers and their fairly reliable damage output of the discipline in general has given me cause to rate them a bit higher, particularly inferno being invaluable against guard blobs and boyz. Telekinesis also complete.


Next update: I plan on making some formatting changes to make it easier to read, and Telepathy is the next discipline on the list

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You really should be a little more thorough in your analysis if you want this thread to be taken seriously.  Any C:SM player can look at the spells in Pyromancy and say, "Nah, these aren't very good on average.  I'll pass."  Tactica Threads should instead take the route that says, "This power isn't very good, but if you're going to use it, here's the silver lining."



Molten Beam, for example.  Yes, it's a meltagun.  It's also a meltagun that can hit multiple targets because it's a beam power.  Jumping, deep striking (from TDA or Pack), or bike Libbies can take advantage of Molten Beam against armor-heavy armies like Imperial Guard gunlines by positioning to the flank of the gunline and cutting loose.  You only get a single DTW against each power, so as long as you get by the first, you can continue to punch through each vehicle in the entire range of the power.  It's best against Chimaerae thanks to their weaker side armor, but it's a good way to get mobility kills on a couple of Leman Russes.  Perhaps more important, it brings a S8 weapon to the table that exists outside of the two traditional combat phases -- meaning Shooting and Assault -- which provides Libbies with a whole other way of doubling-out T4 characters like your average Chaos Lord or Sorceror.  It's also important to note that AP1 just went from "nice to have" to "must have if AV14 hits the table."  The changes to the damage chart has made Land Raider worth their weight in gold once again, so bringing a meltagun to the table on a model that traditionally cannot carry one can be a huge game changer.

I'd say putting a Librarian in Terminator armour has more merit. An 8 man Tactical squad with plasma gun and combi plasma can hop into a Drop Pod and accompany the Librarian. Such a unit is going to be hard to ignore and take resources to remove, whilst adding a multiplier to your offence if you have other Drop Pod squads/Dreads.


I consider such a choice will thrive on biomancy thanks to the amount of AP2 shots you can get. Thanks to the proximity to the enemy the unit has, the Librarian isn't going to waste the other powers he could get (if not witchfire) as an assaulting Librarian is a threat in enemy back field.


If against Orks it could be worth considering changing up to Pyromancy though you'll likely not need flame shield as much. Said plasma Tactical becomes dangerous however when you can put a heavy flamer on the Orks, as well as sunburts and inferno. If you get fiery form you can actually cause a lot of damage. Same goes for a Tyranid army that isn't big beastie focused. I suppose if you are dropping down too and aiming to put the hurt on an army of Daemons then pyromancy can work there too.


Perhaps it's worth talking about what each discipline is good against? Biomancy will hurt Marines and Monstrous Creature themed lists, pyromancy against armies with large numbers of cheap troops, including Daemons. Telepathy seems to scream Tau to me.

I'd say putting a Librarian in Terminator armour has more merit. An 8 man Tactical squad with plasma gun and combi plasma can hop into a Drop Pod and accompany the Librarian. Such a unit is going to be hard to ignore and take resources to remove, whilst adding a multiplier to your offence if you have other Drop Pod squads/Dreads.

I thought a character in terminator armour couldn't go in a drop pod?


I consider such a choice will thrive on biomancy thanks to the amount of AP2 shots you can get. Thanks to the proximity to the enemy the unit has, the Librarian isn't going to waste the other powers he could get (if not witchfire) as an assaulting Librarian is a threat in enemy back field.



Witchfires were inferior to blessings in the last ed and they still are, even more so in comparison. Unless you are going to build the list around a cheap (allied) battery of psykers, focusing on the shooting powers will not net you a good ROI. 


A few blessings on the other hand stand a good chance of being cast every turn unless you are up against some ridiculous WC spam.



For pure funsies I definitely see the appeal of pyromancy!

Yes but you don't get the blessings and maldictions automatically. Otherwise it's a straight Enfeeble and Endurance choice for your Librarian!


However, my point is you can use the Witchfires if you roll them, plus you get a Primaris for free anyway so you can shoot if you want to.


As for whether blessings are better etc, it's a tough one. Psychic tests are harder to pull off so the benefits are less useful compared to the effort you put in. I rate Enfeeble as higher than Prescience, for example. Perfect Timing is great until you find your opponent isn't in cover or your expensive pysker has to babysit a shooting squad.


It's why I like biomancy and pyromancy for Librarians in Drop Pod squads. Both have powers that are going to be useful no matter what you roll (as described above).

I'd rate telepathy and telekinesis pretty high for such a unit. It's what I always go for with my librarian dreads (also podded). Maledictions gets rid of the 'to hit' roll, but you still allow improved 'deny' rolls.


Biomancy can be pretty sweet for a real beat stick like Mephiston or a DP, but the regular SM librarian isn't quite tough enough to throw into harms way even with those buffs. 


For straight up buffs an inquisitor or munitorum priest gets the job done without the need to roll psychic tests.

I don't think you're right on the Divination point. I'm at work so I don't have my 7th BRB at hand, but I'm pretty sure the chart is definitive what each army can take. Pretty sure it was mentioned in the columns discussing it in WD in the lead up to the release that they were opening the disciplines up. I could be completely wrong on that, but I don't think I am. Otherwise it would make more sense to leave Divination off and just have Tiggie's stats say he can take it. 

I don't think you're right on the Divination point. I'm at work so I don't have my 7th BRB at hand, but I'm pretty sure the chart is definitive what each army can take. Pretty sure it was mentioned in the columns discussing it in WD in the lead up to the release that they were opening the disciplines up. I could be completely wrong on that, but I don't think I am. Otherwise it would make more sense to leave Divination off and just have Tiggie's stats say he can take it. 

The BRB states that individual unit entries in the codex determine what disciplines can be taken. As divination isnt listed in the librarian unit entry, and we have no FAQ to say otherwise, currently C:SM librarian cannot take it. The only discipline FAQd in for 7th was deamonology.


I'll try to get round to my 1st update this evening.

Divination definitely isn't for Space Marines but said armies can gain access through Inquisitors and allies if need be.


Biomancy is great for the buffs it brings. A Librarian in Terminator armour with a Storm Shield and power axe is still going to out class basic infantry, including assault based ones, and if you need to have a scrap it's funny to have S8 or an extra 3 attacks. In the backfield Leman Russ tanks don't likethat.

Divination definitely isn't for Space Marines but said armies can gain access through Inquisitors and allies if need be.


Biomancy is great for the buffs it brings. A Librarian in Terminator armour with a Storm Shield and power axe is still going to out class basic infantry, including assault based ones, and if you need to have a scrap it's funny to have S8 or an extra 3 attacks. In the backfield Leman Russ tanks don't likethat.


I thought Tigurius could bring divination to the table? He seems kinda given anyway for a SM list with psykers. 


It still just a T4 model with 2 wounds base, can go down really quickly to just about anything. Specially since you'll either lowball your buffs, and then have a chance of them not going off at all. Or you throw more dice at them but risk perils.


Divination definitely isn't for Space Marines but said armies can gain access through Inquisitors and allies if need be.

Biomancy is great for the buffs it brings. A Librarian in Terminator armour with a Storm Shield and power axe is still going to out class basic infantry, including assault based ones, and if you need to have a scrap it's funny to have S8 or an extra 3 attacks. In the backfield Leman Russ tanks don't likethat.



I thought Tigurius could bring divination to the table? He seems kinda given anyway for a SM list with psykers. 


It still just a T4 model with 2 wounds base, can go down really quickly to just about anything. Specially since you'll either lowball your buffs, and then have a chance of them not going off at all. Or you throw more dice at them but risk perils.

True they are vulnerable but in Terminator armour with a Storm Shield? I wouldn't say go down to anything. I'd say that my Drop Pod force will have enough distraction to flood defences while my Honour Guard in a Land Raider zoom up the table, is a good way to overwhelm the staunchest Tau or Eldar cheese fest. :)


What I mean is biomancy goes well with the squad accompanying the Librarian and the powers can all be useful. 4 plasma shots from the Tactical squad and the Smite power st least will be a nice way to hurt elite targets I want to kill. The Tactical doctrine cements that. If I get Endurance then the squad is hard to remove, if I get Enfeeble then an opposing squad will be hurt bad by bolters.


All the while I have the option of other units to distract opponents in the Drop. So my Iron Arm or Warp Speed still finds a use (it won't always be the hardest opponent against the Librarian).

Since my local meta is an unfortunately tournament-heavy one, the psyker armies I'll likely be facing are going to be super heavy on WC dice: Eldar and Daemons, loaded down with psykers. So I'm considering not even fielding a Libby; +2 charges for dispelling isn't going to be a huge game changer, and I won't have enough dice at hand to push through spells anyway, so why bother? Besides, as an all-mechanized force, I can't cast two thirds of the powers anyways until I'm out of the tanks in Turn 3.

So instead, I think I'm going to take a pair of Land Raiders. devil.gif


True they are vulnerable but in Terminator armour with a Storm Shield? I wouldn't say go down to anything. 



I just feel that the meta has escalated to a point where a T4 2+ model will get offed by a strong breeze. :(


With enough threat saturation it's less of an issue as you say, and the librarian now never needs to be your warlord. 

I played yesterday with a ML2 Librarian against Sisters in a 1000 points game. Adamantium Will is very nasty for a lone Psyker, and I only got to do a few powers off.

I didn't get lucky on the roll for powers, but that's the game ! In addition, the highest ever Psychic roll we did was 4, so a maximum of 6 Warp Charges.


A ML2 Librarian isn't going to change the game, unforunately, but he can provide an interesting support to the army. I play it as a trump card to pick on any psychic discipline I feel is the most appropriate. I rolled on Telekinesis against a mechanized army and that actually quite scared the opponent !

I never got a psychic power off over the weekend. Having one ML2 psyker against 3 Broodlords and 2 Tyrants each game means you're constantly out-diced. Even if you're only using blessings.

That sucks but I think it's quite fitting. A single psyker should be outmatched by 5 opposing psykers!

The issue is more that, in the case of that list in particular, it wasn't meant to be a psyker-heavy list. The way the rules changed basically buffed up their defence a whole lot. The issue would be even bigger with Grey Knights. It's just somewhat unexpected. That, and the unlimited Deny range against blessings (unless we played that wrong?).


Which is fine, I just need to change up the way I approach the problem is all. It does feel like psykers are more of a 'spam-to-be-effective' choice now (which is also fine, putting them in line with other things).

The issue is more that, in the case of that list in particular, it wasn't meant to be a psyker-heavy list. The way the rules changed basically buffed up their defence a whole lot. The issue would be even bigger with Grey Knights. It's just somewhat unexpected. That, and the unlimited Deny range against blessings (unless we played that wrong?).


Which is fine, I just need to change up the way I approach the problem is all. It does feel like psykers are more of a 'spam-to-be-effective' choice now (which is also fine, putting them in line with other things).


Well, in W40k, everything is spam-to-be-effective :p Otherwise, it's a support role. ;)


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