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Imperial Bastion fortification - "As per model"?


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In Stronghold Assault, the Imperial Bastion is listed as having fire points and weapons as "as per model". What does this mean exactly? As far as I am aware there are not many models in the game where "as per model" is listed in the rules. What if I make a custom or kitbashed model, and model it with ten fire points on one side? Or no fire points? If just means for me to use exactly what is on the model, why not list it in the rules? A Space Marines' wargear is not listed as "As per model..."


To me it looks as if the bastion model as is has two fire points on the "front" side, two on the "back" side, and a left and ride side with no fire points at all. Then on the "ground floor" there is one fire point per facing on 3 sides, with none on the side with the door (unless you count the slit on the door as a fire point..!). So, does "as per model" mean I can have as many fire points per facing as I want, provided the model reflects this? Or does this wording just mean I can assemble it any way I want, ie, putting the "front" and "back" sides as I have described them next to each other on the model to create a wedge with 6 fire points pointing in roughly the same direction, and a relative blind spot behind the building? 


The heavy bolters are equally ambiguous--in the 6E rulebook, I believe it said something to the effect of "4x Heavy Bolters--typically one per facing". Typically? So this means I can place them wherever I want? This was made murkier by the Fortress of Redemption having an option for 4x Heavy Bolters however it explicitly stated you "may place them wherever you want on the model"... Furthermore, if I opt to not take Heavy Bolters at all (assuming that's an option, don't have my Stronghold Assault book in front of me), does that give me another fire point per facing, seeing as there is a hole where the Bolter would have gone? 


Anyone who could shed any light on this for me, and/or provide examples of how the Imperial Bastion has been used in games you've played, would be very much appreciated.

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With any kit bash - I take it that it should still be as per the official model.


Which for Bastion, I would take it to mean:


Rear: Door, 2 FP Mid Level, 1 HB

Front: 1 FP Lower Level, 2  FP Mid Level, 1 HB

Left: 1 FP Lower Level, 1 HB

Right: 1 FP Lower Level, 1 HB

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So, does "as per model" mean I can have as many fire points per facing as I want, provided the model reflects this?


While some verbiage may suggest trying to make a scratch build as similar as possible to the GW version, there are no actual rules that limit what you can do. So, you could make a bastion that's entirely windows, with all the heavy bolters facing one direction, and four access doors. It still follows the "as per model", because in this case the rules depend on the model, not the reverse.




Furthermore, if I opt to not take Heavy Bolters at all


Not an option, but doesn't matter really. Just make your bastion how you want to! :D

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