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Question on Changing Flight Modes with DP

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I think this was answered somewhere before, but how does it work?


The BRB states:


Flying Monstrous Creatures can move using one of two flight modes: Swooping or Gliding.
Changing Flight Mode
At the start of its move, a Flying Monstrous Creature must declare whether it is Swooping or Gliding until the start of its next turn. If a Flying Monstrous Creature changes flight modes during its turn, it cannot declare a charge during the same turn.
A Gliding Flying Monstrous Creature cannot change flight mode whilst Falling Back."
I understand that changing a flight mode is swapping one for the other, however I'm confused on how the change takes place. Is it the start of the movement phase? As in, if the previous turn it was Swooping does it still count as Swooping the next turn or does it immediately stop Swooping next turn? Or is the whole choosing/declaring a flight mode a change of flight mode?
It would have made it a lot easier if it said, "The model may choose to continue its previous flight mode" or "its previous flight mode carries over to the next turn" or "the previous flight mode is immediately ended upon the following Movement phase, and a flight mode (either Swooping or Gliding) must be declared".
The BRB also states:
A Flying Monstrous Creature that is deployed at the start of the game starts in Gliding mode. If a Flying Monstrous Creature is kept as Reserves then, as soon as it enters play, you must declare whether it is in Swooping or Gliding mode. If a Flying Monstrous Creature arrives via Deep Strike Reserve, it always counts as being in Swooping mode."
So as far as deployment goes it has a predetermined flight mode for the first turn it arrives, but after that it can be changed. However, I don't think this answers my question on how changing flight modes works.
It doesn't seem to have clear language, or am I reading too much into it?
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Basically you say at the start of your movement phase whether it's gliding or swooping. However, if it was swooping in the previous turn and you changed to gliding in your current turn, you cannot charge in this turns assault phase. You will have to stay in gliding mode for your next turn too if you then want to charge in the next turns assault phase.


So for example:

turn 1: swooping, no charge

turn 2: changed to gliding, still no charge

turn 3: stayed gliding, can charge

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I'd suggest that it means what it says,


say you deploy at the start in gliding mode, first turn you continue to glide - no change of mode.

But if you were to switch to swooping in turn one then there's a change of mode.


He is considered to be in whichever mode he was in last, if he continues in that mode when declaring at the start of the movement phase then there is no change.

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