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Where I'm at with Chaos in 2014


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So I sold off my Iron Warriors. I probably had 3-4 versions of them running over the past 15+ years and some I just simply didn't care for anymore.

My painting style had changed so much over the years I was simply sick of a lot of it.

I was CERTAIN I was going to do Black Legion when it came out but I think the codex didn't quite motivate me in a gaming sense like I really hoped.

Then Crimson Slaughter came out... seemingly with more options. Some cool twists on troops... psyker abilities (is it determined yet if 'everyone' gets Divination or is it still a CS uniqueness?)

I had trouble in my environment making them work (I just really haven't played allies so I was not into the whole Balestar-mania).

As a result I never did anything substantial except sell a ton of Iron Warriors. But during this time I acquired a lot of... "stuff".

I thought I would share some of my insanity, including a crazy attempt at World Eaters that went south as well!!

+++++++++++++++++++++++World Eaters++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


- World Eaters: Quite sad actually. I thought I was going to buck the 'competitve trend' and do my own thing. PURE World Eaters lead by none other than Khârn (I did consider sorcs because hey, it's okay now).

I admit this move was LARGELY inspired by The Betrayer which is my favorite portrayal of World Eaters to date.

- You can see in the picture above I have two generations of World Eaters in there. The new generation I have about 10 finished models. They are done with Forge World World Eater pieces. I have enough to do about 30 more dudes!!!

I painted up 3 Termies, and have enough to do about 10 more World Eaters Termies (WHAT WAS I THINKING?)

I painted up 2 rhino's, and have a third in progress.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Black Legion+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


I went FULL out on this one. I went through my inventory and found 5 packs of Chosen from the two player set that I was going to incorporate into this army.

I was just about to buy Forge World Abaddon to be the centre piece. But I fizzled on the project. What do I have to show for it? Some headless termies (above) Oh... and this.....

QUESTION: What is a headless Maulerfiend, and a de-winged, repainted Heldrake????

Answer: More stuff Prot didn't finish!


+++++++++++++++++++++++Iron WInners++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Call me crazy but I found some of my old Iron Hands stock, and started re-making Iron Warriors combined with my old left over Iron Warrior bitz!!!

WHY on earth would I do this? Pure craziness. I never finished the guys but you can see there is a little box in front of the squad with enough mixed bitz for me to do another 10 guys I would guess.


My 6th edition IW lists were typically very shooty. A CS Divination Sorc would have helped a lot back then. My typical HQ was the Warpsmith behind an Aegis Gunline, but then the rest of the 40K universe got -immensly- shootier than I.

I stopped this project once Black Legion came out.


At this point I had to stop taking pictures. It was depressing really. I realized that I had far more Necron and Dark Angel stuff actually COMPLETE. For the first time in my 18ish years of 40K, I had less Chaos than other armies.

To top it off during a game last weekend a box of old chaos hit the floor and a lot of heads, and arms snapped off of about 500 points worth of models. The warp is angry with me. lol

So I guess this post is more for amusement than anything else. Where am I going with Chaos in 2014? No idea.

I thought with 7th that Crimson Slaughter would be really good with super scoring, resilient troops and new Psyker stuff. But I'm not sure.

I really wish a World Eater Supp would come out. Assault could use a real injection in the arm in 40K and that would be a great army to do it with.

So what's next? No idea. I'm open to suggestions though!

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You sound a bit despondent about chaos. Maybe you could just take a break from chaos and do something different. This was the conclusion I came to about my tau, I'd been playing tau for so long that even the 6th Edition codex wasn't enough to make me feel truly interested in them. That's when I went chaos.
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Chaos will always be there for me as an army - and even though I've started to branch out more (i..e towards Codexes that are inherently competitive...) I can't stop loving the models and wanting to both paint and play with them. Sometimes, you have to leave things alone for awhile and come back with those fresh eyes. Likewise, I've not touched my Iron Warriors in aeons because they aren't as fun as they used to be - and I'm sick of painting that scheme. Happens to everyone.

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I agree with you. Chaos has always been a part of me, and when I leave it, I usually miss it. Also, I honestly don't think it's as uncompetitive as people seem to think. That being said every codex these days comes out with a LOT more kick.



You sound a bit despondent about chaos. Maybe you could just take a break from chaos and do something different. This was the conclusion I came to about my tau, I'd been playing tau for so long that even the 6th Edition codex wasn't enough to make me feel truly interested in them. That's when I went chaos.



That's a good point really. I've done it for so long even when I do miss it, it's been like an old, stinky sock. I put it back on, it fits well... and smells horrid! ;)


To be honest my biggest issue is I haven't moved on to much that has really grasped me. However 2014 is still in the air for me and part of me really wants to have a 1850 point chaos force tournie ready again.


Thanks for looking/commenting.

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Why not get creative. You clearly have a live for Chaos, but after so many years of the tried and tested Legions which never get the right rules in 40k (even though FW do them justice), why not try your own warband? Full creative license. And now with the Unbound option you can add more character and story too.
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Gotta say I'm liking those Beserkers, especially the blue on the weapons. It really stands out.


I think it was Smurf who embraced a full assault Chaos army and had success. Get close, absorb losses and overpower them in close combat. Very anti meta army that might be worth a look.

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Why not get creative. You clearly have a live for Chaos, but after so many years of the tried and tested Legions which never get the right rules in 40k (even though FW do them justice), why not try your own warband? Full creative license. And now with the Unbound option you can add more character and story too.

I agree totally, but I actually did try that back when the novels came out with the dudes with purple armor and goblets on their shoulders came out. (Can't remember their name... Soul Drinkers?)

Honestly, it went horridly. I never found my motivation, and realized then that when I sit down and read something like... Betrayer, I'll be so motivated that I pound out 500 points (decently painted) in a month.

I'm a sucker for the original legions. I did have a very long run with Iron Warriors, a long run with Death Guard (man I miss the original manreaper + beast Lord combo). Night Lords never did it for me... That's a Legion I just don't get I suppose. Slaanesh, I tried but they looked horrid.

Gotta say I'm liking those Beserkers, especially the blue on the weapons. It really stands out.

I think it was Smurf who embraced a full assault Chaos army and had success. Get close, absorb losses and overpower them in close combat. Very anti meta army that might be worth a look.

Thanks MG.

I've always loved the World Eater theme. I never got into them in 3rd or 4th edition, or even 5th. Once 6th came out I decided I was gonna roll with World Eaters originally.

This was some of my first batch:


I made a conscious effort on the blues, and tried to make the armour a little... wetter looking... active, wetwork kind of thing.

Here is an older picture of my lord at the time:


I killed myself SO many times with the friggin Daemon weapon. I had to de-commision this guy. Unfortunately, he was part of a giant catastrophe I just had with my chaos. His arms, and cape have smashed off. I have yet to repair him. lol

Enter Forgeworld:

As mentioned earlier I bought a TON of World Eater forgeworld bitz... axes (very hard to work with), bitz, termie bitz, etc. And this became my second wave of Berzerkers:


The list evolved to a pure assault army headed by a D.P. and Khârn. However, this was an uphlll battle in an edition that favoured shooty. So I reluctantly stopped my World Eater project and moved on to Space Wolves.


My Wolves were very successful. They were everything my World Eaters were not... flexible, assaulty, and much more cost effective.


But then I sold them and thought of trying chaos with more flexibility:

Huron and the funky bunch:


I enjoyed Huron's background but never really recovered from playing Space Wolves in the sense that the Grey Hunter felt SO superior to the common CSM. HQ wise as well....

Then the Black Legion Codex came out so I took some Iron Warrior guys:


And *POOF*

Started converting them to Black Legion:



And then sold it all off... including my forgeworld pieces (dreads, Helltalon, etc)

But I still kept my World Eaters, and liked the Crimson Slaughter.

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Can understand what you mean with Slaanesh. I tried it a few times but it never clicked (has now though lol). And some of the Black Library stuff really hits the spot. Betrayer nearly had me (though I still have a metal Khârn to paint). Storm of Iron too. A D-B's Talos stories did get me and NL are still on the cards.
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I don't know what I want to do with my Red Corsairs.  I wanted an army to be "assault focused" because my main/primary army (tau) were Shooting Focused.  With 7th and Unbound (and before that with Escalation) I'm likely to face stuff like one guy's trancendent C'Tan more often.  Against "normal" Space Marine type armies, and against most tau, I do okay.  You put down a super heavy...I don't got enough to deal with it and it pretty much means "You win" unless there's a Vortex Grenade thing I can buy for my guys.  I don't like super heavies-I don't like Chaos's super heavy is a stupid "Walker" with tank treads and is a Daemon Engine (of course).


Now, if I could use the Tank part to make a Spartan or a Land Raider out of it, and could affix the torso to a Defiler's legs without it looking weird...I'd be down for it because I got a defiler that rarely sees play (though tends to crap on the Wraith Guard of my Friend's Eldar with regularity)

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I don't know what I want to do with my Red Corsairs.  I wanted an army to be "assault focused" because my main/primary army (tau) were Shooting Focused.  With 7th and Unbound (and before that with Escalation) I'm likely to face stuff like one guy's trancendent C'Tan more often.  Against "normal" Space Marine type armies, and against most tau, I do okay.  You put down a super heavy...I don't got enough to deal with it and it pretty much means "You win" unless there's a Vortex Grenade thing I can buy for my guys.  I don't like super heavies-I don't like Chaos's super heavy is a stupid "Walker" with tank treads and is a Daemon Engine (of course).


Now, if I could use the Tank part to make a Spartan or a Land Raider out of it, and could affix the torso to a Defiler's legs without it looking weird...I'd be down for it because I got a defiler that rarely sees play (though tends to crap on the Wraith Guard of my Friend's Eldar with regularity)

The torso apparently works pretty well with the Knight Titan legs

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Awesome painting skills there prot!


Have you come to any decision about what to do gaming wise? Keep in with chaos or go for something different? Orks and dark eldar have always interested me.

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Awesome painting skills there prot!


Have you come to any decision about what to do gaming wise? Keep in with chaos or go for something different? Orks and dark eldar have always interested me.


Thank you very much.


Actually I just sold off my Alaitoc army. (I have pics, but obviously can't show them here.) Orks have never done it for me... plus I have so many Ork players around me if it's as if they are weeds or something. ;)



Decision? No. Right now as far as Chaos I've realized something about myself. It's one thing to be 'effective' and it's another to enjoy your effectiveness. I have a feeling if I'm just running Daemon blobs, I probably won't last.


Still love: Crimson Slaughter (trying to figure out a list), World Eaters (Haven't touched these guys in months), and Red Corsairs. Red Corsairs seem like they're on the outside looking in now with the two supplements out. I think if you're doing Corsairs, you gotta use Huron's D3 infiltrate to your best advantage.


Since it was kind of a mess figuring out what could actually infiltrate, I typically went with Huron and Termies. Since you can't assault coming in, I would make sure they were shooty as heck, then try to take the blunt of stuff retailiating. Next turn get Huron in CC, and set the Termies off on armor if need be.


The trick was getting Huron + Termies + and Sorc Termie. This added to the survivability/offense a lot.


I always loved the fig though. Thought it was a great sculpt personally:



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The nice thing about Red Corsair besides the color scheme is anything can go. It's as wide open as Black Legion, maybe even more so.


Quite so.  A pirate's life for me yo-ho.

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