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Victories in Age of Defeats


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I know many of us feel that 6th and now 7th will be still uphill battles for CSM. I would like to hear about any wins you've had in the new edition (yes, that was a band name (the pun was unintentional.))


I personally have played 4 games of 7. Three of those games were with my night lords.


The first game was a resounding loss to strategic assets, but I had fun so no complaints. My opponent and I both played CSM with drakes. I got luck due to his drake did not come in till late game. One of my drakes vectored it down. Both my opponent and I had good laughs at that.


The second game was with my iron hands versus my roommates astra militarium, which I helped him draw up that list to play against a tau eldar combo. That game was draw at the end. Damn list tailored list against myself.


The third game was a draw also. It was an unbound chaos list versus eldar. I brought my two chaos knights, two drakes, a great unclean, kairos, and a spare sorceror. I was able to spawn in a unit of plaguebearers to hold an objective for several rounds. One of my drakes, did not come onto the board, not for not rolling reserve, but because I forgot to move it on during the movement phase. My opponent (tg moment) claimed because I didn't move it on, it crashed. Thankfully my roommate was watching this and we both explained that's not how it works. That was a tie only due to my opponent not realizing that strategic assets are gone after you complete them and for being tg.


Game 4 or as I am now calling it "How I Defeated a 4 Knights List."

As that possible title tells you, I had a win. After the actually loss and the two draws, I was in need of a victory. I have played my friends 4 knights list 2 times before, both in 6th, and got crushed. I brought my two chaos knights, my two drakes, Bel'akor, three troops with plasma, and a sorceror. Imperial knights are no joke if you haven't played against them. Suffice it to say I was getting tabled. I held many of the objectives most of the game, I was getting lucky on the fact that assets I was drawing were hold this objective, hold more than your opponent. In a late round, I actually drew hold for different objectives (two of which I controlled), all I had on the table were two diminishing squads of plaguebearers (though I was rolling hot for their 5++), and my two drakes. So I moved them 18" and went hover on the other objectives taking a late game lead. Yes, it was a gamble, but I paid off. It was a fun game with lots of ups and downs.


If you haven't played any of the maelstrom missions, I suggest trying. And give the assets a chance. They will make you think more dynamically about your army.

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I played against Imperial Fists (the supplement army list) along Imperial Guard at 2K with my Iron Warriors. I took Bel'akor and a lvl 3 Nurgle Daemon Prince, 2 units of 10 marines in Rhinos with Havoc Launchers, 1 unit of 10 cultists, 1 unit of 5 Chosen with Melta/flamer in a rhino, 3 nurgle Spawn, 1 Helldrake, 2 Maulerfiends and 2 nurgle Obliterators.

If memory serves, he took,1 librarian 4 units of Tac Marines, 1 unit of 10 Assault Marines, 3 Centurions, a Leman Russ Tank Commander, 2 Chimera Veteran troops, a Leman Russ Demolisher and a Leman Russ Executioner.

I got first Turn and it was Big Guns Never Tire.

The monsters rushed up the centre hiding behind a large set of ruins. The Marines kept back for now and the cultists were in reserve. The psychic phase I slightly dominated throughout. I cast both invisibility on a Maulerfiend and Endurance on the Spawn. I took a few pot shots and killed a couple of Assault Marines and a few Tac Marines.

His turn involved him desperately trying to blow up the maulerfiends. I think he became a little obsessed with killed the Invis one, he did it thought with those dammed Grav amps, glanced the poor thing to death. Overall though he did very little damage, worthy of note was the Executioner who tried to shoot the Obliterators in the ruins and missed, every time for the entire game, his assault marines did move to block one Maulerfiend, the fiend don't mind, it likes eating marines as well as tanks. This had allowed my fast moving assault to get into assault range

The Helldrake came on, my opponent had realised he'd made a critical error, the tactical marines and assault marines in the centre had bunched too much devil.gif

My Chosen started to race up the board now his Russ' had lost their bubble wrap Assault Marines. my two marine squads started shift towards the uncontested objectives

Endurance on Spawn and Invisibility was cast, this time on my surviving Maulerfiend, the Daemon Prince flew right into the centre of his army and cast Nurgle Rot (the Nova power) whose results were! one dead marine :/ My Drake roasted two assault marines and 6 tactical marines. The assault phase came, my Spawn hit one squad of Marines while the Maulerfiend hit another. The fiend ripped apart two Marines, for no damage, to add insult to injury it healed a Hull point back it had lost, though the Assault Marines held. The Spawn battered their way through the Tactical Marines, kill three who broke but couldn't escape the Spawn.

The imperial Fists desperately tried to pull it back and almost did at one point through the combat breaking and managing to escape, the Marines running away from the spawn and the Last assault marine managing to finally after 4 turns of fighting to bring down the fiend (the fiend unfortunately failed to hit a thing after the first round of combat).

The Vendetta came on and failed to hurt anything, but was carrying more marines, the IG and IF desperately tried to lock onto targets to shoot but nothing was presenting, the Iron Warriors were among them, the Chosen then hit and destroyed their tank commander, Belakor hit the centurions, which should have been the nurgle princes job but oh no he had to roll three 1's for cover saves of 2+. Fortunately an invisible Belakor is impossible to hit, so he chewed through them in the last rounds of the game. The spawn destroyed the Demolisher, the Drake mopped then knocked the Vendetta out the sky (immobilized and a 1 mwahahaha!) and sent it careening out the sky killing all save one, who the obliterators, getting bored, filled full of holes with assault cannons.

That was it for the Imperial Fists and the Imperial Guard, after their chance to pull it back fell away, they were completely annihilated and tabled by turn 6

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I am a month leave[1 week left] so I do play a lot , although a lot less w40k and if I do it is mostly with or against orks . Last night I did have to play my army against friends IG twice . First game we reset , because it went too well for me.I was throwing around 2 dice spells +the first 2 turns the d6 roll for power dice were 1  . Second game was more balanced . I got first turn spawned two units of horrors and a unit of pms on objectives , took another with my start. Played my 3 cards , for casting 3+ powers , claiming more objectives and claiming twice as more objectives as my opponent. I also managed to cast earth on the star unit. On my opponents turn he countered my star with his Knight but failed to charge by 2" , his blob and two chimer vet squads droped the new horrors to 2 and 3 and pms to 1 respectivly . On my turn , I bottlenecked his knight by throwing the portal infront of it  [on one side he had impossible building on the other side the table edge]. I summoned a tzeench herald and two units of horrors on the objective where the star was. The star took care of one of the units of vets and my normal horror units shot up the other . I shuffled the almost dead demons out of LoS as much as I could. for doing 3 melee this turn[vets+chimera+another chimera charged by the lone plague bearer]  and doing a challange I played two cards although playing the challange card was probably a wast of card. My opponent destroyed the portal shot up one two units of horrors and droped the brave new herald do 1 wound , he also hid his warlord chimera as far from me as possible . His vendetta and plasma vets unloaded in to the screamers killing 2 and a herald. including a wrong placed warlord. He also finished the plague bearer and used the card for killing 3 units with shoting. the knight went to finish off the 2 horror units on my turn[imo an error on his side , as I could always summon more and the next unit would tar pit him again].

Next turn I summoned a unit of horrors and a GD and cast earth where ever I could . My horrors non summon horrors traded shots with the blob .

On his next turn the knight was tar pited , blob had a lot less fire power , the vendetta hovered and put 3 wounds on the GD . His two LR [plasma ones] were just as ineffective as the last two turns[ me being spread and all troops having inv he was killing maybe 2-3 demons per turn with each] . On my turn I summoned a GD and a unit of pms[run out of horror models] to help tar piting the Knight . Finished the blob off , the GD took down the vendetta [had a problem here , as we weren't sure when if he would die from explosion or not. decided that to go with cinematic and he of course did] , cast earth everywhere . By that point I was over 15 pts ahead of him in VP , so we ended the game there.

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not realy I hate the demon codex. I dislike playing with it , but there is no one with enough demon models to test match ups here. Plus I would play an FMC circus , if I realy had to play demons. The summoning gets me too close to death clocking myself .

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I played small 1250 points test game against Grey Knights this weekend and won. I had my usual 3 rhino CSM squads with plasma guns, terminators, sorcerer and bikers with axe lord. My opponent had Crowe, purifiers, razorbacks, librarian and Land Raider.

My sorcerer was completely shut down by enemy's amount of warp charges something like 10 against my four) and did nothing for the entire game, but lord and CSM worked pretty well and managed to out-cap Grey Knights ny 3 victory points.

The game was very satisfying, I love unpredictability new missions bring.

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I've managed two battles under 7th, both 1,000 points, both rolled kill points.


First battle I met a coalition of Crimson Fists and Imperial Guard. My noise marines sang the praise of Slaanesh and crushed all opposition, when the game ended there was a single unit of autocannon guardsmen left, and I'd lost... My brute, lord Greathorn, the doom riders (bikers) and a Rhino, plus some random dudes that shall not be missed. A bit embarrassing that the brute fell to overwatch against an IG command squad, but what to do...


Next game we agreed on letting the same opponent test his new Knight Titan. I used the same list as the first game (see below) and he filled up the rest of his army with Crimson Fists. The knight fell in round two (I love obliterators!) after failing to stomp my bikes, I guess you could say Slaanesh blessed me with good penetration rolls :)


The dying knight staggered, and we placed the largest template I've ever seen - though it took nothing with it (we agreed to remove the building it fell on - kaboom!)


I spent the rest of the game hunting down the rest of my enemies, while getting my Lord killed by a heavy bolter. His captain and a single scout together managed to tank enough incoming fire to take out an army, and the brute fell after a long and protracted close combat against scouts, not at all embarrassing... He did lose his fist to a grav volley earlier in the battle, so it wasn't quite as awkward as it could have been. He Also got the fist-loss avenged when my close combat noise unit unleashed their doom siren upon the loyalist scum cowering in the ruins.


When the dust finally settled at the end of the last round, a single scout had refused to die, along with a razorback. Another glorious victory for chaos!


I was extremely lucky with every dice roll I made until he fifth round, so I owe much of the second win to the dice gods, and can only hope that they keep blessing me, as I continue to bring them offerings from the corpses of my enemies.



The list I used for both battles consists of the following:


Chaos lord

- mark of slaanesh, lightning claw, relic flamer, melta bomb, bike, 4++


Noise marines x5

- 3x noise blasters, blastmaster


Noise marines x5

- 3x noise blasters, blastmaster


Noise marines x6

- extra CCW x5, doom siren, melta bomb, Rhino



- multimelta, heavy flamer


Chaos bikes x4

2x melta guns, melta bomb, mark of slaanesh



- mark of Nurgle



- mark of Nurgle

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