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Sterngaurd Vets


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I've been anticipating the imminent release of our own codex, and I pulled out my old Sternguard models to finish them up and give them the proper treatment so they are ready for their next campaign.  


I put these guys together forever ago, but never got around to giving them the paint job their august station deserves, and got plenty distracted painting up my IG for a good long time.  Most of these were built out of the old metal Death Company sculpts from back in the day.  They were actually perfect for this conversion since they have some nice kit and bling built into the model.  They are mostly armed with the Umbra Ferrox Pattern Boltguns because nothing says super-awesome Sternguard guy like these boltguns do.  The sergeant is actually magnetized at the shoulder sockets if I ever want to change his kit-out.


So here's a group shot:



There are eight of them, because they usually arrive via drop pod with a Priest and a Librarian for company.  I started playing BA in 2nd Edition when squads had both a Sergeant and a Squad Leader, and I still like to build my units with Squad Leaders, for the extra flavorz.  The squad leader carries the squad unit designation colors, in this case 2nd Squad, 1st Company.  The Sarge in my normal squads usually has the chapter badge emblazoned on the colors for the Company, but in this case as a Veteran Sergeant of the 1st Company, this guy carries his personal heraldry into battle.



























This was a project with a lot of firsts for me.  One first was to attempt some simple NMM effects.  I wasn't comfortable trying to achieve that effect on all their helmets, but I did try it on the Sergeant's banner an it look kinda nifty, though I obviously still have a long way to go.


Freehanding was another focus - normally I decal all my squad markings and chapter badges, but I wanted to push the envelop a little so all the badges are freehand in this unit (where they aren't part of the sculpt at least).





One last group shot.  There are some little touch ups that I need to do still that I just didn't notice until taking these photos - some skulls I didn't paint up all the way etc but they are pretty much ready for the table.


Blood Angels may not be the kings of the meta right now, but I'll never stop enjoying collecting and painting them.  There are so many great conversion opportunities out there, they'll always be a blast. 

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Glad I saw the DC models before I read your comment about using them :D makes me feel like a proper geek cool.png

I love the 3rd grouping shot, guy on the left. The DC body just looks so boss (mine has chaisword+pistol but that bolter also looks bad ass!) and while they all pretty much look great. This one steals it for me :)

Have to third (or fourth?) the comment about the colour for the ridge of the bases though. Thats the ONLY thing 1 dont like.... Rest, 11 out of 10 :tu:

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HAHA thanks guys, I am sensing a trend here, lol.  I don't know why I paint my bases that color, but I just started painting the rims the pale olive color and haven't shaken the habit I suppose.  I think I get the picture though ;) What do you guys think?  More of a medium brown?  


Thanks for all you feedback guys!


Demoulius, that guy is one of my favorites of the bunch as well - I love how the old DC models look like they are just stomping forward, and just imagine that's how some hardcore veterans would just be wading through the tide step after step like that, I'm glad the effect comes across.

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What do you guys think? More of a medium brown?

Personally I like a dark brown. Rhinox Hide or Dryad Bark in the current Citadel range, although I'm still working through a couple of pots of the old Scorched Brown.

My thinking is lighter colours will attract attention (as you've just seen here smile.png), but the base edge is the very last part of the model that should be attracting attention. And dark brown seems to have the effect of making the colours look a little warmer than a pure black base does.

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OK brothers:



What are you guys feeling?  The lighter rim is a green ochre, the darker is blackened brown.  I remember part of why I started basing in pale green - some units like my Reclusiarch here earn names, and I write them on the back of the base in my .03 black multi liner pen.  That's got to be part of it. A darker base means painting in white on the back to write names - jus more work and I'm lazy!


Is the ochre at least an improvement over pale green? Or should I move to the blackened brown?


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I just have to know how you get the shading so good, its a great smoky quality I'm desperate to do.


The bases look fine in olive IMO, but its not the trend these days.


Also, get the brass labels from eBay, dremel the name (or get a batch engraved) add inki.g and voila, that's what I did with my old show pieces its cheap easy and looks great.

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Love the blue scheme on the reclusiarch, how did you get that?


My two pence - the darkened brown suits the shade of your flocking and allows that gorgeous bright red to stand out more. The green ochre takes me back years for some reason :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just have to know how you get the shading so good, its a great smoky quality I'm desperate to do.

The bases look fine in olive IMO, but its not the trend these days.

Also, get the brass labels from eBay, dremel the name (or get a batch engraved) add inki.g and voila, that's what I did with my old show pieces its cheap easy and looks great.

Thanks! The blending is done with thin layers. I start from a black primer coat. I know there's endless debate on where to start, black, grey or white, but I've been priming black for forever. I think it contributes to an overall moody tone in the reds. Then I build up from there in steps.

The recipe I stick with is generally speaking:

Spray prime black > Reaper Bloodstained Red > Reaper Carnage Read > Reaper Blood Red > Vallejo Model Color Bermillion > Then highlights, mixing in Vallejo Scarlet, Reaper Phoenix Red, Fire Orange, and Reaper Rosy Skin.

Generally, though not always, I'll use half steps between each color on the way up the chain where I'll do a 1:1 mix between the previous and the next shade. If the mix gets a little to white or peach on the way up I'll use GW Bloodletter to unify the colors a bit. I actually really like Bloodletter a lot.

Love the blue scheme on the reclusiarch, how did you get that?

My two pence - the darkened brown suits the shade of your flocking and allows that gorgeous bright red to stand out more. The green ochre takes me back years for some reason biggrin.png

I not sure what you mean about the reclusiarch - the blue purity seals? Or the armor? The armor's not blue, it's actually Vallejo Black Grey, washed with Badab Black. The I re-layer certain areas back up to Black Grey, then Reaper Cloudy Grey, and Reaper Linen White for the highest of highlights.

Everyone really seems to like the dark brown! I'm still torn between the ochre and the brown myself at the moment. I never even thought about base color before now to be honest. Back in 2nd Ed. it was always Goblin Green. It's just leftover habit to want a garish base rim I guess...

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