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Psyker Units - how many Warp Charges?


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So was talking with a friend about the new rules and he noticed people were doing this when it came to psyker units and I'm wondering if it's right since it sounds pretty OP:

Let's say I have a 5-member unit of Mastery Level 1 Psykers. How many Warp Charges do I generate?

At the LGS that my friend works in people have been playing that the unit would generate 5 Warp Charges, but that doesn't seem right, and my quick read through of the rules didn't seem to support it.

So what is it? Are they right or wrong? Which pages support either answer?

Thank you!

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I think this would depend on whither they're referring to a unit of Mastery Level 1 Psykers, or, a unit that's a Mastery Level 1 Psyker. The former gets a charge per model, the latter gets one charge. The former is almost unheard of historically outside of Apocalypse, the latter comprises most of the Grey Knight list.


A more specific answer may be derived from a more specific question.

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It does depend on the unit.
- A unit of Eldar Warlocks is a unit where every model is a mastery level 1 psyker, so will generate 1 Warp Charge per member of the unit.
- A unit with the Brotherhood of Psykers special rule is considered to be 1 mastery level 1 psyker, so will generate 1 Warp Charge in total
- A unit of Horrors, who have Brotherhood of Sorcerers, is also 1 mastery level 1 psyker, however they do have a mechanic that allows them to generate 2 or even 3 Warp Charges.
So it depends what unit your friend is referring to.

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