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Huron and his D3 Infiltrate in 7th.


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Just curious about something guys...


I'm still mulling over lists, but I don't have the rule book with me at work....


How would Huron work in 7th?


- Psychic wise I'm assuming now that whatever chart he rolls on for his random discipline, he gets the Primaris for free?


- D3 Infiltrate. Remember how clunky this was in 6th? I remember people saying something muddy like: You join the character to a unit after the infiltration is determined, thus you need to roll a 2 to have Huron AND a squad infiltrate....


Is this still the case ??? (not sure if it ever was the case, as I remember a lot of arguing about it.)



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The independent character rules this time round state they can't join infiltrators during deployment unless they have the rule, so that's pretty clear.


The Huron as a psyker question is interesting. I read it the same as you, he generates his powers in the same way as a level 1 psyker except he can't swap for the Primaris, which he obviously wouldn't be doing if he gets it for free. Doesn't seem quite right though.

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I played a game using him Tuesday, my opponent agreed with the interpretation that he gets the Primaris as well as whatever power he rolled so we went with that. I kept ending up with Pyromancy, so I occasionally chucked a dice or two into Flame Breath. Didn't seem massively broken.



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The independent character rules this time round state they can't join infiltrators during deployment unless they have the rule, so that's pretty clear.


The Huron as a psyker question is interesting. I read it the same as you, he generates his powers in the same way as a level 1 psyker except he can't swap for the Primaris, which he obviously wouldn't be doing if he gets it for free. Doesn't seem quite right though.



no they dont.


they state that the IC without infiltrate cannot join an infiltrating squad. the words have not been changed at all in 7th.

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The way the Hamadrya's rules are worded would imply that he doesn't get the primaris (otherwise why would he need to be prevented from swapping for it) but those were written before focus existed, and RAW he's generating all his powers from the same discipline so there's no reason why he wouldn't benefit from focus and get the primaris as well.


I actually don't think he's intended to and they probably should have addressed it in the FAQ, if only to clarify it, but that's how it stands as far as I can see.

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Doesn't matter, p.22 only says "generate" in the section for focus;


"If a psyker generates all of his psychic powers from the same psychic discipline, that psyker automatically knows that discipline's primaris power"




"If a psyker generates all of his powers from the same psychic discipline (even if he can only generate one power), that psyker is said to have psychic focus" etc.


The only reference to choosing is on p.23, with regards to swapping a power you've rolled for the primaris, which you an't do if you've chosen to generate all your posers from the same discipline in order to get focus. That assumes, though, that you're generating more than one; if you were only generating one, you'd automatically have focus, and you wouldn't be able to swap anyway, so that line wouldn't apply.


RAW all you have to do to get focus is generate all your powers from the same discipline, which is exactly what Huron does, even though he doesn't choose the discipline.


Imho the more interesting debate springs from this on p.22: "If during the course of the game, that psyker gains a psychic power from a different psychic discipline, he immediately loses psychic focus (and the associated primaris power)."


Now the RAI here is obvious, but how does it apply to Huron? When he re-generates his power at the start of his turn, assuming he had psychic focus in his first turn, does he now lose it, and if so, can he get it back? Does losing his old power wipe the slate clean, allowing him to start over (gaining focus again for generating all his powers from the new discipline) or is the focus gone, and he now has only the roll on the discipline table?

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Good to know. Well  if he generates new powers , then the gains it , then he loses it for turn 2 , when he gains new ones and on turn 3 when he generates again he generates again he gains focus.


The problem is what procs first , the if you generate new you lose focus or the if he generates he gains focus. IMO the first one is more important here. But who knows with GW.

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