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Can't figure out how to use Plague Marines!


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I use plague zombies in the majority of my 2000 pt games (Used Zekers a few times, nevermind that) and I'm very happy on how they're working for me.  But just a few weeks ago I traded some Templars to my friend for some Plague Marines.  I have close to nearly nearly of the Mortarion's boys but I can't come up with an effective way to utilize them for a 2000 pt game.  In my collection I have: Obilterators, Heldrakes, Terminators, land raiders, regular chaos marines, tons of chaos bikers, spawn, a couple lords/sorcerors, Necrosius and Typhus and a metric ton of zombies.  With everything scoring now, I can save up on not needing Typhus (Still a beast though), but I still can't figure out a viable strategy or lists to use.  I'm looking for something fun, yet a little challenging for my opponents to face.  Please help!


Also, I have a copy of FW Apocalyspe that has some nice (I think so) units for Chaos.  I also hve Codex: BL and CS on hand.  I've had my eye on the Chaos Eagle and Fire Raptor ships.  Any advice is helpful.  Thanks!

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How would complement them with the rest of the army?  With zombies, I just push them to objectives while the rest of my units delay or stop my opponent's units.

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Plague Marines were sadly overcosted in 6th and they got worse in 7th. They could be very strong if they had drop pods, but for some reason CSM don't have cheap drop pods. I am holding out hopes for the Imperial Armor chaos space marine supplement and some sort of 40k nurgle supplement.

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With Zombies, it's harder - as all your points should probably be in them.


7 man and kitted as described - they're durable enough to do anything really. Entirely up to you. They should offer enough flexibility for anything you desire.

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At 2000 points I usually run 1-2 squads of 8 with 2 flamers and a powerfist in landraiders accompanying a cc oriented character like typhus or a palanquin sorcerer with the 2+ armor relic from the CS supplement. I usually also have 2 or 3 additional squads of 7 with a powerfist and either double plasmaguns or double meltaguns depending on what I'm expecting to run into on any given day and I do fairly well. I typically run the landraiders straight at something I'd like to not see stay on the table and flank that with the plasma squads. Even just the one flamer squad supported by 2 plasma squads turns into a pretty good spear tip that's difficult to deal with.

Following some of the previously mentioned wisdom, I use my plague marines like CSM+. They have a pretty good defensive loadout and can be hard to force off of objectives or easily sweep away in close combat.

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