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Help with Vanguard Veterans


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Hail Sons of Sanguinius! I have given into the Red Thirst and begun an army of Blood Angels. I want to do a jumper heavy army, and recently (finally!) got my hands on a box of vanguard vets. My question now is got any ideas on an optimal number to field as well as what to give them... My other army is has a shooty drop pod list with no real close combat beatsticks. Thanks for any help!
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Hail brother! Welcome to the club of red angels :)


First of all, whats in the rest of your army? Generally you want to outfit your VV's for a particular role. Be it MC mashing (which tbh isent advised for these guys...as theyre unlikely to survive), MEQ clean up duty (do-able, but we generally dont lack units that can do that) or an all-rounder build that can take all comers (would be the way I would go, but specialisation can get you more against your chosen target)


Be mindfull that VV's are insanely expensive for what you get.... At 30 pts a piece with jump pack theyre only 5 points less expensive then jump DC (which tbh have WS5, FNP, FC and rage all standard) theyre almost (but not quite) twice as expensive as normal assault marines and tbh for LD9 and an extra attack a piece thats....not much. Granted theres 1 thing they do get and tbh the only reason to take them (outside of the coolness factor that is) and thats: heroic intervention.


Since VV's only scatter D6 inches max its quite easy to get them to land where you want. Tbh if id use VV's id use them to wipe a unit in the turn they charge (hopefully you dont wipe them completly though, as that would mean your opponent gets to fire at you for full effect....) or at the very least do as much damage as possible. To this effect id keep them compact and/or very specialised.


The whole unit pays full (character) price for its weaponry, aside from the sarge who already has a PW. He can trade it for a LC for free (making a full set only 15 points) or a blade encarmine for free (but its 2handed so you dont get an extra attack from a pistol). For the TH and PF you get 15 points discount.


What I did for mine, was give the sarge dual lightning claws, gave 1 a powermaul and the other a PF/TH. Sadly ive only played them a few times and when I did they were on foot jumping out of a stormraven. I must say though that with the assault vehicle rules this made them quite a nasty combo with the stormraven but thats alot of points in reserve (also had a dreadnought hanging in there) and if the stormraven got gunned down prematurely I was pretty much in trouble....


Buttomline though, get these guys in the thick of things and get them to kill an enemy squad or two. They dont got the killy potential the DC have given the extra goodies the DC posses, but theyre slightly cheaper, can score in this edition and can charge on the turn they drop in.


Good luck! :tu:

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Well I got about 20 Assault Marines (jump pack) about 10 death company that I have a Drop Pod for, a chaplain to lead them and act as Warlord, a fragisio, a death company dread, a stormraven, an unit of assault termies, a few sanguinary priests (including one that will be in termie armor) and a unit of Sanguinary Guard (they look too cool NOT to have)..


I have only built and painted the death company, chaplain and fragisio to use as an allied detachment (I hate using unpainted models).


The plan I have mulling around in my head is to advance the two assault squads up together while dropping the death company with Dread buddies first turn to create havoc. My thought with the vanguard is to use them to supplement that initial assault with a (hopefully) second turn deep and assault.

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Ahhh he fell into the Sanguinary guard trap lol. They were the very first model i ever bought and I love them... but they are just not as effective as other options on the table. Not to say dont use them, just a friendly warning. As far as your vanguard vets, i usually run mine at least 8 deep with 1 or 2 special weapons. Like others have said, they are like a scalpel to help you remove those pesky back line units. Good luck and welcome to the Blood Angels!

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