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Greater Brass Scorpion


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Seen one used in-game twice. Here's the bottom line: if it hits the enemy lines, it will beat everything it comes in contact with for about 3-4 turns assuming it's in close combat the majority of the time until it goes boom. And then it kills even more things.

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I got to use my Brass Scorpion at a tourny a few weeks back

he was awesome

first game vs. CSM/Necrons at one point it was down to 1 hp, but by the end of the game back to 4, a loss due to objectives but close

game 2 (this is the game I really wanted) vs Space marines with a Reaver titan, the brass scorpion made the reaver run away, he didnt want to melee with me, but I chased him down, 3 rounds later the Reaver (with the help of his chapter masters meltabombs) finally killed the Scorp but was destroyed in the blast win for team chaos

game 3 vs seer council/twin wraithknights the Scorp pretty much carried the whole battle, stomped both wraithknights and clawed the seer council to pieces (take that you stinking elves) win for team chaos, but very close as he had pretty much destroyed my army except the Scorp


for 700 points it doesnt seem to pack much punch on paper, but on the battlefield it is crazy hard to stop, with 14 front armor, the best charge in the game, and hp that just keep coming back

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