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1500Pt BatRep Blood Angels VS Imperial Fist


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Played a 1500pt game vs Imperial Fist Today

4 Objectives – Standard deployment


My List


Furioso Libby

Fragioso –Grapple in Pod


Aslt x 5- Meltagun – Razorback -Las/Plas

DC x 7 – 2 Axe with Landraider Crusader

StormRaven- MM, Astl cannon


Opponent List –Just from memory


2x units of scouts with bolters

Centurions x3- Grav Guns

2x Vindicators

Stormraven –Lascannon, ?missles or rockets?

Imperial Knight



Mephiston rolled on Biomancy and Furioso Libby rolled on Divination

Mephy got Iron Arm

He won the roll to deploy first, and chose to go second

In the image you can see my Deployment, Mephy, Corbs and the Furioso Libby Behind the Raider, the Razorback Deployed on an Objective, Death Coy are in the Raven in reserve

On his side theres the Centurions and libby in ruins on the left and scouts in center, I think I may have had some psychological effect on this opponent from past games because he held the knight and Vindicators in reserves



Turn 1

            Mephy & Corbs got into the empty Raider and moved up 12”, Libby Furioso moved forward, Fragioso Podded in by the Scouts, LandRaider shot at Centurions and Fragioso Shot at scouts

            During his turn the Centurions immobilized the LRC


Turn 2

            I got the Raven in from reserve, F. Libby moved up, Fragioso switched targets to shooting centurions, along with Stormraven (no missles), LRC and Razorback leaving only the leaving the Libby left getting me first blood for killing the Centurions

            He got 1 vindicator and the Knight in from reserves, shooting at the fragioso but failing to do any real damage, I got lucky I guess had cover from Demolisher and battlecannon whiffed only getting a glance on it


Turn 3

            Fragioso and F. Libby moved towards the knight, Mephy and Corbs got out moved close to ruins, Raven dropped to hover moved to shoot side armour of titan (saved my missles just for this) Death Coy dismounted to assault Vindicator, Mephy got Iron arm off and the Furioso Libby got Prescience off on the Fragioso (used 5 dice and perils, took glancing hit)

            As the shooting phase began he chose to use the Ion shield to the side with the Raven, the LRC took out the lone Librarian, then the Lascannon from Razorback stripped off the 1st hull point of the Knight, the Fragioso took 3 more hull points off buffed by prescience with the frag cannon, metla and magna grapple, the raven then shot 3 missiles, the aslt cannon and MM into the side armour Stripping the remaining two hull points off of the Knight, this led to my opponents choice in using one of the new rules in 7th Edition he accepted defeat



My Thoughts

Well the Mephy & Corbs combo did nothing for me, not really there fault as everything kept dying (shouldn’ t really complain about that I guess but I would have like to see them do something since I used a considerable amount of points to fit them and the LRC in the list

*The Fragioso shinned through in this game for me taking those 3HP off the Knight


also had I played the knight I would have put it and the 2 Vindicators on the table making the opponent choose what to shoot at between 4 real targets, 2 vindi’s, the knight and Centurions

We did play a 2nd game where I used a different list while he used the same maybe I’ll do a quicker batrep of that one too

Thanks for reading

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Great result :)


I also found fraggy dreads work well against knights, particularly if you can drop them on different facings of the knight.


One thing though - I thought the rules say we can fire no more than two of any stormraven's missiles in one turn?

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