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Identity Units and Rules


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Over in this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291523-creating-a-better-40k-shooting-phase-finished/, Black Cohort is looking on some input for the key units and rules that identify the BAs. The thread is to re-build the CRB and 'dexes from the ground up. My thoughts are that the key units to making an army BA specific are to include the Death Company and Sanguinary Priests. Beyond that is where I'm looking for your input brothers. What other units do you feel are key? The rules portion to me is fairly straightforward; red thirst, black rage, and assault squads as troops. Are there any other rules that you feel are key to running a BA army?

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Death Company - Been in the mix since 2nd Ed. 


Furious Charge (since we brought the rule to the game). 


Feel no Pain.


problem is, BA have evolved a little.  They were supposedly the CC aggressive army, but losing the bonus to FNP and FC really hit us hard.

Most people forget (or dont know) that we also had the rule that allowed us to disembark out of rhinos that moved over the regular speed - no more :/


Also, we're overcosted now. So, all these things influence the playstyle of the BA.  Ill be very, very curious to see what they do with our codex this edition.


I hope its a return to the old stuff.

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Agree with all above.




Fast tanks.

Decent of Angels rule (only 1d6 scatter on DS)

Assault squads as Troops.

Death Co.

Baal preds.


That's IMO the minimum needed for a BA army. It's also what I use for my WorldEaters.


The next few are wish listing;

Assault ramps on rhinos.

DoA from Ravens

VV as fast AND elite.

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Dont forget the red paintjob :P


Nah j/k. Most of the things are already mentioned except that I dont see anything reflecting the blood angels armory which suddenly got stolen (I think as early as the PDF dex?) so grails, shroud of sangy, artificer armour outside of special characters etc has been missing for a good long while.


Would be nice to have those options again :(

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Okay, let's focus this down somewhat, shall we? How about if you guys had one unit to save (theoretically) for a new codex - which one would you choose? Which unit says 'Blood Angels' more than any other?

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Sanguinary Guard that are better in CC, those models are awesome! smile.png

I wondered when someone would mention them. They may be a newer addition (I only know the most recent C:BA) but I think they are part of the Chapter's identity.

While this would be a nerf, I think the DC should again be less controllable than 6th (and possibly 7th) made them due to the change of the Rage USR. A chaplain should make them controllable.

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Okay, let's focus this down somewhat, shall we? How about if you guys had one unit to save (theoretically) for a new codex - which one would you choose? Which unit says 'Blood Angels' more than any other?

Death Company.

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If we are going to go back to what was done before this book then I want a return to battle companies and for tactical squads to get close combat weapons as an extra option.


The fluff used to be about how, with the exception of the death company, blood angels were codex compliant. Why aren't they anymore?


Mind you I think librarian dreadnoughts should be for all chapters of the astartes but that is probably just me.


Artificer armour for all characters. I really miss that to be honest and I shouldn't feel the need to take special characters to get it.

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If we are going to go back to what was done before this book then I want a return to battle companies and for tactical squads to get close combat weapons as an extra option.


The fluff used to be about how, with the exception of the death company, blood angels were codex compliant. Why aren't they anymore?





^THIS!!!!  I was gonna type that, but didnt want to go on my tirade again!! 


SO much of this.  I really want to be able to use full tac squads again.

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Can't believe nobody has put Furioso and death company dreadnoughts on the list yet!


Those and frag cannons and blood talons enrich our chapter alongside everything mentioned so far. Considering that our dreadnoughts alone slaughtered a Waagh! assault on our homeworld, we are very much a dreadnought chapter too, besides fast mech and accurate deepstrike and bloodlust.

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No bs, you guys get the better close combat marine stuff, I'm doing what I should have done in the first place and just make a blood angel army (better models, Loyalists so better rules, etc).


Ground Pounding Beserkers are...okay, though they lack the extra base attack they so richly deserve for how much they cost and being an "elite" unit.


If you guys get assault Rhinos I'm going to be the first to drop flags and hop on that Bandwagon.

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I think assault rhinos are a pipe dream, but if GW have any BA -sense of history and fluff (like theyve done with so many other recent dexs)  what I would place money on is one of two things:


1.  The ability to disembark and then charge from a stationary rhino. (ala 5th ed. core rules). 


2. The ability to disembark from a rhino that has moved 12"  (ala 3rd ed BA dex)

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