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Scrymgeour, you mean the chapters duality? The 2 camps: chaplains versus sanguinary priests?

Embracing Sanguinius' gift or resisting every urge of it.

The priests preach to use the gift of the blood angels own blood, but to wield it as knife edge and not a blunt instrument. The chaplains instead preach to keep anger contained but to those who fail they lead them to battle to ensure their sacrifice is not in vain.

IMHO its this duality that best represents our chapter :) both camps want what is best for their battle brothers sake. Both camps take a completly different approach and both stand by eachother shoulder to shoulder. One cannot wield their anger without control, while one also cannot supress the strength in their blood when one needs it the most. The goal is to use it and not be overwhelmed by it ^_^

That said, its more of a fluff thing then a model thing sweat.gif I doubt GW would get rid of that!

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