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khorne bezerkers wielding bolters


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*ghostly whisper* space woooooolf codex


There's no reason for World Eaters to abandon boltguns completely - they made use of them throughout the heresy, and plenty of Khorne marked CSM get along fine with them. You're not likely to find many WE without close combat weapons and pistols, but an extra boltgun isn't exactly unfluffy. It'll probably be somewhat battered and fitted with a vicious bayonet.

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I am currently reading betrayer and I am not sure if they would of used bolters and would of only used deadly close combat, I am a big fan of the world eaters and I want to try and get my army to use fluff so would they use heldrakes and things like that?
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These are His dedicated engines;



In the Olden days, Khorne cared not whence the Blood flowed; only that it flowed. He was also teh God of martial valour, as long as it was violent and not psychic he was keen for it. Autocannon squads shooting up worthy foes? Cool, Dreadnoughts charging forward offering fire support? excellant, see where this is going.


In the background it must also be remebered that the bezerker was the epitome of single minded devotion to the blood god, a being so far immersed in teh shedding of blood that anything else is a distant second in his minds eye. CC is the ultimate theater for this act, though background material is notoriously ambiguous in 40k.


As for the HH I cant really say as Ive only just started teh books.

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  • 3 weeks later...


So I can shove what ever I like into my weird hatted khorne army :)

Maybe psykers might be unfluffy because they make the nails sing.


We had a discussion regarding psykers in a khornate force at a small chaos themed event at the weekend.


There is a small group of librarians in Betrayer, admittedly out of favour but there nonetheless. In 7th, and with the advent of summoning, would it be feasible and justified to have a demonic librarian (Crimson Slaughter - Prophet of the Voices) to be able to summon khornate daemons (fluffy). He could be the last remaining, or one of the few remaining, World Eater librarians.

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Except there are no remaining Librarians. The nails killed them on implantation, and finally Angron killed the last few on his ascension.


It's basically been a fickle line of Khornate enchanters, Demonoligists, and allied sorcs or Demons. Yes, you're using it to summon demons, but that's mechanics and practical tactical choices. The WE aren't the most practical bynch.


Personally I've seen demon summoning in a weird magic way, but Khorne is a wild card in that he actively disdains it. Otherwise you're relying on demonology with blood sacrifices to bridge a metaphysical breach into the Warp.

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