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Apostles of Redemption (WIP)


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Apostles of Redemption

redemptionem per sapientiam

I had a custom chapter on the go a few years ago, but due to work commitments and thesis writing and so forth I let the idea idle for a while. I have had some new ideas, found a gaming group in my current city, and have more disposable income than before, so have decided to get back to work on a custom chapter. At this point I would just like to float the general ideas and see whether they are found acceptable.

The basics are as follows:

Chapter name: Apostles of Redemption

Motto: Redepmtion through Wisdom

Geneseed: Blood Angels

Base: Fleet Based Chapter

Recruitment: As interpreted from the body of the Final Prophecy by the Black Council (see below - in effect they can recruit from any world)

Founding: Yet to decide - not a young chapter

Style: Sternly monastic

Organisation: Mostly codex (unknown number of black rage sufferers - likely takes chapter strength beyond 1000)

Colours: Black with green left shoulder (the chapter does not like to identify as a Blood Angels successor, as such they chose a colour other than red)


I have always enjoyed the Blood Angels fluff - in particular the stuff surrounding the Red Thirst and Black Rage. However, I have a different take on how my chapter as a Blood Angels successor might make use of this. The idea combines some aspects of the secretive and monastic chapters of the Unforgiven with the quirks of the Blood Angels geneseed.

In essence, rather than fielding a death company, marines who succumb to the Black Rage are taken into the bowels of the chapter's primary battle-barge and locked away. Their ravings and visions are recorded by legions of servitor-scribes until they eventually perish - which may take centuries. The chapter simultaneously views the Black Rage as a divine punishment for the failure of Blood Angels (and those who share their seed) to adequately protect the Emperor, and as their single means of redemption. Within the chapter the Black Rage is referred to as the 'Final Prophecy', as those who fall to it are viewed as prophets - figures of both reverence and pity. All members of this chapter pray that they should achieve the penance of the Final Prophecy, and that when they do so their visions will aid their chapter in smiting the Emperor's enemies. It is their hope that should they smite enough enemies the Emperor will see fit to lift their curse. The existence of these prophetic brothers is a closely guarded secret of the chapter, and they are not open about the source of their geneseed.

The chaplains and librarians of the chapter form the 'Black Council', who interpret the gibberings of their insane bretheren and then based on these advise the Chapter Master on where to direct the chapter's forces. The Chapter Master is not privy to the goings on of Black Council sittings beyond what they report to him. This structure was instituted initially to prevent Chapter Masters from steering the interpretation of the Final Prophecy toward their own ends - a kind of separation of power at the level of the chapter's constitution. This gives the chapter an unusual double-headed authority structure, which historically has caused some friction within the chapter. The Red Thirst is dealt with ritually by the Black Council, with the chaplains passing on sacramental servings of the blood of those who have acheived the Final Prophecy to apothecaries for distribution as a part of their pre-battle rituals. Apothecaries are only granted direct access to those who have achieved the Final Prophecy after their deaths. This involves a lengthy ritual during which the hallowed dead are formally passed from the Black Council back to their battle-brothers for entombment.

The chapter's reliance on the interpretation of the prophetic mutterings and screamings of those who have reached the Final Prophecy for strategic choices renders their activities seemingly erratic and unpredictable to other chapters. They may turn up years before a battle begins in some cases, and mid-way through conflicts they were not expected to intervene with in others. At other times a single battle brothers may be seen landing on a seemingly peaceful world, marching into a settlement or city and executing a particular individual, and then leaving again without explanation. Inquisitors have occasionally become interested in the chapter over the millenia, but have generally found them loyal - if eccentric.

The Apostles of Redemption are incredibly secretive and do not regularly interact with other chapters outside of where the Black Council directs them to do so - and even this is often only in the context of cooperation in battle. The Apostles of Redemption more often than not ignore calls to attend summits with the leadership of other Index Astartes chapters. As a point of interest, despite their sharing geneseed with the Blood Angels, the Apostles of Redemption do not have a particularly cordial relationship with the chapter (the Blood Angels are one of the few groups in the imperium beyond the Adeptus Terra who know that the Apostles of Redemption carry the geneseed of Sanguinious), who they view as somewhat unrepentant for their failure.

The chapter is sternly monastic and studious in religious matters, as such they are often robed and make use of books in their symbols and company insignia. The brothers do not speak beyond what is strictly necessary for their duties. They spend several hours a day in prayer and study in addition to their training. All chapter brothers are aware of the Final Prophecy as a matter of chapter theology and, as mentioned, find its achievement a kind of spiritual victory. Only the Black Council, however, are allowed access to those brothers who have achieved this state or the records of their visions.

The battle doctrine of the chapter is relatively flexible and depends on the mission at hand - they do not share the Blood Angels focus on close combat. The chapter needs to move in and out swiftly to accomplish its often very specific objectives (as stated, occasionally just the death of a particular individual), so the chapter does make extensive use of rapid transport, assault vehicles and drop-pod deployment.

This is what I have so far. If anyone has any comments or ideas please let me know. In terms of the models, I hope to use robes from the Dark Angels kits. The chapter is supposed to be quite ancient, so I will also use some older armour styles from ForgeWorld - particularly for the terminators. I have some good ideas for fluff for the first company, but have run out of time to put them here.

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This is awesome.



The Chapter Master is never himself either a chaplain or a librarian.


This seems to be a redundant line, as this is generally this case in 99% of Chapters.



who they view as somewhat unrepentant for their failure.


Differences over treatment of the black rage could be worked in here, along with the founding of the Chapter - maybe the original Marine who split off to head the early Apostles of Redemption had a view on the Black Rage that differed from most Blood Angels?

Thanks for the reply - I have adjusted the part relating to the Chapter Master as per what you have pointed out. Quite right on that. I have also added a little on the role of apothecaries in the whole business.


I have some material on the boil for the chapter origins and how the views of the founding retinue, in particular the first Chapter Master, impacted on how the chapter was formed. I am perfectly open to suggestions if anyone thinks they have some good ideas to contribute though.


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