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Military Designations

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How do you believe that the AM units would be "numbered/named"?  The IG has the 24th (blank) Infantry, the 102nd Tank Regiment, etc. Would the AM use this type of unit designation or some other?


  Captain General


      IG: 101st Armored Spearhead Regimental Assault Group

      Orks: Death Skulls

      SM: Iron Hands

      AM: ?, Kearnague Forge World

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Tagmata are named after the Archmagi leading them, i.e. "Tagma(ta) Satrael" in HH3. I would assume Individual designations on maniple level to follow that scheme, whereas lower ranking adepts would be identified by a combination of greek letters (lingua technae), latin ordinals ("primus" "quindecimus", etc.) and arabic numerals (1,2,3).  

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I would usually put use kind of descriptive to show the purpose of the formation in question, e.g. Rapid Offensive Unit Theta Sigma, Data Retrieval Team 1001010, Archeotech Recovery Team, Primus etc.

For me, naming a mechanicum unit after a leader implies too much ego on the part of that leader (possibly something that has changed over ten thousand years).

Function over form.

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too much ego on the part of that leader

Function over form.



"Magos Dominus"

"Archmagos Prime"



The function of the machine is to serve its master.

I'd agree. It's not called the Cult Mechanicus for nothing. And any cult calling their higher-ups "Magus" seems inclined to include quite a few Egos. And probably "Arch-Egos",too.

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The Mysteries
  • 01. Life is directed motion.
  • 02. The spirit is the spark of life.
  • 03. Sentience is the ability to learn the value of knowledge.
  • 04. Intellect is the understanding of knowledge.
  • 05. Sentience is the basest form of Intellect.
  • 06. Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension.
  • 07. Comprehension is the key to all things.


Sentience is the ability to feel, percieve or to experience subjectivity.


Subjectivity is the condition of being a subject: i.e., the quality of possessing perspectives, experiences, feelings, beliefs, desires, and/or power.


thus, the ability to experience the quality of possessing power is the true path to comprehension.

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  • 1 month later...

If you look at any Black Library novel or representation of the Mechanicum, they are all noted as being severly egotistical.  Believing that they hold power over all "lesser intellegent life-forms".  Everyone under their station is concidered a lesser intellegent life form.  It does not suprise me at all that they name their Taghmata after the Magos leading it.  The particular units are are also named in importance of function with the most decorated or first built usually called the Primus unit then Secundus, and so forth.  Techna-lingua, binary and functional names are all acceptable based on the needs and desires of the Magos in charge. 


My own units are based of my Magos Obsidia Pearl's personal beliefs.  Calling his Thallax units the Ruby cohort, Saphire cohort, and Jade cohort.  The Castellax maniples are also similarly named. 

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Varies by forgeworld, legio, and magos to magos.


Ben Counter's Soul Drinker novel had the leader of detachment of Tech-guard called Colonel-priest Klayden.  They also happened to be a little more like augmented guardsmen.

IT WAS A man's life in the Sixers. The regiment's proper name was a twelve-digit string of letters and symbols that indicated its size, composition and base camp location on board the
674-XU28. It was only the tech-priests and magi of the crew, and the senior officers who might one day be accepted into the tech-priest ranks, who could remember the whole thing in full. The logic-string happened to begin with the number six, and so it was as the Sixers that they knew themselves.


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