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Giant Chaos Spawn


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They look like they could be fun! A t6 monstrous creature for just over twice the price of a rhino with a ton of attacks. For that price I'd happily run 2.


Had anyone used one before? How did it fair with its 6" movement?

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They look like they could be fun! A t6 monstrous creature for just over twice the price of a rhino with a ton of attacks. For that price I'd happily run 2.

Had anyone used one before? How did it fair with its 6" movement?

I'm also very curious about this, since with the Mark of Nurgle, you've got a T6 MC with FnP. Quite durable, and seems like it'd be scary in the assault.

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Their current rules are in Imperial Armour: Apocalypse, and they do not have any option for marks.  They are however S6, T6, 4W monstrous creatures with some armor and a fair number of attacks and some nice random bonuses in close combat all for well under 100 points apiece.  I haven't used them yet (I'm waiting until I finish my conversions, which in turn are waiting on painting progress on a fiend), but look forward to trying them out.


Honestly, I expect their points cost to rise whenever FW's chaos stuff is updated for 7e, but they're cheap enough as is that they could be 10 to 20 points more expensive, and they'd still look pretty good to me.

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Their current rules are in Imperial Armour: Apocalypse, and they do not have any option for marks.  They are however S6, T6, 4W monstrous creatures with some armor and a fair number of attacks and some nice random bonuses in close combat all for well under 100 points apiece.  I haven't used them yet (I'm waiting until I finish my conversions, which in turn are waiting on painting progress on a fiend), but look forward to trying them out.


Honestly, I expect their points cost to rise whenever FW's chaos stuff is updated for 7e, but they're cheap enough as is that they could be 10 to 20 points more expensive, and they'd still look pretty good to me.

The issue I have with them is that they aren't Beasts...so unlike regular spawn they won't be motoring down the field providing cover for any of your weaker guys, and similarly not as great an escort for Biker Lords.

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They're MCs, so characters can't join them anyway.  And they're elites, not fast attack, so they're not competing for slots with anything worth taking.  And you can pick up two of them for, what, less then the price of a single unit of nurgle spawn?  They get to combat based on being cheap, and if they die before they get there, then oh, well, because, again, they're cheap, and probably took more effort for your opponents to bring down than you put into fielding them.  They're big, ugly distractions, basically, and effectively form a second wave to maulers, spawn, and the like.  Yeah, more maulers would probably be better (although maulers probably take less effort to drop, and have fewer attacks), but maulers are more expensive, and eat heavy slots

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They're MCs, so characters can't join them anyway.  And they're elites, not fast attack, so they're not competing for slots with anything worth taking.  And you can pick up two of them for, what, less then the price of a single unit of nurgle spawn?  They get to combat based on being cheap, and if they die before they get there, then oh, well, because, again, they're cheap, and probably took more effort for your opponents to bring down than you put into fielding them.  They're big, ugly distractions, basically, and effectively form a second wave to maulers, spawn, and the like.  Yeah, more maulers would probably be better (although maulers probably take less effort to drop, and have fewer attacks), but maulers are more expensive, and eat heavy slots



I'm seriously thinking of converting a couple now. What did you convert your from?


I have considered the Slaughterbrute kit from fantasy as they look appropriately mutated enough.

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If you just want easy, stick to the slaughter brute and mutalith.  They're the right size, they look great, and there's practically no conversion work needed for them to count as giant spawn (though personally I feel the slaughter brute head on its own looks a bit less 'giant spawn' and a bit more 'spined beast').  If you're up for something more effortful, a mish mash of any giant monster bits from across the fantasy range, from the ogre stonehorn/thundertusk to the O&G arachnaroch, could work.


For my own in-progress conversions, one took the easy route of using the fantasy Chaos Warrior Mutalith Vortex Beast, assembled more or less as is.  Only changes were I gave it the chest arms from the slaughterbrute and left off the warp ball, gluing a spike in place to fill the hole.  That conversion's just about done, minus acquiring a large oval base for him.  Two of that would have been easier by far, but I didn't want chorus line spawn, so my second is a much more extensive conversion, using the fantasy Skaven Hell Pit Abomination as the body, plus both Slaughterbrute heads and the Vortex Beast's warp ball left over from the other spawn, and a plastic daemon prince wing, iirc.  That conversion still needs a lot of work, though, filling gaps and blending bits together with greenstuff, and further progress will have to wait until I finish my current painting vow.










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I used to use them very frequently, made one from a Mutalith, the other from a Hellpit Abomination, heh.


When they get in combat, they wreck face, the problem is that they're abysmally slow.  That said, in a threat overload list, they might get ignored, so may live to get in a fight, or if they don't get ignored, they tend to command more attention from the opponent than they should.

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Those are some nice conversions there, Mal. The hellpit abomination looks amazing. I had a battle last night where I certainly felt have two t6 monstrous creatures would've helped.


For now I'm looking for appropriate models, the slaughterbrute and hellpit look good but I've discovered the carnosaur kit and am wondering if I could suitably chaos them up too. Chaos dinosaurs > regular dinosaurs

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I don't want to jump on the bandwagon simply because fwwill finally release the rules change when I get them.

Go on mate, it'll be fun!


Besides the next ruleset would probably be in the rumoured chaos imperial armour book so if they did change the rules, technically it'll be a good thing for chaos. So you have to get a giant spawn now ;)

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If you just want easy, stick to the slaughter brute and mutalith. They're the right size, they look great, and there's practically no conversion work needed for them to count as giant spawn (though personally I feel the slaughter brute head on its own looks a bit less 'giant spawn' and a bit more 'spined beast'). If you're up for something more effortful, a mish mash of any giant monster bits from across the fantasy range, from the ogre stonehorn/thundertusk to the O&G arachnaroch, could work.


For my own in-progress conversions, one took the easy route of using the fantasy Chaos Warrior Mutalith Vortex Beast, assembled more or less as is. Only changes were I gave it the chest arms from the slaughterbrute and left off the warp ball, gluing a spike in place to fill the hole. That conversion's just about done, minus acquiring a large oval base for him. Two of that would have been easier by far, but I didn't want chorus line spawn, so my second is a much more extensive conversion, using the fantasy Skaven Hell Pit Abomination as the body, plus both Slaughterbrute heads and the Vortex Beast's warp ball left over from the other spawn, and a plastic daemon prince wing, iirc. That conversion still needs a lot of work, though, filling gaps and blending bits together with greenstuff, and further progress will have to wait until I finish my current painting vow.










I've been wanting to use those models for awhile now and I'm glad to see that they do the job well. Never liked the FW model.

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I've got a few crypt horror spawns myself. It's just slightly annoying that they are so tall (makes it harder to get a cover save)


Otherwise they are really nice models.

I remember someone using crypt horrors with Minotaur arms to make some khorne spawn. Can't remember who it was but they were pretty awesome.
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Crypt horrors make good spawn. I'd cut off some of the decorative bone piercings & maybe replace them with some tentacle bits & the like, though. Maybe mix and match bits with the vargheists - which they're a duel kit with. I was covered on spawn before that kit was released, though.
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