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Bolters and Chainswords may break my bones...

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... But whips and chains excite me!


Despite my eternal struggle to earn the title "world's slowest painter" I've finally made some progress with my brute and lord.


First up, The Helbrute, Pinky Jr, never failing to get his points back:






Is it just me, or does he look a bit like Voldemort (though infinitely more fabulous in all his pink glory)?


Next up... The one, the only.... Lord Grinch Greathorn the Indifferent (his title helps me cope with losses)








The Noise Lord backpack represents the relic torrent flamer, as well as his melta bomb (I figure the various noise weapons seem to have almost any kind of profile, so melta bomb represents a very close range focussed Bass Solo).


I'm really satisfied with the backpack and left arm (from the Raptor box) but I'm not sure about the helmet... Looks very goofy :-)


I do wonder wether the Lord perhaps needs a cloak of some kind, to bring color balance to the model with a bit of flowing green... And the bike will (obviously get more attention 'some day' though I haven't decided if I'm gonna pimp it big-time or leave it as it is, out of the box. Some thoughts include fitting a gilded demon prince head (the one with rounded horns pointing down) on the front shield, and/or putting a pair of pistol holsters on each side of the fuel tank, and maybe a sword somewhere. As I type this I start to think, maybe the lord belongs in the WIP section of the Painting forum... ?

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The original thought was to give him a unique and terrifying helmet, so I though hey, a demon prince head painted like armor could work!


Turns out it was way too big and goofy-looking, turning him more into a mischievous (but fabulous) imp or goblin than a harbinger or destruction, but... Hey, he looks cute :)

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Nothing wrong with Chaos models looking completely strange and other worldly. Especially Slaanesh as far as I'm concerned ;)
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I'd say if you are doing 2 pistols then the one on the right side of the tank has the grip going towards the body and the one on the left has the grip going towards the front of the bike. Because drawing a pistol with w LC just isn't happening. (though i admit the comic value of the attempt) and if it pointed in the draw would just be so very awkward. I'm actually very much digging the Impish look of Lord Grinch.

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I'd say if you are doing 2 pistols then the one on the right side of the tank has the grip going towards the body and the one on the left has the grip going towards the front of the bike. Because drawing a pistol with w LC just isn't happening. (though i admit the comic value of the attempt) and if it pointed in the draw would just be so very awkward. I'm actually very much digging the Impish look of Lord Grinch.

That is an excellent idea! While I could very much appreciate the comic value as you say, my main reason for wanting two pistols are symmetry and because I like how it looks on war-horses from the 1700s (big pistol on each side of the saddle). Placing them both for right-hand draw would be a subtle nod to... Well, reality.

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