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Prot's Quick N Dirty Bat Rep & Dark Angels in 7th


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Hey guys,

First off thanks to those of you that chimed in with the type of list I should try out.

The list is here:


I'll try to make this short and sweet, so I'll do an abbreviated batrep and some of my thoughts on Dark Angels in 7th now that I've played a few games.

A bit of history:

This edition I -felt- like Ravenwing was seriously hampered. This is my personal view so I wanted to test some things. In 6th edition what attracted me to Dark Angels was actually Deathwing, but within weeks I quickly transferred over to a strong Ravenwing list of which I had a good 2-3 variants that were very competitive if played right. I found Ravenwing took time to really understand, but in the hands of the right player, they could really be competitive.

Considering my thoughts on RW in 7th, here I wanted to transition to a multiwing army....

But Why Dark Angels?

This is probably just me, but if I feel I'm playing an army that is.... noncompetitive when another marine army would be better, I admit, I won't last long. So why play Dark Angels? I wanted to do something that only Dark Angels can do, or else I might as well play 'vanilla' marines right? (This is of course ignoring the love of the background and appearance, we're talking strictly table top performance).

So that is why the list you see is a crossbreed of Greenwing, Ravenwing, and Deathwing.

Moving onto the Game:

My opponent was Nids. He's a great player but often to his credit tries different stuff and I think this was somewhere in between what he's comfortable with and experimentation for him. I personally don't think Nids are top teir-uber-competitive, however, that being said some people play them super well and are always a challenge. Just my opinion. And with D.A., I usually find them very tough due to my model count.

My opponent's list was full of Monstrous creatures firing twin linked Devourers, some squads of gaunts, 2 Mawlocs, 2 of those cover bugs, 2 Carnies w/twin devs, a flying HIve Tyrant with twin Devs... Raveners, Gene Stealers, those guys with indirect fire (AP3 St8 ?) , 3 Zoanthropes, and some filler junk. The game was at 1850.

Turns that Mattered:

Early Game:

We played Malestrom (which is all we do for the objectives which we really enjoy). Basically the early turns had me deep striking a lot. Az-Zeke bomb went according to plan, drop podding right on an objective and getting a mysterious objective roll for reducing charge range.

I chose the Warlord Trait to get my Az-Zeke bomb a 4+ FnP when on an objective (I think that's right - doesn't matter n ever got to use it. lol )

With him putting his Raveners and Genestealers in a bad position, I had Plasma Cannon Termies wipe out Raveners, while two bike squads Scouted up close and smoked all but 2 Gene Stealers including the Broodlord. First Blood goes to me!


"Why won't you die?!?!?" Broodlord was really annoying.


He starts fanning out, once he saw me do my Ravenwing traditional move of scouting out, sitting on multiple objectives. He was forced to react because he knew I was intentionally trying to gain as many super early game objective card objectives with my Super Scoring units. (Thanks Az!)

Every turn we got an additional objective card. I was leading early from the above tactic, but soon after he was putting a dent in my termies, and some of my bikes but even with smaller numbers I was holding out.

My Dread had no good target. I regretted upgrading him, but do undestand that it makes him a lot more accurate but survivable? Not so sure. I lanted, heavy flamered a squad of gaunts, and was absolutely murdered by a cluster of glances. In fact the drop pod was more valuable than the dread it came in! It forced my opponent to totally destroy it to grab an objective... buying me time.


Az-Zeke bomb: Safe on the building? Hive Tyrant says 'no'.


Mid Game:

Things get ugly for me. I tried to fan out a lot but needed to concentrate firepower in front of Az-Zeke bomb or else risk being tarpitted by garbage units. But the Mawloc's came up and smoked two squads of bikes with zero jinks allowed. (this happens to me a lot with new codexes, if it isn't Mawloc's, it's Heldrakes, Tau, or Deathstrike missiles).

We had a minor rules discrepancy. I play against Nids a lot and a friend told me he can't 'burrow' Mawlocs up underneath something that is not on ground level. For this reason, from the beginning of the game, I put Az-Zeke bomb on top of a one floor little bunker. My opponent reluctantly accepted this, however, I did remind him that Az-Zeke bomb had a 4+ invuln, plus a 4+ FnP from my Warlord trait. (Does anyone have a ruling for this?)

My advice to him to go after my bikes was probably the right move anyway considering he smoked almost two full - mini-squads of bikes.

The strength six shots really weighted on me. I felt like my original fan out, was starting to shrink as he advanced. The flying Hive Tyrant was killing me slowly.....

What REALLY surprised me though was the amount of bike/speeder/attackbike Jinks I had to take! With the amount of Zoanthrope lances, AP3 shooting, I realized how much I hate Jink on Ravenwing. Sure, you could say it added to my survivability (but I would disagree because I could manufacture a better jink in 6th edition anyway) but the jinked items in question were effectively removed from the game in any offensive capacity.


Late Game:

I was up by several points, and the Hive Tyrant was turning things around. The Deathleaper (Not sure why he used this... experiment?) came out and I was surprised how long that thing lasted... ugh. It attacked Az-Zeke bomb and it took forever to die.


Nephilim: Finally to the rescue???

FINALLY my Nephilim comes in..... I MUST take down that friggin Flying Hive Tyrant. The Nephlim opens up... the Avenger Mega Bolter is the only thing to wound.... finally forcing a grounding test. The Hive Tyrant rolls a 1 and ends landing on it's buttocks right adjacent to my Deathwing Knights. Pull out the BBQ sticks, it's time for some Chicken Wings!


Anyone for BBQ Hive Tyrant?

The Death Knights used Smite, and smoked the Hive Tyrant scoring me 3 Victory points from 3 Cards, + Slay the Warlord!


The price of victory: only 3 remain.

It was then that my opponent conceded realizing he could never catch me in 2 more turns.


End game and Thoughts:

+Psychic phase and other Tom Foolery:

- I had lots of chances. Mind Worn never became a factor. As I have discovered in 7th, it is REALLY hard to pull of a 2-3 warp charge ability unless you have a TON of dice. I suffered one Perils as a result of Prescience, but probably failed the ability 3 other times!

- My opponent really struggled to get anything off, but I failed to cancel anything myself!

- Ezekeil is actually not that bad a price. Divination is still pretty good but I would say the beauty in it when you are playing a game of random, cover removing deep strikes is 4+ invuln!!!

- People in general I think have given too much credit to the Psychic stuff. I think only 2-3 armies can really abuse/use it to full potential but to hang your hat on the Psychic phase is an uphill battle that requires a lot of luck.

+Az-Zeke Bomb in General:

- It IS hard as a rock. Immobile as a rock as well. But super scoring 4+ invulns are nice. That being said combining it with Ezekeil, even at 1850 is just too expensive in a list trying to get by on bike and Termie troops (aside from the tacticals in Azrael's unit).

- The unit was unbeatable, however it did not even get close to earning its points back BUT it earned me VP's throughout the game which is intangible and worth something.

- I really feel I have to re-think using Azrael OR Ezekeil. Just not enough output vs. expense.

+Nephilim enter Nephi-rant

- Here we go.... don't hate me for saying this but this HAS to go. A unit of Devs, or tacticals on a Bastion w/Quad cannon has always served me better. If it weren't for my absolute love of the model and it's background, I wouldn't have used it as much as I did in the past months.

- Speaking of background, I know this is old hat, but COME ON GW! This is a relic throwback engine to the height of the Lion's powers, dominating the skies? I plead with you, FIX IT.

/End Nephi-rant (my apologies)

+ Ravenwing

- Sorry fellows, but the end of an era has come. I sure hope you got to enjoy Ravenwing as I did in 6th because playing PURE Ravenwing in 7th is a bad idea unless you know your opponent's list, but in a tournament setting you will get decimated.

- Jink absolutely hurts Ravenwing. It isn't better.... we had ways of getting the Jink VERY low using wargear and trickery. But Snap Firing bikes/ speeders/ attack bikes is nasty, and confirmed for me.

- If you think how many times do you need to jink? Like I said I typically play in a tournament environment (most games) and I see enough Deathstrikes, Mawlocs, Heldrakes, Eldar, Tau, etc. that it is just a multiplicative factor I can't ignore compounded with Jink nerf.

+ Deathwing

- I think Deathwing isn't a lot better off considering new codexes, but I saw in this game I think it's the price of them that bothers me the most. But I can see value in the Powerfield lists using scoring LR's.

Signing off:

I think my Dark Angels might take a bit of a hiatus for a while. It's been really fun, and one of the most..... flavorfull codexes around. And if that is your primary reason for playing with them, hang in there and have fun!

This post got way longer than I intended so I'm going to stop babbling soon... I think there is more to explore with Azrael and Greenwing. Probably a good, flexible list hidden in the details, but certainly at the mercy of the player's skill level. (There is no D.A. I WIN button)

Thanks for reading this!

Very good of you to share your experiences Prot, some insightful opinions expressed eloquently although I don't agree with some of them myself but accept that local gaming environments differ greatly.


The issue of Azrael and Ezekiel's cost is valid but it also depends on what you can get them to do. If you don't feel they work well enough at this points level I can't fault your reasoning although I've always felt them worth it myself. Your assessment of the psychic phase was helpful and informative by the way.


I currently have only one game of 7th under my belt and it was with a Ravenwing list supported by a single squad of deathwing knights. I have been using Ravenwing quite a lot lately and they have been steamrolling my opponents! Used well and with first turn they have been unstoppable, scouting forwards to devastate an enemy flank and presenting too many targets for foes to deal with. Multiple command squads/black knights with grenade launchers have been amongst the deciding pieces with deathwing knights coming a close second. Attaching Sammael for hit and run fun with terminators is dirty.


Dark angels may not have an easy button answer to everything but I've never seen another army capable of forcing the opponent to concede before turn 3 so frequently. My only game of 7th currently ended in just this fashion because my opponent was so demoralised by the initial two turns. It could have been very different but I was a lucky to steal the initiative and had some good fortune with deathwing saves but that is part of the game. Ravenwing are easily the most brittle army you can field but they also present the most aggressive and intimidating lists I've seen.


On the question about Feel no pain. I believe the standard feel no pain roll is still a 5+, whichever is the default number given from the main rulebook ought to be what you get from the warlord trait. The Dark angel codex just says the warlord and his unit gain the the 'feel no pain' special rule. Since no value is given you defer to the main rule book.

In 6th, once I figured out Ravenwing, if I were playing someone that hadn't seen me play Ravenwing before, I probably slaughtered them. Once they got used to what I could do.... things changed, and so did the codexes I faced. But still I like to think when I brought the Ravenwing, they'd rather be at the Dentist's. ;)


I guess I figure I did very well in the golden age of Ravenwing, and thus makes 7th a hard pill to swallow. I certainly don't mean to portray Ravenwing as unplayable. It would still be my go to army in 7th.


Azrael and Ezekeil in 1850 are a pretty pricey combo I find at over 500 points, that squad is not the death star it should be. But maybe it's more than that... with any list I make with Azrael I feel pressure to use both Termies and Bikes... this might be my undoing because the model count with a 500 point HQ using Termies and Bikes is VERY small... too small for nids, IG, Orks.


I would like to tweak the Azrael list, just not sure how. I have a suspicion the strength would be in Greenwing with him, and a light dash of something Ravenwing or Deathwing.


The Black Knights are my favorite unit in the codex. Absolutely love them and rad grenade goodness. If you told me I would get a million dollars if I won my next game, that list would still be Ravenwing (although that might be because of my lack of understanding how to play Az/Ezekei)


Thanks for reading it and the comments dentist!

- The unit was unbeatable, however it did not even get close to earning its points back BUT it earned me VP's throughout the game which is intangible and worth something.



Wanted to briefly comment on this... a unit doesn't need to "earn its points back" unless it contributes points to the enemy. For example, if a 250 point Land Raider routinely gets smoked while dealing only 100 points of damage, you've got a problem. But if the LR deals 100 points of damage and is never itself destroyed, your list is up 100 points. In the words of Charlie Sheen... Winning!


This simple kind of analysis doesn't take into account opportunity cost of other, possibly more potent options in an army list, and it also doesn't take into account the far more important factor of point-scoring ability (which you mentioned). But my point is only that if you like the unit, it makes VPs, and it's durable, that is ~600 well-spent points right there.

  On 6/9/2014 at 4:43 AM, FerociousBeast said:


- The unit was unbeatable, however it did not even get close to earning its points back BUT it earned me VP's throughout the game which is intangible and worth something.



Wanted to briefly comment on this... a unit doesn't need to "earn its points back" unless it contributes points to the enemy. For example, if a 250 point Land Raider routinely gets smoked while dealing only 100 points of damage, you've got a problem. But if the LR deals 100 points of damage and is never itself destroyed, your list is up 100 points. In the words of Charlie Sheen... Winning!


This simple kind of analysis doesn't take into account opportunity cost of other, possibly more potent options in an army list, and it also doesn't take into account the far more important factor of point-scoring ability (which you mentioned). But my point is only that if you like the unit, it makes VPs, and it's durable, that is ~600 well-spent points right there.



I totally agree. So what I'm weighing in my mind is: Is Az-zeke combo a good enough force multiplier? Or are they so bloody expensive (in a list that promotes expensive units thus furthering the problem), that they -cost- me the game?

Right, so we're talking about opportunity cost, can the unit's 5-600 points be better spent on more killy options? Well, I can't really say, but we can analyze the question a little more closely.


Assuming battle forged, you need at least 1 HQ, so that's realistically 100 points or so at an absolute minimum. Azrael + Zeke are 360 together, I think. So the points we have to play with are 260. If we take two HQs, which is common, that's going to be 100 * 2 = 200. Now we have 160 points that Azrekiel has to contribute over and above more generic HQ options. A basic Tac squad, basically. Worth it? That's hard to say for sure, though it seems a good deal to me. Given your current list w/ its DW and RW, definitely, but if you were going to go full Greenwing, who knows.


Which then leaves us with the 8 man tac squad plus drop pod. 157 points for two super scoring units, some bolters, a meltagun, some ablative wounds for Azrekiel. I like it, but the only question in my mind is whether veterans might not be a little more potent for just a few extra points minus the super scoring capability.

Perhaps the other thing to consider is this.


With Azrael-Ezekiel combination and a tactical squad you can safely take and retain an objective and move to claim another if you wish. They can pretty mch guarantee you an objective, in short. The alternative might be investment in lower tier HQs and more units, which gives you the option of taking more objectives but not necessarily with the survivability to hold them.


The former is more certain, but does mean that a canny opponent can concentrate on reducing the other elements of your army, whereas the latter would give you flexibility, but would require a degree of planning and opportunism to ensure that they were in a position to claim objectives without getting destroyed by a counter attack or passing AP3 flame weapon.

Good stuff, glad to see how the TOs changed the way the game is played.


While I do think RW lists are weakened by this edition, I feel it's mostly still the same issue's it's always had, slightly higher priced bikes with a very expensive force multiplier.  More to that, I think PARTIAL RW lists are suffering more, prior to the jink change, a single RWAS wasn't a bad investment, but if all of a sudden your vehicle hunters are snapfiring their melta guns, you just spent of your army budget on some useless anti-vehicle.


For whatever reason, all the Tyranid games I've seen or played vs Bikes, Tyranids just have their number.  Probably due to the high volume of High Strength, Ignores cover and low AP weaponry they have.  The list your opponent had sounds pretty rough, and tweaked a little can be even more of a nightmare.


It sounds like it was a fun game though and I'm glad the Knights went to work on the Hive Tyrant!

Prot hates deathstrikes :D


I'd drop zeke. He didn't seem like he did much this game, and it's really not the kind of unit he wants to be in. I see 3 potentially useful modifications:


1. Keep zeke and add locator beacon.  Exploit reserves warlord trait to reliably get a delayed DWT (one that chose to follow normal reserve rules basically) near enough so zeke can join. Also benefits outflanking bikers and that dread.


2. Same as above, but drop zeke for a vet squad and a few upgrades. 


3. Get Azrael a super duper cool scoring land raider and ride with his terminator buddies instead.

  On 6/9/2014 at 6:35 PM, Retaliation said:

Prot hates deathstrikes biggrin.png

I'd drop zeke. He didn't seem like he did much this game, and it's really not the kind of unit he wants to be in. I see 3 potentially useful modifications:

1. Keep zeke and add locator beacon. Exploit reserves warlord trait to reliably get a delayed DWT (one that chose to follow normal reserve rules basically) near enough so zeke can join. Also benefits outflanking bikers and that dread.

2. Same as above, but drop zeke for a vet squad and a few upgrades.

3. Get Azrael a super duper cool scoring land raider and ride with his terminator buddies instead.

You have no idea how much I hate Deathstrikes... no idea. They are the bane of my existence now. smile.png

The funny thing is judging from posts on the DA forum, it's like no one else has dealt with them!

Anyway this whole conversation has been really inspiring. As a result I have gone back to the drawing table and remade:

-Azrael list (with and without EZ)

- Ravenwing with Sam and some tweaks for 7th (including single charge bike Libby and PFG)

- Belial list with scoring LR's and PFG.

I think in each case the lists improved as I get a better feel for 7th, but as much as I still think RW is best, I'm holding onto Azrael in the list.

On Azrael I agree Ezekeil may be unnecessary but I'm not sold on Vets yet. How would they best be kitted out to serve Azrael?

I have to admit since the squad is somewhat slow (in a drop Pod) the Tacticals make them super scoring and can threaten/take/camp on... an objective very early and they are hard as heck to remove. Maybe it lacks offense, but good luck getting rid of it especially with that chosen warlord Trait for FnP.

Also, the Pod becomes super scoring which is just gravy on the cake. (Yes gravy on the cake)

So Vets at this point are a hard sell for me. What I am toying with is:

-Nephilm Gone

-Deathwing Knights Gone. 5 man Deathwing Termies w/multi role: 2 hammer shields + Plasma Cannon. (super scoring)

-With Deathwing Knights out, it opens up an Elite Slot for my fave unit: Black Knights with Rad Grenade.

- Tacticals on the Bastion with Quad gun (super scoring in my zone)

-4 x lascannon Dev squad on the Bastion with Quad gun (cheap anti tank which I need)

- Cheapo Whirlwind planted behind Bastion since it's 'guaranteed' cover.

- Dreadnaught? Walking lascannon? Deep strike w/Pod? Venerable? Or cut him? Undecided.

Just throwing ideas out there to equalize what I'm deficient in.

I think the random one shot nature of deathstrikes throws IG players off them. 


If you just want a really tanky camping squad I guess you can't get any better than tactical marines. I guess I'm more of the mindset that the squad should support Azrael instead of him supporting the squad. Honestly the squad being more important that Azrael sounds more Dark Angelish than the other way around.


I feel like dark angel dreads need that powerfield generator for survivability. I've had great experiences with a mortis dread when it had that support. Rifleman seems like the best vanilla dread. Always can use more strength 7 shooting when you already have AV13+ covered.


Upgrading the drop pod to have deathwind launchers seems like a viable option. Deepstriking vehicles can now fire one weapon because they're considered to move at combat speed. Either it constantly clears the area around it for the entire game, or it absorbs some high strength shooting instead of something else.

  On 6/9/2014 at 6:45 PM, Prot said:


So Vets at this point are a hard sell for me. What I am toying with is:

-Nephilm Gone

-Deathwing Knights Gone. 5 man Deathwing Termies w/multi role: 2 hammer shields + Plasma Cannon. (super scoring)

-With Deathwing Knights out, it opens up an Elite Slot for my fave unit: Black Knights with Rad Grenade.

- Tacticals on the Bastion with Quad gun (super scoring in my zone)

-4 x lascannon Dev squad on the Bastion with Quad gun (cheap anti tank which I need)

- Cheapo Whirlwind planted behind Bastion since it's 'guaranteed' cover.

- Dreadnaught? Walking lascannon? Deep strike w/Pod? Venerable? Or cut him? Undecided.


Just throwing ideas out there to equalize what I'm deficient in.


Just a point, Ravenwing Black Knights are Fast Attack, so dropping Deathwing Knights doesn't open an Elite Slot, but it does free up some needed points. :P


Personally, either Deathwing Knights or Ravenwing Black Knights would work, but the mobility issues of the Deathwing Knights makes me lean towards the Ravenwing Black Knights. A Dreadnaught hanging out in your backfield can provide some nasty ranged anti-tank support (that is how I plan on using one), but whether that is needed is hard to say.

  On 6/9/2014 at 10:39 PM, Retaliation said:

I think the random one shot nature of deathstrikes throws IG players off them.

If you just want a really tanky camping squad I guess you can't get any better than tactical marines. I guess I'm more of the mindset that the squad should support Azrael instead of him supporting the squad. Honestly the squad being more important that Azrael sounds more Dark Angelish than the other way around.

I feel like dark angel dreads need that powerfield generator for survivability. I've had great experiences with a mortis dread when it had that support. Rifleman seems like the best vanilla dread. Always can use more strength 7 shooting when you already have AV13+ covered.

Upgrading the drop pod to have deathwind launchers seems like a viable option. Deepstriking vehicles can now fire one weapon because they're considered to move at combat speed. Either it constantly clears the area around it for the entire game, or it absorbs some high strength shooting instead of something else.

I agree with a lot of this except the 'one shot nature' of deathstrikes. They're dirt cheap and more effective than a D weapon. The IG in my neighbourhood is rather fond of them. (D weapon doesn't ignore cover - IE Jink in 7th) Even a full scatter gets its target (10" template)

- Azrael... I see what you're saying but I'm not sure how to make the squad support Azrael. He is a force multiplier by his 4+ invuln. So to me he kind of takes an Objective Secured unit and makes it a rock. That seems very Dark Angels-ish to me? Am I missing something?

- The Power Field Generator. I never used it... I just got away with my Dark Shroud in 6th and I was happy in my little world, but that ship has sailed, so I am indeed looking at incorporating it. Not sure where yet.

- Mortis Dread: Everyone mentions them, I'm still ignorant after all this time, but I blame our locals not allowing Forgeworld in tournaments for that!!!

- Drop Pod with Deathwing Launchers. Since the pod is scoring, why not? Sounds cool.

  On 6/9/2014 at 11:09 PM, Jehoel said:

  On 6/9/2014 at 6:45 PM, Prot said:

So Vets at this point are a hard sell for me. What I am toying with is:

-Nephilm Gone

-Deathwing Knights Gone. 5 man Deathwing Termies w/multi role: 2 hammer shields + Plasma Cannon. (super scoring)

-With Deathwing Knights out, it opens up an Elite Slot for my fave unit: Black Knights with Rad Grenade.

- Tacticals on the Bastion with Quad gun (super scoring in my zone)

-4 x lascannon Dev squad on the Bastion with Quad gun (cheap anti tank which I need)

- Cheapo Whirlwind planted behind Bastion since it's 'guaranteed' cover.

- Dreadnaught? Walking lascannon? Deep strike w/Pod? Venerable? Or cut him? Undecided.

Just throwing ideas out there to equalize what I'm deficient in.

Just a point, Ravenwing Black Knights are Fast Attack, so dropping Deathwing Knights doesn't open an Elite Slot, but it does free up some needed points. tongue.png

Personally, either Deathwing Knights or Ravenwing Black Knights would work, but the mobility issues of the Deathwing Knights makes me lean towards the Ravenwing Black Knights. A Dreadnaught hanging out in your backfield can provide some nasty ranged anti-tank support (that is how I plan on using one), but whether that is needed is hard to say.

Yes, Black Knights are fast attack... what I should have typed was - I'm exchanging one non-Objective Secured unit for another going from Deathwing Knights to Black Knights.

It may sound crazy but I like Black Knights more than Deathwing Knights.

I'm unsold on the Dreadnaught. They aren't cheap enough to be the throw away unit they appear to be... everyone was happy to see how much harder it is to pen/destroy vehicles but still, these are so bloody easy to glance to death. Veteran Dreads should have It Will Not Die imo.

I'm seriously thinking a single charge, cheapo DA Librarian (with or without PFG on Bike) is a really good support HQ in all of these lists just for Prescience, and protection!

I enjoyed the batrep. I agree that in a cutthroat environment the Nephi has to go.

RW in this edition I envision as in 5thand 4th ed. A suicide squad outflanking with meltas and MM attack bike. They come in a board eadge., take names and try to live another turn to take more names...

Of Azzy-zeke bomb.. give it a few shots before removing. It's too cool to pass up on that kind of shenanigans.

Okay guys, I've really thought over a lot of the stuff that happened to me in the last game (even with the win it felt shaky) and your advice.


I have started a new List Thread on VERSION 2.0 of this list here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/292340-az-bomb-1850-v20/


So the idea is to give myself more flexibility and try to remain competitive while retaining UNIQUE Dark Angel elements (or else I could just play any ol' fool chapter!)


I'd appreciate some more thoughts on the list including whether to use Ezekeil or a Dread....


I hope to make another batrep with a few photos unless the game is a complete wipe.



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