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Help determining how many warp charges my list can generate.


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I don't quite understand the whole warp charge process. I think I'd get one warp charge per mastery level, one for psychic focus (all powers from the same discipline). So I see 2- level 3 psychers with the same discipline that's 8 warp charge. Typhus level 2 psycher all from Nurgle discipline making 3 warp charge. Here is my list. Am I correct? I'm learning to play and would like help with pg numbers and explanations to assist my learning curve. Thanks again B&C.


****2500 Point Iron Warriors****


Primary -


• HQ-Sorcerer, Sigil of corruption, ML 3 (Telepathy), Jump Pack, The Black Mace

• HQ- Typhus

• Elite - (6)Terminators - (6) Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despair,

(1) w/Combi-Melta and PF

(1) w/Heavy Flamer and PW

(2) w/Combi-Bolter and PW

(1) w/ Combi-Melta and Chain-fist

(1) Land Raider w/ dirge caster, dozer blade, Warpflame Gargoyles, 2 TL Lascannons, TL Heavy Bolter

• Troop- (20) Chaos Cultist

• Troop- (20) Chaos Cultist

• Troop- (20) Chaos Cultist

• Heavy- Defiler w/ Power Scourge & 3 Power Fists

• Heavy- Defiler w/ Power Scourge & 3 Power Fists


Double Force Org. -


• HQ-Sorcerer, Sigil of corruption, ML 3 (Telepathy), Jump Pack, The Burning Brand of Skalathrax

• Fast Attack- (4) Chaos Spawn w/Mark of Nurgle

• Troop- (10) Chaos Space Marines

2x Meltaguns , rhino w/havoc launcher, and Warpflame Gargoyles

• Troop- (10) Chaos Space Marines

2x Meltaguns , rhino w/havoc launcher, and Warpflame Gargoyles

• Heavy- Maulerfiend

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Psychic focus has no effect on the number of Warp Charges.  (Page 22)
You generate 1 Warp Charge per Mastery Level in the army +1D6.  (Page 23)
So in your example army you'd have:
- Mace Sorcerer - ML3 - 3 Warp Charges
- Typhus - ML2 - 2 Warp Charges
- Brand Sorcerer - ML3 - 3 Warp Charges
Total: 8 +1D6 Warp Charges.

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