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Help me spend my money... :D


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So... I have an Imperial Knight, and I might get a Lancer as well... I'm not sure yet.


Anyway, I really like the Mechanicum models (Well, most of them), but it is easy to spend a lot of money on FW stuff.


I was wondering if you could make suggestions for an army list/model purchases.


I'd like to spend around 200 GBP, but I'm sure I could stretch to 300 GBP.


I want to make a Mechanicum army of at least 1,500pts with the intention of using it in normal 40K (don't worry about geeting the opponents consent).


I'm especially interested on how you guys dealt with special, and heavy weapons.


Thanks for your time.

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I would look to thallax for troop choices then as tech thralls for a unit of 20 coming in less than 100pts will set you back £100 + pp.


Get your thallax in heavy weapon sets - if you dont want a MM or Phton thruster then ebay it (id expect them to go for £15 each).


Look at myrmidons of both flavours. Look at the titan techpriest. Wait for a high magos to get released - its a big chunk of points that id expect to cost around £70 so could get in there at a points to punds ratio.


I dont see you getting your list for 2-300 regardless - they are not cheap at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1 Magos Dominus with Rad Cleanser

2 Mechanicum Thallax Cohorts

1 Castellax Battle-Automata

2 Mechanicum Myrmidon Destructors

1 Mechanicum Krios Battle Tank / Krios Venator


Total: £252 (From Forge World)


Unfortunately £200 would be wholly insufficient for a playable Mechanicum army at 1,500 points. Same goes for £300 in most cases. Depending on how you customise the units, lists based on these models should be able to reach 1,000 points with ease (with the wargear options I would take, the list is just under 1,100 points). At any rate, for the above mentioned price you'll get potential lists which will be usable at several important points intervals (500, 750, 1,000) and a fair amount of options for tailoring your force in terms of wargear, but you'll almost invariably end up with lots of dakka regardless. I would personally recommend that you start off smaller, however, and wait for more models from the HH range to release. There are several interesting units without models thus far and so it might be wise to wait for at least a few more releases before spending that much on an army.

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