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Satiating the Rage

Anver Cassiel

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Hey all, after a long break I've started back up with the hobby. But over my break it was the fiction of the black library that kept my addiction fed, and piqued my own interest in writing about marines. So here it is, a (very) short about my own blood angel's successors the Seraph Encarmine. Please leave any feedback, I'd definitely appreciate any advice, comments or criticism.




The doors creaked and squealed as they were forced open. The ancient hinges screamed in protest as three figures came through the archway into the Tactitia Command. Two dwarfed the third in size, yet the third figure was futilely fighting against one that dragged him through. Clad in ceramite power armour it was clear the two were Space Marines, and the three blood drops that adorned their amour identified them as Seraph Encarmine.

Berean nodded at Nahor who tossed the squirming figure they had dragged in to the floor. Berean stared down at former Lord Castellan Amgerd, the once leader of the proud Canaan Regiments. The disgraced hero was a broken man, bloodied and bruised by beatings and fighting. Once a proud officer of the Imperium he now looked old, dishevelled and worn out. The man struggled to his feet, yet still barely reached Berean's sternum. As Amgerd rose Berean pulled free his helmet and gazed down, his features furrowed into a scowl. His armour although battered and dented from fighting against the rebels, yet compared to the torn and defaced uniform The Lord Castellan wore Berean looked angelic and regal.

Berean's voice was deep and trembled ever so slightly, anger trickling through into his words, "Lord Castellan Amgerd, do you have any last words before you receive the Emperor's mercy?"

"You fools! You think your false-emperor is the merciful one but he does nothing but rot on that throne of his," the fire of defiance burned in the Castellan's voice as he spoke, forcing Berean to restrain himself. Nahor bristled at the rebel's words yet he too remained where he stood, clenching his bolter in silence.

"Very well," Berean said, unclasping his bolt pistol from his mag lock and pushing the Castellan to the floor, "Prepare to die, in the name of the True Emperor and Sanguinius."

Amgerd was breathing anxiously, eyes darting around the room for an exit. Berean advanced on the him, steps carefully measured. He raised his pistol and looked at the traitor who was responsible for causing such strife and pulled the trigger. The noise nor sight of the Castellan's death did not trouble Berean, yet the ease of ending the traitors life did not satisfy Berean, "He deserved a more painful death."

Nahor nodded, in obvious agreement with Berean's sentiment, "Nor did it challenge us," Berean glanced at Nahor as he stowed his pistol. Neither men acknowledged the smoking corpse on the floor, yet the smell of burnt flesh and blood tinged the air. Nahor's head inclined slightly, " Brother Sergeant Cassiel requests we support his squad's attempt to take the Manufactorum district."

"I require a test. Factories will not satiate my anger, Brother," Berean sneered, his voice filled with contempt.

"Battle-brother Tennin reports there are signs of Chaos deeper in the city," Nahor replied.

Berean glanced up at Nahor's featureless helmet, green visor staring back at him. Although Nahor stood impassive, Berean could sense the rage that burned within his brother. And it needed to be satisfied. Berean pulled his helmet back into place, " Very well brother," Berean growled, "Inform Brother Tennin that we shall aid him and his squad."

Berean walked back through the archway, Sanguinius test me, Sanguinius bless my soul.

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So updated a bit more, but trying hard to not just delve into what some would call "bolter porn" although obviously sometimes there is a time and place for that. I'm hopefully setting up the Seraph Encarmine and finding that by doing it in small chunks it's much easier. Anyway enjoy this new bit (comments and criticism please :D) and you can check out the WIP Seraph Encarmine IA here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291999-wip-ia-seraph-encarmine/?do=findComment&comment=3708649





Intense heat washed through the streets in waves as spouts of flame licked out of Brother Tennin's weapon. Rebels screamed as burning promethium clung to their clothes and skin, their myriad attempts to smother the flames futile. The heat was intense in the tight confines of the streets yet flushed past Tennin and his nine brothers harmlessly, their bone and burgundy armour keeping them safe.

The rebels were fleeing before the onslaught of the Seraph Encarmine and over the vox Tennin could hear similar encounters playing out among the other squads involved in the purge. Occasionally a group would offer resistance but before the fury of the Seraph Encarmine few survived to retreat.

"Move forward, we take the Manufactorum," Brother-Sergeant Cassiel's voice hummed through Tennin's helmet vox and new icons appeared on his visor's tacticia screen. Each member of the squad assented silently and began the advance deeper into the factory world's heart.

It was thirteen minutes into their advance when Brother-Dardail died. His chest armour caved in and organs torn apart in multiple explosions of blood and gore. He fell to his knees with a roar, struggled for a moment then collapsed. Brother-Sergeant Cassiel immediately began bellowing orders, anger rising in his voice, "Find cover! Identify target!"

It wasn't a moment later a surge of rebels piled onto the street and charged the marines, "Forth to the field! For Sanguinius!" Cassiel led the squad in a counter attack, sword drawn and pistol firing. The Canaan rebels outnumbered the Seraph Encarmine at least twenty to one yet the Astartes showed no hesitance. They relished the challenge, their hearts and rage eager for death. Beneath his helmet Tennin growled; in fury and excitement, as he ran towards the onrush of rebels, spurts of promethium setting dozens aflame in screams.

Cassiel's infernus pistol, a gift from Chapter Master Dumah himself, made its distinctive low hum as it vaporised the head of a rebel, one who carried a the bolter that killed Dardail. The rest of squad crashed into the front wave of the rebels, furiously and without mercy. Tennin saw Kambriel saw clean through the innards of three rebels in straight succession with his chainsword whilst Spenta's bolt pistol blew apart the chest of one particularly over confident man. The fighting was intense but brief and was over in less than six minutes by Tennin's chronometer. The surviving rebels had faded quickly from the street, and the field had gone quiet, disrupted only by the whirring of Elohim's chainsword as he hacked apart the corpse of one rebel who had long since passed.

Tennin's rage had subsided, for a time, the blood and death reaped by the Seraphim appeasing it, but Tennin could feel it creeping at the edge of his consciousness. Elohim did not seem so satisfied. Cassiel and Spenta grabbed their brother, pulling him away and calming him. Tennin felt Elohim's ichor settle as Spenta recited the Words of Duty out loud. Tennin too felt calmer just hearing them, the words a reminder if their responsibility to the Imperium, a reminder to keep their anger under control.

Tennin noticed a mark on the body of one of the rebels. He stared at the corpses not ruined by his flamer or Cassiel's pistol,"Brother-Sergeant," Tennin gestured for Cassiel to join him. Cassiel glanced at Spenta who still held Elohim firm but nodded, "What is it Brother-Tennin?"

Tennin pointed at the bodies he'd identified. All bore the eight pointed star. Cassiel did not hesitate,"Inform Captain Hasmal of what we have found, Brother. And which squads stand closest to us?" Cassiel's humours were souring at the thought of some deeper corruption running at the core of this rebellion. And yet Tennin felt Cassiel anticipated the chance to really test himself against a true foe, even the mechanical droll Cassiel's vox emitter added could not hide it completely from his voice.

"I cannot reach Captain Hasmal's squad, Brother-Sergeant, but I believe I could reach Brother-Nahor of Squad Berean," Cassiel glanced around their surroundings as Tennin spoke. His movements suggested both unease and eagerness in equal volumes. Tennin awaited a response patiently. Spenta had finally calmed Elohim, but as always he seemed eager to move on. Tennin was keen also, if only to show more rebels the punishment for defying the Emperor's will.

Cassiel's decision was made for him, "Movement!" Brother Virtel called, voice crackling over the vox. With practiced movements the squad found cover quickly, KamBriel even managing to pull Dardail's prone body out of the open, "Unidentified target's, numbers unknown," Virtel continued. Taking the forward position he advanced slowly, looking to gauge the enemies position and numbers. He turned to the squad, " Position's unkno-..." Virtel choked on his words as he spoke, the sawing of a chainsword the only noise now to be heard,

Tennin looked on as a midnight blue, power armoured figure pulled free his chainsword and looked derisely as Vitel's form fell limp to the floor. "Call Berean!" Cassiel bellowed at Tennin, hackles fully raised. He stood up, tall, no longer considering taking cover, " With me Seraphim!"

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