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Best troop choices for Maelstrom of War missions


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anybody got some solid input on troop choices for objective secured when using the mission cards?


i'm guessing mobile, so plague marines in rhinos for getting forward?

with a small squad or 2 of cultists for backfield, or just camp the heavy stuff on them, and shoot off any enemy troops that come near?

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I had a game with standard eternal war missions, but I had a surprisingly pleasant experience with empty rhinos. I bought them for my Thousand Sons and kept them empty in the backfield until round 5. Thanks to the new damage chart they took some punishment and thanks to objective secured they won me the game. So, I think it's woth to spend the extra 35 p for a Rhino with OS, even when they just stand around doing nothing but blocking line of sight. In a Maelstorm Mission 12" movement + the extra movement in the shooting phase is still very handy. 

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Anything that can react quickly because you never know what objective you might get. Tbh I don't think we have much choice, though if you play aggressive having a unit in your enemies deployment area (or within 12" of their board edge) is handy.
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Deep striking Daemons. Daemonettes have a d6+3 inch run. Other than that csm in a rhino.


Is it only troops that score in maelstrom of war missions? Or is that they have objective secured?

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everyone scores, but troop choices have objective secured


i should have clarified that i have a nurgle lord, so my plague marines are troop choices

Plagues would be useful for objective holding with a rhino.


I'm having a battle on Friday using the tactical objectives for the first time. I'm planning on running bikes, spawn, raptors and my knight for quick grabs at undefended/lightly defended objectives with the bulk of my troops in rhinos.


What could be useful is taking huron and infiltrating straight onto objectives that are far away from your deployment. This way you can threaten your enemy table have with objective secured units or hold in position in the hopes that the midfield objectives become active. Back them up with fast moving units and use show heavy units to sit on home objectives and pour fire onto the enemy. Noise marines could do well with this as blastmasters ignore cover and you can make them troops!

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