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Thinking about starting with the new edition


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Crimson Slaughter are great fluff-wise but weird in terms of what their expansion offers on the tabletop. Army-wide fear isn't very useful because fear sucks, and possessed getting a different table and becoming troops only arguably makes them better. Mostly you want the expansion for the artefacts, which include some neat tricks (make a character possessed, give a sorcerer divination) or for theming fluffy armies - it's quite popular with my fellow Word Bearers since a lot of us like possessed.

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I swear to god, if I ever get into a position of power in GeeDub or can force them to make some rules changes, at the top is going to be the most unkind Nurgle Nerf of Vengeance.


Plague marines are going to cost 5 more points a piece, you can't take ANY specials until you have 7, and have shrouding.  No T5.


I want them to be less useful than Tzeentch stuff.  I will do for Khorne what the guy who did 3.5 did for Iron Warriors:  They will be an OverPowered beat Train with NO breaks.


The ONLY army in the game who could consolidate into new combats indefinitely, the ONLY army in the game who get's 5th edition style Furious Charge (+1 strength, +1 initiatitive) Beserkers would get +1 attack added back.


Assault Rhino variant (No loyalist bullcrap son-Only army in the game who gets it), and Khorne marked armies are the ONLY assault units in the game that don't suffer penalties for initiative for not having grenades, and for disordered charges.  Hatred EVERYTHING, preferred enemy, slaanesh, Eldar (both) and Blood Angels.


You see a Khorne army, you know it's best to just bite down on your wallet and assume the position over a railing as you had your opponent some goggles and a bottle of lube.

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If I get into GW, Epic is coming back.

And BFG!


@sunspear. The rule of cool is one of the most important rules. Never feel pressured into playing certain units because the internet says so. Play with what you like and you'll have a bloody good time.

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Crimson Slaughter are a Word Bearers dream come true. Not only do I get Possessed as troops but I get a Malefic 'Possessed' Sorcerer.


I am really enjoying my games right now, the most I ever have since 3.5... I look back at the Gavdex and shudder.


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Cool, I may look at the Crimson Slaughter 'dex and see what's what. I have the chaos 'dex, just had to buy it even though I wasn't playing at the time, but I haven't played but a couple games in 6th and nothing in 7th. I know I keep asking questions, but this is just a general one, I don't need specifics. But are there any major drawbacks or limitations to the Crimson Slaughter 'dex?

Clone- I agree 100%, nothing better than having a tabletop filled with models you really likebiggrin.png

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I swear to god, if I ever get into a position of power in GeeDub or can force them to make some rules changes, at the top is going to be the most unkind Nurgle Nerf of Vengeance.


Plague marines are going to cost 5 more points a piece, you can't take ANY specials until you have 7, and have shrouding.  No T5.



Over my rotten corpse is nurgle getting nerf, some people love papa nurgle.  


Now back on topic, Pick the army you WANT to play base on fluff and color scheme, rules changes every two years now.  

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Cool, I may look at the Crimson Slaughter 'dex and see what's what. I have the chaos 'dex, just had to buy it even though I wasn't playing at the time, but I haven't played but a couple games in 6th and nothing in 7th. I know I keep asking questions, but this is just a general one, I don't need specifics. But are there any major drawbacks or limitations to the Crimson Slaughter 'dex?

Clone- I agree 100%, nothing better than having a tabletop filled with models you really likebiggrin.png

Crimson Slaughter have better possessed and can be taken as troops. Every unit causes fear. Access to divination via a certain Relic.

As for drawbacks the only thing I can really think of is that they don't get standard chaos relics like the burning brand, black mace or axe of blind fury.

Someone who plays Crimson Slaughter should be able to give you a more detailed overview.

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Here are the CS relics, sans point cost


Crozius of the Dark Covenant

Chaplain Okrark once wielded this deadly crozius in the name of the Emperor, bellowing forth litanies of hate and zealous oratory as he struck down his foes. Now the ancient mace is so suffused with the corrupting power of the Warp that Okrark need say nothing, for the weapon itself acts as a conduit for the voices that fill the heads of each of the Crimson Slaughter. Warriors in its presence are driven into a mindless frenzy, and will butcher their foes with ever increasing ferocity.


The Crozius of the Dark Covenant can only be taken by a Dark Apostle, and replaces the model’s power maul.


S+2 AP4 Melee, Concussive, Warp Medium


Warp-medium: All friendly Crimson Slaughter units within 6" of the bearer have the Zealot special rule.


Blade of the Relentless

Formerly known as the Imperator Blade, this fabled weapon has long since been renamed after the one who wields it. Indeed, Kranon the Relentless has borne this fell weapon for many centuries, and witnessed its corruption from noble power sword to fearsome Warp-enhanced blade. As it feeds on the lifeblood of its victims, so too does the Blade of the Relentless devour their souls. This raw essence is channelled into the blade, where its touch becomes increasingly lethal with every life it claims.


S User, AP3, Melee, Soul-Siphon


Soul Siphon: Make a note of how many enemy models are removed as casualties as a direct result of the wielder’s close combat attacks over the course of the battle. At the end of every Assault phase, compare the current total to the following chart to see if any further effects are applied to the Blade of the Relentless. These effects are cumulative and last for the rest of the game:


1 Kill: +1 Strength

3 Kill: AP2

5 Kill:+1 Strength

10 Kill: Instant Death


The Slaughterer's Horns

Since the Chapter’s rebirth as the Crimson Slaughter, the horns atop this Warp-infused helmet have grown truly enormous in size. So suffused with fell energies has this helm become that the one who wears it is driven into an uncontrollable rage, the voices in his head amplified to a deafening crescendo. As he throws himself at his enemies, the frenzied warrior will gore and skewer his victims with the daemonic horns even as he hews them down.


The bearer of the Slaughterer’s Horns has the Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath and Rage special rules.


The Balestar of Mannon

“Mannon was once the Chief Librarian of the Crimson Sabres before becoming a powerful Sorcerer blessed with the Warp-sight. After the Lord of Change, Tzax’lan-tar, subsumed his body, the only component of the sorcerer’s armour to survive was the relic that became known as the Balestar of Mannon. This potent artefact takes the shape of an eight-pointed star, within which is set a malevolent, glowing eye. If he can control the maddening visions, the bearer of the Balestar of Mannon can see a number of potential futures with which to guide the actions of his fellow renegades.


Chaos Sorcerer only. The bearer of the Balestar of Mannon can choose to generate powers from the Divination discipline, and re-rolls failed Psychic tests. However, neither he nor any unit he has joined can benefit from any modifiers to Deny the Witch rolls for the bearer being a Psyker.



This suit of baroque armour is the crowning achievement of Trentukus, the Chief Warpsmith of the Crimson Slaughter. Trentukus has bound the essence of a powerful Daemon within the armour, siphoning its unearthly energies to fortify the wearer. Beneath its glassy surface, the armour’s prisoner writhes impatiently, ever seeking the opportunity to escape. Its efforts are futile, for the enchantments wrought within the armour’s baleful runes sap the Daemon’s strength to feed unholy, life-giving energies to its wearer.


May not be taken by a Daemon Prince. Daemonheart confers a 2+ Armour Save and the It Will Not Die special rule.


Prophet of the Voices

When the Crimson Slaughter prepare for battle, one of their number will sometimes be chosen by the unknown powers that command the voices in their heads. There is never any doubt as to who the voices have selected for this dubious honour, for a howling maw erupts from his armour. A constant stream of inexplicable words spews forth from the daemonic jaws, twisting his appearance on a whim. In battle, he will lead a host of similarly afflicted warriors into the heart of the enemy army in mindless service to the will of the voices.


The bearer has the Daemon, Fearless and Fleet special rules. Furthermore, the bearer has the Slaves to the Voices special rule, and can only join units of Possessed chosen from a Crimson Slaughter detachment.

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Again, thanks guys for all the info.

Kol_Saresk-  wow! thanks for the breakdown, appreciated!

Really helps out someone who is trying to get back into the game. I am behind on a few things but I am trying to catch up. I just saw the Black Legion codex also. I may take a look at that a little more, I have read a couple of reviews online but they were written with 6th in mind. Maybe somethings have changed since then.

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