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Cypher's Chosen

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Cypher can be included as part of Datasheet: Fallen Champions. I'm curious to hear if anyone uses this formation, and in that case how you prefer to build the units, but most of all I wonder this... Do you prefer to see the Chosen from this formation as Chaos Chosen, borrowed to Cypher to aid him in his mission/act as bodyguards, or as Fallen Dark Angels, presumably based upon the DA veteran models?


Abuddy of mine plays DA, and it would be fun to include Cypher from time to time, just to taunt him, but it'd be even more fun to build a small strikeforce, say up to 500 points, that everyone can ally in when they meet him - Fallen, fallen everywhere! :-)


As an added bonus, it would be fun to get away from all the pink, and build a unit of green, robed gunslingers! Plasma guns could be represented by dual plasma pistols, everyone could have a bolt pistol drawn, and so on...

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As an added bonus, it would be fun to get away from all the pink, and build a unit of green, robed gunslingers!



Pre-Heresy colours for the Fallen: black armour, not green.

Yeah, I've been thinking about color, and they should be black as you say... But what about Cypher? Shouldn't he be black too? Or did he re-paint his armor along the way? I'd probably go with green on the chosen even if it's technically wrong, to tie in with Cypher and to avoid Black Templar likeness...

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I've just model my unit of Chosen as Fallen Angels (Black Power armour) with Cypher (inspired by Eddie conversion shown below) leding the unit, converting the units from the Dark Angels veteran set.  You can see them in my Iron Warriors topic & like wise you can see Eddie Fallen Angels army from Throne of Skulls Septemeber last year in my topic for model idea/look.

Eddie Fallen Angels army from ToS Sept 2013









Gaming wise.  I use Cypher in a few games & been impress.  Just double shots with the Bolt Pistol & Plasma Pistol, as well as being able to use them in close combat & have Know no fear.
Beyound that I've only use my Fallen Angel unit in a 7000pt game on Saturday there with Cypher.  Still to read up on there whole rules.  But they are a unit that I want to use a bit more with my Iron Warriors army as I've always like the background for the Fallen & just think be pretty cool gaming wise.




As an added bonus, it would be fun to get away from all the pink, and build a unit of green, robed gunslingers!


Pre-Heresy colours for the Fallen: black armour, not green.



There was some background in the Cypher dateslate which comment about "loyal" Dark Angels under Luther command that change there armour to Dark Green to show them to be on the Loin/Emperor side & why Dark Angels have the green power armour colour they have today.

I've painted Cypher up in the Dark green power armour, but kept my standard Fallen in Black power armour.

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Looking good! Especially that custom-built Cypher! I had an idea to try to build him with pistols holstered but in the process of drawing, hands hovering over the holsters.


That tidbit about possible green fallen sounds promising.


Is he best off running alone so he can maximize all his special rules or as part of a unit, both for protection and additional punch?


What kind of unit should he be attached to, if any? My first thought is something with lots of plasma, but rapid fire-weapons and a guy who wants to get close? Perhaps flamer, melta and close-combat gear is more fitting?

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My "addiction" to special weapon chosen made me do it... I went with pre-heresy black armour and red robes so they'd fit with my Iron Warriors a little better.


I'd probably run him with one of the Plasma Units for additional protection, plus the complementary firepower.

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Love that black and red! 


Using Cypher with plasma guys... The unit WILL kill anything, and most likely won't even need assaulting afterwards, but if anyone still stands, Cypher shouldn't have any trouble detaching from the unit and finishing them off himself (seriously, why can't every plasma pistol be used like that in CC, at least for one lousy attack?) 

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