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Dedicated Transports


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  On 6/11/2014 at 3:43 AM, Ulrock said:

If I purchase a chimera for my veterans and then decided to disembark them, I know that the transport will count as a troop so will get uncontestable, but can it move around on its own? Seperate from the parent 10 man veterans after it disembarks them?


 Of course, why wouldn't it be able to? They are completely separate units game wise. You can even embark a completely different unit(as long as it is from your codex or Battle Brothers) and drive around with them.


Also remember that it is not uncontestable, other troop units can contest an objective that it(or any troop) is holding. 

  On 6/11/2014 at 3:28 PM, Venemox said:

I think he means as a troop choice it will get the Command Benefit 'Objective Secured', if it is in a Combined Arms or Allied detachment in a Battleforged Army.

And Acebaur was pointing out that the other guy's Troops will likely have the same rule, too, unless you're facing an Unbound army with a Battle-Forged Army.

  On 6/11/2014 at 4:25 PM, Venemox said:

Or against any Troop units from a detachment that is not Combined Arms or Allies in a Battle-Forged army. A la Formations. Or against Gargoyles in a Skyblight Swarm, which are Fast Attack Choices. Troops =/= Objective Secured.

True, like Pedro's Sternguard. The biggest key here is the Objective Secured is not a 100% guarantee of being uncontestable, since the other guy usually has them, too, and they can trump each other.

  On 6/11/2014 at 9:24 PM, Ulrock said:

The problem I'm having is does the chimera have to stay I command distance with the unit it was purchased with or can it go off on its own after disembarking unit?

As Acebaur said, it is a completely separate unit and can be treated as such. You don't even have to start them together, such as deploying a Tactical Squad normally, and having their Drop pod Deep Strike later in the game.


Whether you should or not is more of a tactical question.

  On 6/12/2014 at 1:36 AM, Ulrock said:

Is there a specific rule that states they are counted as seperate units? All it says in guard book is that say a group of veterans may take a chimera as a dedicated transport.


The question you need to ask is whether there is a specific rule saying they are not separate units. The default position is that a unit is a unit.

Hmmm, I'm trying to find a clear definition that explicitly says so and am falling short :/


Page 116, under Army List Entry : Each Army List Entry describes a unit...

Page 121, under Multiple Unit Choices : Apart from using up a single slot, these units operate and count as separate units in all other respects.


So even though the two units (AM Vets / Chimera) are purchased using a single FOC slot, they still count as separate units since they have distinct Army List Entries.


+ Edit : Typo


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