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2000pts Mech BA Army and Battle Report (Up-Dated)


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this is a pre-game post I have a 2000pt game tonight 


I wanted to use a Mech list partly because of the other topics on the forum, although I won't be using any LandRaiders


My 2000pt list will be (Not sure what he's playing I know he has Chaos and Tau, we'll have 2 see)


Librarian -ML2


Fragioso (Grapple, melta) in Pod

Furioso Librarian

S. Priest w/ Axe


Aslt x5- (Fist) RazorBack (Las/Plas)

Aslt x5- (SS & Axe) RazorBack (Las/Plas)

Aslt x5- (Sword & MB) RazorBack (Las/Plas)


2x Baal Pred -(AC/HB)

1x Baal Pred -(FC/HB)



Pred -(Auto/Las)

StormRaven -(AC/MM)


My plan's for the list is to create a fire base and shoot, with this much armour of the table i find that moving them around too much can lead to cutting off LOS for your own units


I plan to take pics and upload them after the game with a recap


For Sanguinious



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Daaamn, that are a lot of tanks :D


To be honest, I'd feel safer with a Tactical Squad or two. I just like the range of a bolter to keep the enemy from mission objectives, but I guess that is a question of personal flavour.


Why didn't you take any special weapons for the assault squads?

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well to be honest i don't have any tactical marines so they aren't even an option for me, I'm not to sure i would use them very much


As for the special weapons, im counting on the tanks to do the shooting and the aslt marines to support each other in CC, if i can get them all into the same combat it should go well for me with 3 Axe, a sword and fist

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Greetings Brothers

I ended up facing Chaos this night with diagonal setup and 1 Objective each.

His Obj in the ruins on the right side of his deployment zone and mine in the small ruins in the center of the picture, he won for deployment and chose to go first.

His list (Basically, I don’t know Chaos Armies and from the report you will be able to tell.)

Winged Demon Prince

Helbrute with 2(3 maybe) units of Cultists (formation)

2x Mauler fiends


Obliterators (Deep Striking)

Possesed (not in Pic, they’re behind ruins on the extreme right flank




Deployment Pic (Flamestorm Baal in reserve)





Turn 1 was a complete failure for me, it started with me scouting and then forgetting to move the Baal, having prescience on two Razorback Lascannons and in the shooting phase rolling four ones in a row. UHHH. Failing to do any real damage my turn. I think the Fragioso killed 8 Cultists and wounded the Daemon Prince, Woohoo.

Then he was assaulted by the Decimator and Hellbrute and killed. Also the possessed became beasts for a turn and HP’d a Baal to death. I had A> forgotten they were there and B> didn’t know they could move that far anyways





Turn 2

My reserves came in, got prescience on the Raven (for the missiles, which all hit anyways) shot at the Daemon Prince, wounded and then found out he had a 2+ cover save, no wounds. Great start, killed most of the possessed but the Sorcerer was still alive. Other than that I did basically  no damage, and forgot to move the Razorback away from him.

During his turn he moved behind the ruins with the 2 Maulerfiends, the Decimator and Helbrute killed the Fragioso in CC, Possessed wrecked the Flamestorm Baal, the L. Furioso got off The 4+ Invul save (Foreboring or Forwarning-whichever it is) and assaulted the Maulerfiend took only one hit against and exploded, *&^% , Decimator blew up the drop pod, Obliterator blew up Vindicator, this was also a great time to find out that Maulerfiends are beasts, they destroyed a razorback for my lack of awareness. http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq41/angrycanadianguy/Battle1/DSCF8008.jpg



Turn 3

The Raven shot the Maulerfiend causing a HP of damage, which it got back from it will not die. Auto/Las Pred took out the Helbrute, Yea I finally killed something, no wounds on Possessed,  aslt squad from rhino was wiped out, cultist moved up

Sorry BAD PIC (I’ll work on this for next game, if people are interested)


Turn 4

Raven went to hover and shot at rear of Maulerfiend 1 glance, I can’t believe this is happening, he turned and assaulted the raven and only glanced it, wow can’t believe that happened either. Aslt squad with Librarian charged into Obliterators and all Died in the two rounds of combat, only causing 1 wound from the Libby axe which I forgot to activate. My appologies I forgot to take a photo here and I’m using the images to help me re-call what happened in the battle.



Turn 5

Knowing now there little chance of success I attempted to go for it anyways and loaded up a lone Sargent in the Raven when 36” and Deep striked out to try and land close to the Objective (come to think of it now I don’t think he can get in and out in the same turn, anyways ) he landed in the middle of the board a good 12-15” from the OBJ. Everything that could shot at the Oblitz

The Final aslt squad with priest assaulted the Oblitz and  most died leaving still 2 Obliterators vs the PF Sarge and Priest. [url=http://s432.photobucket.com/user/angrycanadianguy/media/Battle1/DSCF8010.jpg.html]http://i432.photobucket.com/albums/qq41/angrycanadianguy/Battle1/DSCF8010.jpg




Turn 6

The game continued, but we basically left part of the table alone, the sarge wasn’t going to be able to take out the decimator and cultists, hmm guess I should have tried, very slight chance he could contest the OBJ, anyways on the other side the Priest and PF sarge finally took out the Oblitz (priest died though) Sarge consolidated 6”, 3 over and 3 up into the ruins putting him out of risk from being charged by Big Nasty things, everything that could shot at him, while he stood firm on the OBJ




Game Ended, I lost as the cultists were contesting, he was holding his, had first blood and don’t think any further explanation is needed


After Action Review

This was from what I can remember one of the worst games I have ever had, I continually missed shots, forgot to move certain pieces but also how many Daemon saves my opponent made was almost ridiculous.

One last comment that I can remember is the Daemon Prince followed the Raven around the whole game, vector striking it, I never Jinked once and through the whole game it only took two glances and that including being assaulted

Thanks for reading, Apologies for my performance in the game

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Interesting match up. His list looks good, especially versus mech heavy lists. Your dice rolls were also, seemingly, horrible. 


All that being said I think once you get more used to the list, and maybe get more used to Chaos (they are tricky) that it will get better. Overall I think this list really has teeth. Looking forward to seeing more. 

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Sounds like you had alot of bad luck :( it happens though and theyre isent much that you can do about it...


See it as a learning experience for the future as you mention you learned alot. See if you can get a re-match with the same lists :) I sometimes do that and it makes for great games!

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