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Khornate Knight wip

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So I recently picked up the lord of skulls kit with the intention of turning it into a knight to use with my Khorne.

I wanted to give it legs instead of tracks of course and this meant I was going to have to some scratch building.




Here is a first shot of the base of the legs before much is added.


I have since added some more plates to sections and more little bits from the kit.


Will try and post some more WIP shots tomorrow.


As always C&C very welcome.

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The problem with putting legs on the LoS is how "portly" the torso is. I don't think I've seen a legged conversion yet where the legs didn't look too short because of it.


Still, I always enjoy them. I definitely like where you're going with this, and look forward to seeing it progress.

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Looking good so far.  Have you thought about what you're going to do with the leftover tread section?  I've seen it used as the base for a skull tower, in place of the usual baneblade chasis for that conversion.  I've personally been wondering if it could make a decent starting point for a counts-as spartan conversion.

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Here is a shot showing the legs at their current state with another model for scale purposes.



And here is a close up of the legs showing how think they are ( they all equate to about the same width as the arms)



And lastly a shot showing the pistons and other assorted bits on the back of the legs.



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This looks great.  The work that you have put it is solid and the direction this is going in is a good one.  really think that once you have it sprayed it will tie it all together and will deal with the illusion of the legs being thinner.


Looking forward to seeing this beast with paint on him.



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Thanks for all the comments guys. Hopefully it will come out as good as it is in my head.

A friend has a metal Ghazghul and metal Nob in mega armour that were damaged a long time ago which I will be getting to use as basing and to prop up the right leg.


Unfortunately though with a three month old at home it will likely be a little while before I can do much more on this, but watch this space there will eventually be updates!

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