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Cultist miniatures

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I am amassing a traitor guard/cultist army for my Word Bearer Warband.  I have quite a collection of tanks, air crafts, and over 100 cultist miniatures, but I notice an issue  I currently have no female cultist at all in the army.  Now I am a believer in equal corruption of gender and think I should include some.  Any ideas?  I do not mind non gw minis or conversion.   


Looking for something like these



Also 28mm bottles, they need grenades 

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I'd second Victoria Minis' Arcadians if you aren't in a hurry. Only bought from her once so far but I was rather pleased with her products. The only other minis I can think of that look similar are from Sedition Wars but the figures are much finer they'll look out of place next to GW minis. You could try looking through the Urban War range though, they should fit better size-wise. They only have a handful of female miniatures though. I know Reaper Chronoscape has a few too, but only the IMEF figure wears armor like in your picture. Then there's also Foundry's Street Violence that might have a few ones and last but not least Hasslefree's Trooper and Adventurer lines have a few armed soldier types as well. Not quite sure how those hold up next to GW I guess for females they would works, cause they tend to be a little finer, closer to true scale.

Of course it depends on what exactly you are after.


For the bottles my first thought was this here, but since you are in the US that might be a problem. 1/48 bottles should work though. Some companies sell them for dioramas etc. Although I'm not sure about the scale here, I'd wager a guess and say dollhouse parts might be worth looking into as well. To my surprise Lego also produces bottles now apparently, though they are probably going to be more expensive than 1/48 parts.

Have a look at these on raging heroes




They have some fantastic minis. In fact Im going to order a couple to motivate my IG PDF.

They arent really cultist but Im sure with a bit of GS work you can make them fit (waits for pun about them already being fit)

The minis from their Kickstarter apparently still aren't done/shipped a year later. So all you can get from them atm are the not-Kommissars, which seem to be more 32mm true scale than 28mm heroic. From what I read they rescaled and worked on the models from the Kickstarter to make them fit better to 28mm heroics though. If you google them you should be able to find some side by side comparison shots.


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