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New to Chaos, returning from 4th edition hiatus. Questions

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Anyways, apologies to OP for derailing thread smile.png

Not really derailing as it shows that there are options out there that are not in the GW Codex books.

Very true, I was kind of meaning my own lamenting over wanting and not owning a Spartan. Not YET anyway, dammit!!

The Spartan certainly does offer a great deal more. I'm not even too bothered it doesn't have PoTMS due to the doubling of lacannon fire it can unload.

The lascannon's would do a decent number on fliers really, even with snap firing it will throw out a decent number of dice with re-rolls.

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You know...Chaos is the only faction that can pay for a relatively cheap (30-35 points) upgrade that can make a squad fearless without having to have a HQ babysitter hanging around.


30-35 points is a lot cheaper than 65 points.


"Well it can get sniped out"


So can a lord-and there's plenty of stuff out there that Might or May one shot your lord-even if you use the Crutch of Nurgle to up his toughness.


We are also the only faction that can take less than 5 man squad of terminators-who can be pretty cheap considering things.

We are the only codex that can nullify overwatch thorough a very affordable piece of wargear (Wish you could take it on helbrutes or maulerfiends)


And as has been said, our Landraider is cheaper than anybody else's.


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Anyways, apologies to OP for derailing thread :)

Not really derailing as it shows that there are options out there that are not in the GW Codex books.

The only problem there is if you can't get them or you're not allowed to use them.

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Anyways, apologies to OP for derailing thread :)

Not really derailing as it shows that there are options out there that are not in the GW Codex books.
The only problem there is if you can't get them or you're not allowed to use them.
For friendly games forgeworld should be fine, though the price for fw models will always be the price.
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Anyways, apologies to OP for derailing thread smile.png

Not really derailing as it shows that there are options out there that are not in the GW Codex books.

The only problem there is if you can't get them or you're not allowed to use them.

There's nothing stopping the use of Forgeworld stuff anymore rules wise

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IIRC, now Machine Spirit doesn't allow you to shoot one more weapon at full ballistic skill, as it doesn't affect Snap Shots anymore, so Chaos Land Raider is actually better (dirge caster) and cheaper than loyalist version. Not that any Land Raider is good or cost-effective, but CSM have the cheapest one.

10 man capacity really lets the CSM LR down, at least loyalists can cram a decent amount of bodies in there (crusader etc.).
Bodies like what? Except Death Company and maybe Honor Guard (and both can be fine with 9 members+Chaplain, so bigger transport capacity is not needed) there's no loyalist assault unit which is good enough to give them such expensive transport.

There aren't that many opponents against which you need more than ten berzerkers or five terminators.

Terminators + HQ.

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We are the only codex that can nullify overwatch thorough a very affordable piece of wargear (Wish you could take it on helbrutes or maulerfiends)


I though that Helbrutes had acces to the vehicles upgrades, and thus could take a Dirgecaster.


Maulers on the other hand cannot, wich is sad really.

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Well you know from that perspective everything in any list isn't important save for the 2 last codex , because everything else can be droped or changed. As of right now LR for BAs are good, because A they cheaper B they are super scoring .

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Oh, I think they are excellent at the moment (well, as scoring bunkers, the only thing that is remotely good in assault is Death Company), just not getting too attached to them however until the next codex drops which is supposedly in the next few months.

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Well, with BA you still don't need more then 10 transport capacity if you don't use death company. As stationary weapon platform two twin-linked lascannons are better than hurricane bolters, I think. And assault terminators are not that great either, so giving them LR isn't really worth investments, unless you want a scoring bunker.

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Oh, I think they are excellent at the moment (well, as scoring bunkers, the only thing that is remotely good in assault is Death Company), just not getting too attached to them however until the next codex drops which is supposedly in the next few months.

Next few months was what GW told us about legion rules. And that was back in 4th ed.



Well, with BA you still don't need more then 10 transport capacity if you don't use death company. As stationary weapon platform two twin-linked lascannons are better than hurricane bolters, I think.


Not realy. single las shots don't help much[well at least when they cost as much as land raiders] What LR are good at is delivering dakka and guided Multi melta shots . Anti tank for BA lists comes in forms of attack bikes , venguard vets and pod units.

LR are there to give the fire power 5 man RAS don't have [two bolters+MM is as much shoting as a tac does , but with the immmunity to small weaaapon fire]. Razors were doing the same in 6th , as were storm ravens , the difference now is that LR are more resilient then razors and super scoring unlike ravens. No one of course says that a BA army can't run 2 LR 1 SR and 2 lasplas or twin las razorbacks[or flamer/hvy bolter razors. or GK henchman razors to fuel mefisto] ,but the difference between those LR in BA lists and in chaos lists is that in BA lists they have synergy and make sense , and in chaos lists they don't .


That is done with the assumption that PoTMS does not work at all , because it it lets the LR snap fire one weapon at full BS  no matter what it does , then the chaos LR sucks compering to it more then ever before.

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Well, objective secured is a nice bonus, but it doesn't really change anythyng too much. It's still 250+ pts vehicle that can be destroyed by a single melta gun shot. LR's firepowe doesn't means much either, Crusader's range is 24" (12" to be effective) and Redeemer will rarely shoot with anything except it's assault cannon, so most of times LR's firepower can be ignored.

When it comes to LRs, for me it's simple - cheaper is better, Chaos LR is cheaper while lacking only highly situational Machine Spirit.

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