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question on rhinos, combat squads, and firing points


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I don't have an official answer, but I do have one I think is both fair, and intended.


You can shoot with both combat squads. You can fire with both combat squads at different targets, as they are separate units in all respects during the game.

But I would still limit the amount of shooting to the amount of firing points. Period. Not that combat squad 1 first uses all firing points, and then have combat squad 2 use all those same firing points.

While the RAI seems agreeable, I'm having trouble finding anything in the RAW to stop both Combat Squads using the same fire points.


As shooting is sequential, and one Combat Squad shoots *after* the other has finished, and there's no limit on the number of times a single Fire Point can be used each Shooting Phase, it would seem the RAW would allow one shoot to shoot, then the second.


This def requires a FAQ from GW.

Well, the Fire Points section of the Transport is pretty clear to me "Unless specified otherwise, a single model can fire out of each Fire Point and the other transproted models cannot."

This is regardless on the number of units inside :)

Hmmm.  Thought it specified the same unit.


If not, and it's only a single mini can use a Fire Point, that's different.


What's the wording on the Rhino's Top Hatch now?


Edit:  The GK Rhino is "two models can fire from the top hatch".


So two models fire from CS1, then when thier attack is resolved, two modesl from CS2 fire from it.



There seems to be a lot of RAI discussions on OR, recently.

(Did something change? huh.png )

It shouldn't matter how we would play it, how we do play it, or how we want to play it - it matters what's written as this is the "official" Rules forum discussion.

Quoted rules in 7th (as GC posted) are really specific about this and will account for any potential shenanigans.

So, rhino can have 2 shots from 1 unit at 1 target, or 1 shot from each combat squad at 1 or 2 different targets.

I don't think each unit can fire 2 models out of the hatch. In the BRB pg 80, it says "Unless specified in the vehicles entry(which the rhino's does), a single passenger can fire out of each fire point and the other transported models cannot fire"


Note the bolded part. This is important because it doesn't matter that there are two units only 2 models(in the rhino's case) can fire in any given shooting phase.  However, I do believe that you can have one model from each unit fire and at separate targets from each other as they are separate units.  

Just that 2 models can fire from the top hatch.


So once 2 models have fired from that top hatch... no more models can until the next shooting phase.  Regardless of whether they come from a separate unit or not.


Essentially it's included in the Firepoints rules on page 80 of the BRB, which does include specific wording to encompass the fact that some models have fire points that more than one model can fire out from.


Now if each combat squad each had one member firing from the rhino's fire point, then as they are separate units, they would be fired separately and could fire at two separate targets.


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