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Crimson Fist in Deathwatch Squad


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Greetings Fellow Sons of Dorn,


 I've been reading the anthology Deathwatch-Xenos Hunters and it's given me the urge to paint up a Deathwatch Squad. I want to include a Black Templar, Imperial Fist and Crimson Fist and will figure out a few others to add later. This isn't really for playing but rather just to have a bit of something slightly different to do. The reason for my post was that I was wondering if anyone knew if the Crimson Fist member would keep his guantlets painted red? Obviously the majority of his armor and  of everyone else in the squad will have to be black but I wondered if he would keep his guantlets red as that seems so essential obviously to being a "Crimson" Fist. One of the stories in the anthology had a Dark Angel brother on one of the kill teams and he retained his hooded robe so I thought it wouldn't be unreasonable to allow a Crimson Fist to maintain the red on his guantlets. 


 Anyways have any of you read anything definate on this or if not what is your opinion?



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