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Gubz Thousand Sons Disciples of Destiny

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Hello all.  Figured I would start a log for motivation and input from the community.  A bit about this force is in order so here goes.


I have been playing for about 14 years, started with WHFB with Orcs and Gobbos and then moved into 40K about 10 years ago.  Collected, painted, played, sold multiple forces.  I have had Black Templars, Space Wolves(twice) Worldeaters(Twice), Sisters of battle, Grey Knights, Catachan based IG, Orks, Deathguard, Word Bearers(thinking they might be redone) and this force of TSons. All have been sold save for the Nurgle and TSons forces.I have had these for a long time actually but never got around to them for some reason.  I recently hit the 7k mark with my Nurgle forces and so I thought it a good time to branch out.  ETL hit and I went ahead and vowed some TSons to get me motivated to start.


I will be posting here as I make progress.  I know that pictures speak louder than words so I have a few.  This is my first attempt at paining blue and gold so it has been interesting.  Input appreciated.  Right now I mostly paint to paint.  No one to play so it is a matter of painting what I like.  Not sure the direction I am taking them in is competitive, or even what is considered the army, but I have never really been that player anyway. I run fluff over function most of the time.  The squads will number 9, there will be 9 terminators, there will be spawn, etc.


Here are some pictures of the force so far.









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First time painting blue and gold, but you've got it!


Are you painting onto bare plastic? You may want to prime them first, so the paint does not rub off.


Any thoughts on what else will go into the army?

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First time painting blue and gold, but you've got it!

Are you painting onto bare plastic? You may want to prime them first, so the paint does not rub off.

Any thoughts on what else will go into the army?

Thanks for the kind words. I was very pleased with the blue actually. The gold is still WIP but I think it it is going to work.

Not bare plastic but a gray primer from a superstore locally. Seemed to be a better choice for the colors, used to painting lots of green and rust so a darker primer used normally.

As to what else is going in the force I have the following items lined up for the army

9 Terminators using the Egyptian Conversion sets found on eBay

Ultraforge Vrok

Spawn at least 2 of these as that is what I have now but who knows

Daemons in the form of Horrors and flamers

Perhaps some Preds as I have a couple put back

2 Forgeworld Tsons Dreads

Some cultists to take advantage of them being cheap and the Hellcult formation

Very nice! God but aren't Thousand Sons the best marine look there is. So ornate and mysterious and ominous looking. wub.png

I love them. A nice change from the crusty, gross look that I went with on my Deathguard that is for sure.


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Some Progress on the Tsons.  Ahriman coming along and a pic of the Sorc for the first squad as well.













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Some updates of the progress on the force.  


So far I have an astounding 477 points painted for the force.  


Oh well second squad will be coming soon.  Then I will start to add to the force.  












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