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Deep striking a DC in a Land Raider.. but which one?


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I have a phobos pattern Land Raider that I bought off of EBay, and I really wish that I had the bits to convert it to either a Crusader or Redeemer.  If I were to be playing the Land Raider up close and personal (and I bet you are if you are deep striking) I'd lean towards the Redeemer.  I've been on the other end of an enemies Flame Storm cannon and it made me cry.


I think that in 7th edition I'd prefer to hurl many bolters rounds or have multiple AP3 flamestorm hits in place of singular las cannon (even though they are twin linked).

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what are your dc kitted out for? I would think mop up goes well with a redeemer targeted at meqs, but if you are aiming for large hordes a crusader might be better. It also depends on how aggressive you will be with your deepstrike. Redeemers are going to reward very dangerous plays.

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I have a Godhammer pattern Land Raider that I bought off of EBay, and I really wish that I had the bits to convert it to either a Crusader or Redeemer.  If I were to be playing the Land Raider up close and personal (and I bet you are if you are deep striking) I'd lean towards the Redeemer.  I've been on the other end of an enemies Flame Storm cannon and it made me cry.


I think that in 7th edition I'd prefer to hurl many bolters rounds or have multiple AP3 flamestorm hits in place of singular las cannon (even though they are twin linked).


GW sells a "Crusader Kit" that includes all the bitz to convert a Godhammer into either a Crusader or a Redeemer if that interests you ;)


On topic, I'd go for a Redeemer to be honest. The Flamestorms work as well on hordes as on tougher infantry, and are great for an aggressive Deep strike.

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Does anyone actually use this tactic apart from for the fun of it? I mean the chances of landing where you want to are lower than for scattering so it just seems like a heck of a gamble with all those points.

for 20 points you can give one vehicle with deep strike the Istvaan legacy of glory so it doesn't scatter when arriving from deep strike. I use it occasionally on a drop pod to make sure my melta sternguard get the perfect drop for first blood and survivability. It's in the back of IA:2 second edition. You get one legacy per 1k army points but can only use one of each in an army.

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The normal way is just putting a beacon on the table using a sergeant / one or more of your first wave pods. 


I've run a DS redeemer full of DC for fun in a tourney and if I did it again that's what I'd do. 


With deep strike now counting as combat speed you can fire both the flamers or a flamer and a melta + twinlinked snap shots from the assault cannon.

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for 20 points you can give one vehicle with deep strike the Istvaan legacy of glory so it doesn't scatter when arriving from deep strike. I use it occasionally on a drop pod to make sure my melta sternguard get the perfect drop for first blood and survivability. It's in the back of IA:2 second edition. You get one legacy per 1k army points but can only use one of each in an army.

Now that is cool! Will have to look into that..thanks for sharing :)

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Id take the one with the AP3 flamers (to lazy to look up names <_<) unless your in sore need of AT power in which a godhammer works. But then it might also be a better idea to have it start on the table...

Landraider=big target

Landraider+DC inside=OMFGgolly geeBBQ KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE!


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This tactical can work well if you bring in the Inquisition for servo skulls, or kit your drop pods with Teleport Homers. If you come out the gate swinging hard, your pods will survive to give your Landraiders a guaranteed drop, in which you will promptly flame 2 units thanks to POTMS, or cook a unit and multi melta something else.


Now, if we can have the Blood Angel version of the Spartan, I would be fist pumping every game.

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THanks for the responses.  My DC is kitted out as the rest of my army: Allcomers.  1 Boltgun/PF, 1 BP/Power Axe, 4 Boltguns, 4 BP/Chainsword.  I will probably add in a Reclusiarch with Plasma Pistol or Power Fist for extra lulz.


My method of delivery?  I'm not sure yet, I may rely on blind Deepstrike, I may give scouts/bikes/drop pods a beacon/locator.  But I sure as hell want to drop this thing in the enemy's backyard.  Why?  Ultra-scoring Land Raider, ultra-awesome death company.. Deal with it.  The rest of my Infantry MEQ army can sit back in cover or behind my Baals and wait for this mess to resolve while happily campin objectives and shooting from distance.


I was considering the regular LR (Phobos) because, well, 2 TL Lascannon sponsons are great at taking out every kind of armor out there (Even against fliers you have something like a 4 in 6 shot of landing at least 1 S9 AP2 hit..) But I guess I'm kind of sold on a Redeemer now, unless anyone objects greatly.


On second thoughts, if I'm doing this, why not do it with 2?  One with DC and Reclusiarch, one with Tactical Terminators and Corbulo?  "Yo guys, mind if we park here and crash your party?"

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I always cringe when I read someone call it a goodhammer land raider, so ndeed thank you Quixus for being 'that guy' :).


Different raiders have different purposes, it all comes down to which kind of support you really need.


Phobos raiders are great long range support tanks, they thrive against armoured targets at range, where they are relatively safe from the very powerfull short range anti-tank weapons out there.


Both the crusader and the redeemer requires the vehicle to be much closer to the threat. Of the two I would personally always choose the crusader. It just looks better!

Also: the redeemer will have a hard time focussing its firepower on a single target, on account of firing templates, and will in some cases be forced to choose between using the machine spirit to fire the templates at to different infantry units, or one template and the multi melta at an armoured unit instead. It will also struggle a bit in multi story building environments(unless of course the rules have changed) as the templates will be limited in height reacable, and the cargo will have to roll 'high' in order to get to high elevation targets.

The crusader is much more geared towards light infantry. It has slighty better range, and a bit better ability to focus its fire towards a single targets. Also it can easier chose between firing he assault cannon and bolters at infantry targets and the melta at something else, or the cannon + melta at an armoured target while one of the sponsons deals with something else.


The way I see it, a Phobos is ideal for long distance objective sitting with tacticals or a cheap 5-man assault squad. While large dc units or terminators will benefit most from the crusader. The redeemer is the odd duck I would never take, but I know some people swear by it. It has a smaller transport capacity, but dc aren't too bothered by that.

If I were you, I would get a crusader/redeemer and experiment a bit with both untill you decide which one works the best. If you have the ability to magnetize the weapons, that would be the ideal situation.


Good luck!

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I never deep strike a land raider. one, you will never be able to charge turn 2. Also, you might not come in until turn 3 or 4. With how far they can move its just better to start on the table. you move 12 plus flat out 6. next turn move 6 and get out 6 which is a total of 30"given that you probably started 12" from the table edge your now about 42" from your table edge. which just leaves 6" of table left with an average charge you should be able to make that for turn 2 assualt. much better than maybe coming and having to wait a turn to charge. My .02

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I have a question that kind of fits with this. I know you can tank shock/ ram from reserves but can you do it from Deep Strike with our land raiders?

nope thats a mishap and roll on the table

For tank shock you can technically declare it before rolling scatter. Random movement doesn't prohibit tank shocks in them selves and deep striking units always counts as moving combat speed which is required for a legal tank shock. Infantry must move more than 1" away and if they can't they are destroyed. Thus infantry models cannot cause a mishap in this way.

It's borderline but also ever comes into play unless you have a BA land raider or dark eldar raiders with shock prows. Play it for fun but don't expect to get it past any TO laugh.png

( I allow it at my tourneys because it's fun, flavourful and have zero impact on the 'serious business' matches)

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Deep striking landraider tank shocking back field units off the board and disgorging death company is the most amazing thing I have ever heard


New list 1985 points


         HQ (220pts)
  • Astorath the Grim (220pts)
Troops (1765pts)
  • Death Company (795pts)

    10x Bolt Pistol, 6x Chainsword, 12x Death Company Marine (240pts), Land Raider Crusader (250pts), Lemartes (150pts), 2x Plasma Pistol (30pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), 3x Power Sword (45pts), Thunder Hammer (30pts)

  • Death Company (600pts)

    10x Bolt Pistol, 3x Chainsword, 11x Death Company Marine (220pts), Land Raider Crusader (250pts), Power Fist (25pts), 5x Power Sword (75pts), Thunder Hammer (30pts)

  • Death Company Dreadnought (185pts)

    Blood Talons, Magna Grapple (15pts), Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer (10pts)

    • Drop Pod (35pts)

      Storm Bolter

  • Death Company Dreadnought (185pts)

    Blood Talons, Magna Grapple (15pts), Replace Storm Bolter with Heavy Flamer (10pts)

    • Drop Pod (35pts)

      Storm Bolter               





I'll let you know how it goes tonight!

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  • Death Company (795pts)

    10x Bolt Pistol, 6x Chainsword, 12x Death Company Marine (240pts), Land Raider Crusader (250pts), Lemartes (150pts), 2x Plasma Pistol (30pts), 2x Power Fist (50pts), 3x Power Sword (45pts), Thunder Hammer (30pts)


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