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character in tda cant have a relic blade?!


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well i was just looking through my codex after putting together a very sweet termi captain with sword and shield thinking i was gonna do a relic blade storm shield combo, but when i opened my codex i couldnt find it anywhere! am i getting this right in by saying i cant have a relic blade on a tda captain?

Wow, good catch, I definitely did not notice that...


It seems that in terms of upgrades, GW wants to limit the points spent on each HQ. The Terminator armour is looked at more like a full package upgrade (survivability, power weapon, storm bolter) over just a suit of armour over which you customize your character.


@tomsev : You could always play him as an artificer armour Captain with RB and ss. Rulewise it will work the same, except that you won't get to Deep strike. If you want him to be able to Deep strike with other Terminators, you could pay the points for a Jump Pack. In terms of cost, that will get him up to 165 points, and on the tabletop it will work exactly like a Terminator Captain with the loadout you suggested, except that he will also be able to act as Jump Infantry (Hammer of Wrath !) and will be able to do sweeping advances.


If you were able to give him the same loadout (RB+ss) on the Terminator Captain, it would cost you 150 points, so you pay a 15 points premium, with all the perks of the Jump Infantry and none of the Terminator armour. (You could always forge the narrative that instead of ignoring difficult terrain, he just smashes through it). I'm pretty sure many people would accept you using a Terminator model for that.


Alternatively, you could go for a Terminator Captain with a storm shield and the Teeth of Terra. It will give you the same +2s AP3, with a few neat special rules, and this is a loadout that will cost you 160 points.


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