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Pretty excited. WordBearers Omnibus just arrived

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This book is making me want to repaint my models to red and silver. I can guarantee if I were to do that, AD-Bs talon of Horus will make me want to paint them back to black and gold.


Dam you, awesome authors!

After you finish reading, go for The First Heretic and Know No Fear. ;)
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This book is making me want to repaint my models to red and silver. I can guarantee if I were to do that, AD-Bs talon of Horus will make me want to paint them back to black and gold.

Dam you, awesome authors!

After you finish reading, go for The First Heretic and Know No Fear. msn-wink.gif

I've read those and they were both awesome. TFH was my first real introduction to the Word Bearers but 30k and 40k are something quite different. Its nice to read from a true Chaos Marines point of view (Talos and his warband were more renegade than chaos) and I can't wait for Talon of Horus.

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I have already read Aurelian, Know no Fear, Betrayer, Vulkan Lives so I already know how the plot advances but I have made a vow to keep the First Heretic on standby since it is rumored to be one of the best HH novels and I would love to finish Battle for the Abyss first. I consider the Word Bearers some of the most interesting characters be it in HH as well as in 40k and I am eagerly devouring their books as soon as I get my claws on them. Be it as simple astartes or the classic villains up to the ultimate archenemy, the sons of Lorgar always make for a great entrance and a spectacular blood spilling when they get into action.


In the end they are at this stage the traitor legion with the most material written on them, with a solid naming convention for their units, ranks and characters, with a clear and distinct look and with a strong emphasis on being the "ultimate chaos space marine" not only as a warrior of immense skill but also as a devoted follower of the Dark Gods. I have been a great fan of the traitor legions but if one would pile the entirety of the fiction, citations, novels and publications, no other traitor legion would come even half close to the amount of words written about the Word Bearers. Hell they even have a campaign in DoW, a DLC pack in DoW II and one of the most memorable characters in the 40k universe on PC, Lord Eliphas the Inheritor himself. 


And the best thing so far is that every unit in the Chaos books works for them and appears fluffy and cohesive with background of the XVIIth legion. I only wish that the other traitor legions would get someday the same amount of love that the Word Bearers get. 



BTW: have you noticed that only a scant few novels in the HH series do not have a token presence of the Word Bearers...

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Well I have completed the first and about midway through book 2.  Awesome read so far.  Loving the details and the Chaos marines eye view of things.  The battles are well written and you can almost feel the explosive bolter rounds going off in the chest cavity of the desired target.


So far I am very pleased with the purchase.  So much so that I went and found the Iron Warriors Omnibus and grabbed it and I am thinking I will also add the NightLords Omnibus to my collection as well.  Of course reading means less time painting so I will need to keep that in mind.



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I have already read Aurelian, Know no Fear, Betrayer, Vulkan Lives so I already know how the plot advances but I have made a vow to keep the First Heretic on standby since it is rumored to be one of the best HH novels and I would love to finish Battle for the Abyss first. I consider the Word Bearers some of the most interesting characters be it in HH as well as in 40k and I am eagerly devouring their books as soon as I get my claws on them. Be it as simple astartes or the classic villains up to the ultimate archenemy, the sons of Lorgar always make for a great entrance and a spectacular blood spilling when they get into action.


In the end they are at this stage the traitor legion with the most material written on them, with a solid naming convention for their units, ranks and characters, with a clear and distinct look and with a strong emphasis on being the "ultimate chaos space marine" not only as a warrior of immense skill but also as a devoted follower of the Dark Gods. I have been a great fan of the traitor legions but if one would pile the entirety of the fiction, citations, novels and publications, no other traitor legion would come even half close to the amount of words written about the Word Bearers. Hell they even have a campaign in DoW, a DLC pack in DoW II and one of the most memorable characters in the 40k universe on PC, Lord Eliphas the Inheritor himself.


And the best thing so far is that every unit in the Chaos books works for them and appears fluffy and cohesive with background of the XVIIth legion. I only wish that the other traitor legions would get someday the same amount of love that the Word Bearers get.



BTW: have you noticed that only a scant few novels in the HH series do not have a token presence of the Word Bearers...

The difference between Battle For the Abyss and The First Heretic are like..... That Uriel Ventris short about how he beats some Night Lords by blowing a bridge and Soul Hunter, respectively. One is bolter porn, but without the porn and the bolters. The other is the faction-defining novel that completely opens your eyes to a way of seeing that specific faction, through only a tiny part of it. In a way, it is much like the 40K Word Bearers series, except it is the before picture. By looking at one small piece, we don't see the whole, but we do see how it interacts with it and it reminds us that no two pieces of the puzzle are the same shape or size. Sometimes they're not even the same color.
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Battle for the Abyss was seriously THE worse book i have ever read in my life

It was bad but Hammer of Daemons is worse. I picked that up because my local library had it, I finished it but it was like finishing a sour sweet, you just do...


Best HH books for me are 1) Fulgrim. 2) First Heretic 3) Legion and 4) Know No Fear


Fulgrim was a masterpiece of a book IMHO.



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Guess it is a matter of what you want.  Ebay has it all over the place for 100 bucks.  Saw the Iron warriors omnibus on Amazon for $700 crazy.



I...will take the hit and sell you my IW omnibus for $500. $200 less than it should be, but I would do that for you, buddy.

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Guess it is a matter of what you want.  Ebay has it all over the place for 100 bucks.  Saw the Iron warriors omnibus on Amazon for $700 crazy.



I...will take the hit and sell you my IW omnibus for $500. $200 less than it should be, but I would do that for you, buddy.



Wow... I'm doing a round of the charity shops this weekend.


I actually picked up Space Marine and Inquisitor for 50p each a few years back. Childhood memories for me those books... Zoats & the old Pain Glove.

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Guess it is a matter of what you want.  Ebay has it all over the place for 100 bucks.  Saw the Iron warriors omnibus on Amazon for $700 crazy.



I...will take the hit and sell you my IW omnibus for $500. $200 less than it should be, but I would do that for you, buddy.



You are the man.  Would you take a check?  


On a serious note, I got the Iron Warriors Omnibus for 15 bucks at a local second hand shop.



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Guess it is a matter of what you want.  Ebay has it all over the place for 100 bucks.  Saw the Iron warriors omnibus on Amazon for $700 crazy.



I...will take the hit and sell you my IW omnibus for $500. $200 less than it should be, but I would do that for you, buddy.



Wow... I'm doing a round of the charity shops this weekend.


I actually picked up Space Marine and Inquisitor for 50p each a few years back. Childhood memories for me those books... Zoats & the old Pain Glove.


i NEED them books!!!

Demon World was pretty bad.

that the second wore book ive ever read. ever. in the history of books

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