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Mawloc as a crypt worm?

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With Unbound armies being completely customizable, I was thinking of using the rules for the Mawloc as a type of crypt worm for my Nurgle army (assuming it doesn't need Synapse, I don't know much on Tyranid units).


I had a model in mind, but I need to go back and find it on the web.

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The strenght of the Mawloc comes from the fact that its dirt cheap for what it does. It's the price of 4 Rhino to get T6 W6 MC with all the goodies + it can do up to 2 blast ap 2 when it comes out. If you absolutly want to give it an upgrade that is not buying another Mawloc, I would suggest Regeneration (2 plasma) that is always good since its basicly IWND. The fact that it can re-borrow makes it very awesome sauce because even if you don't manage to destroy the unit you emerge on, and take a missap, you have a good chance of having your opponent placing it somewhere on the board only for him to reemerge next turn. 


The Trygon is much beastier in CC, the Trygon Prime more so because of the upgrade, but its main feature (digging a hole in the ground for future reserve) is A. quite useless since you have a great chance that everything will come out on the same turn as the Trygon or before B. only affects other friendly Tyranid unit. 

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Another thought however is the fact that the Trygon Prime can now take artifact bio weapons including one which is a blast poison weapon.

That would fit quite well with a nurgle theme.


a big beastie that rips out of the ground to munch on people and vomit poison everywhere? Yes, please papa nurgle!

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