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The Doom Reapers


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Hello Brothers
I finally got enough courage together to post some pictures. Captain Incendus( latin light bringer) was my first ever mini to see if I was going to enjoy painting/modelling. I went cheap, so only bought the primary colours plus white, black and boltgun metal and one brush, that's why the odd colours(gold) and minor inconsistencies( I blended my own colours). I was hooked 10 mins into my first session. I since got more paints( 11) and three brushes. I also moved over to enamel because for some reason acrylics don't last here. 
I have the base done with riversand and the thingymajig under the chapter icon has his name, unfortunately my camera died at Victoria falls( I live close by so when family visits its an auto include) so will update with some of my tac, dev and assault squad when I get a new camera one day.





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Thanks brother


Used to do it but since I paint so slowly and take very frequent breaks( I force myself because I don't want to mess up my eyes) The paint dries up too quickly, maybe I should just put less on the palette( in my case a small piece of tile I took from one of my construction sites).

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Aye, less is more usually when it comes to painting. Much easier to put a thin coat, go do whatever and come back later to put another thin coat so it looks nice and smooth than to put on a really thick coat right off the bat and mess up details. Much harder to take off than to put on. :P But keep it up man, off to an awesome start.

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I used your advice today and that caused me to remember that the weather/climate here also plays a big role. The thinned down paint dried out inside a minute( no air-conditioning and the windows were closed). However I persevered and got a very fancy sternguard shoulder pad's wreath done( the one with the raised edge with the wreath at the bottom and a big gemstone in the middle of the wreath).


Also did a shoulder pad with terminator honours and used a mix of white and a little boltgun metal to get a very light grey which I thinned and tried to get into the "crevasses"(can't think of the right word). After some touching up it came out alright.


Thanks for the encouragement.

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Thanks brother, I thought it was only me storing the paint incorrectly. I also saw a post from another thread where the guy works on the North Sea also having problems with the weather, however I would be more concerned about the boat rocking around, that has to be a real challenge.


Thanks for the thumbs up

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello brothers


I was finally able to borrow a camera( had to travel a 100km). so a bunch of pics will follow over the next few days, it's just taking forever to resize.


First a pic of the previous captain with completed script and base



Now for the first member of the command squad, veteran Leonidas( I know he's not game legal but whatever). I'm very proud of him, he's my best effort yet.

DSC00008   Copy

DSC00006   Copy

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DSC00002   Copy


I would like some suggestions on what to do with the power fist where the fingers and the knuckles meet.
Next job is figuring out how to get my photos as big as in the other threads.




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Yeah I haven't figured out how to make the pics bigger like in other peoples threads. It also doesn't help that the camera I borrowed isn't very good and that I don't really know how to use one properly, have to look at some of the photography tutorials at some point.


This is what happens when a troglodyte get his hands on technology.


On the extra colour, I'm very happy with how it looks. However I have thought to myself once or twice that maybe the two main colours could get boring at some point so I'll have a look at the colour wheel and see if inspiration takes hold.


I've switched from acrylic to enamel as well as paint manufacturer that's why the captain and my first tactical squad looks different than the rest of the guys. Their actually supposed to have the same colour scheme( I'll repaint them at some point).

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  • 9 months later...

Apothecary with bolt pistol in hand

voor3   Copy

links1   Copy

agter2   Copy

regs1   Copy

command squad veteran with powerlance and storm shield

voor5   Copy

links1   Copy

agter2   Copy

regs1   Copy

The pole is the company standard cut of at the wrist and glued to a different hand. The power source is the muzzle of a lascannon, I can't remember where I got the little cable stuck to it. The blade is two combat blades back to back, obviously I don't know how to paint the power weapon effect thing ... yet.


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  • 2 months later...
@ Optimat_prime - Thanks, I've mostly sorted out the paint problems (wet palette ftw), current problem is getting supplies when I need them and learning new painting techniques. For me its monkey see monkey do when it comes to these type of things.


Individual pics


Sgt Rossus


Melta sarge 1 right   Copy

Melta sarge 1 back   Copy

Melta sarge 1 left   Copy



Specialist Jaap

Melta 1 specialist left   Copy

Melta 1 specialist back   Copy

unknown brothers

Melta 1 grenade front   Copy

Melta 1 grenade right   Copy

Melta 1 bolter right   Copy

Melta 1 bolter drill front   Copy

Melta 1 bolter drill left   Copy



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