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Considering a reorganization of the Chaos forums

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When the Bolter & Chainsword was first created, Chaos Space Marines weren't part of the mix. They were quickly added, however, as it made sense. When 3rd edition provided players with rules specific to each of the legions, we expanded the Chaos Space Marines forums, providing a sub-forum for each of the legions. When Games Workshop reverted to the warband model and removed the legion-specific rules* ( =][= and we're not going to go down that rabbit hole in this topic =][= ), we adjusted the forums again. This time, though, we kept sub-forums for the Chaos Powers. We later added the Chaos Daemons when Games Workshop provided a codex for them.


When 6th edition was released and we started seeing supplements, we realigned the loyalist Space Marines forum into the current model.


We are considering a similar realignment for the Chaos forums. It would look something like:


+ Realm of Chaos +

+ CHAOS SPACE MARINES + (General Codex: Chaos Space Marines discussion takes place here; the forums in green below are sub-forums of this forum)

  • ++ Alpha Legion ++ (Discussion specific to the Alpha Legion takes place here)
  • ++ Black Legion ++ (Discussion specific to the Black Legion takes place here)
  • ++ Death Guard ++ (Discussion specific to the Death Guard and other Nurgle Chaos Space Marines takes place here)
  • ++ Emperor's Children ++ (Discussion specific to the Emperor's Children and other Slaanesh Chaos Space Marines takes place here)
  • ++ Iron Warriors ++ (Discussion specific to the Iron Warriors takes place here)
  • ++ Night Lords ++ (Discussion specific to the Night Lords takes place here)
  • ++ Thousand Sons ++ (Discussion specific to the Thousand Sons and other Tzeentch Chaos Space Marines takes place here)
  • ++ Word Bearers ++ (Discussion specific to the Word Bearers takes place here)
  • ++ World Eaters ++ (Discussion specific to the World Eaters and other Khorne Chaos Space Marines takes place here)
  • ++ Traitors and Renegades ++ (Discussion specific to other Chaos Space Marines such as the Crimson Slaughter, Red Corsairs, etc. takes place here)
  • ++ Codex Chaos Space Marines Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Space Marines Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
  • ++ Chaos Daemons Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Daemons Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
The Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes category and its forums/sub-forums are the model we're following with this structure.


We've already seen supplements for some Chaos Space Marine factions, and hopefully we'll see more. Additionally, this structure provides us with a model with which to add forums/sub-forums if Games Workshop provides additional codices, army lists, etc. (e.g. traitor guard, dark mechanicus, etc.). There is also the possibility of some crossover with the Horus Heresy forums.


The question on the minds of the administrators/moderators is whether or not the proposed reorganization will provide value to our members? Will this reorganization enable discussions and enjoyment of the hobby?


So we're pitching this to you, the members, for input before we make a decision.

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Well indeed a reorganization is much welcome but I think that while we have awesome traitor legions that would certainly warrant a section of their own, I would see it working if it would be somehow integrated with the Horus Heresy topics. We of chaos are a small but close knit group of posters who more often than not use the Undivided section, so to make the separate sections work I think an investment in time, topics and threads would be needed, at least at the start.


I would also suggest that things like the sticky topics are updated since they are quite old and Chaos is slowly turning out to be a faction which shifts almost every few months. The lore topic also needs a major rewriting. 


In the end I look favourably at this sort of change but needs a great investment in topics to make it work.  

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I'm torn between if it's good or a waste of time. On one hand, going into the legion descended warbands and demi-legions alongside newnegades... On the other, it segregates a flock that isn't necessarily bound to specific discussion, the sub boards are fairly slow and slightly dead. I know I'll get shot again for this, but but you should add a Heldrake sub board.


I know the structure is great for modular additions in case of GW actually helping us, but with the way Legions went to HH and how the last two editions made us shaken instead of Undivided, I'd say this is only helpful if you're set on integrating HH and 40k into the marine forums. Why do I need a legion to talk about a non-affiliated cult warband? So, keep the current names, add your sub cats and Legions to the designated aligned portals. Skip the renegades, they can stay in ascendant.

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I actually think this could be quite handy if it were organised like that.

From my own experience when starting the hobby, I used a lot of sites like this to look for inspiration of how I shall paint and model my army. Then having decided on a legion, tried to find as many topics on them as possible for inspiration.

It was very time consuming searching through everything so I would say this is a good idea as having everything compiled in one place makes it very easy find and discuss ideas with like minded players.

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Waste of time.  Loyalists have rules support and member numbers to justify subforums.  We don't even have the post counts to justify the god-specific forums we already have, and the game itself certainly doesn't imply such a distinction.


Honestly, if you were going to re-organize the chaos forums, I'd recommend dropping the god-specific subforums altogether rather than adding anything, leaving us with "chaos mortals" (CSMs and FW renegades together) and "chaos daemons", and that's it, at least until something changes in the in-game representation of the legions or the forum presence of legion players (and a change in the latter would likely be dependent on  change in the former).

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I'd say keep it as is. The god-specific subs are slow to dead, and there's never a massive amount of Legion/Warband specific discussion going on anyway.



No new novels on any semi-interesting or original Warbands (cs doesn't count) and the new codex doesn't offer anything besides names. Most ITs take place in their respective god portals or the ia forum. At this rate you may as well just reduce the subs, we generally just post here.

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I think it'd just be easier to shorten it to


+ Realm of Chaos +


  • ++ Codex Chaos Space Marines Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Space Marines Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
  • ++ Chaos Daemons Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Daemons Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
As Dragonlover pointed out, there really is no need for so much space. I think most of the faction specific threads were WIP Progress pics and "share your warband" anyways and there never were too many of them.
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Topics asking about warbands surfacing and subsequently resurfacing die quickly. The Grey Death and Tormented coming to mind. At any rate, I agree with mal, kol, and dragon.


This brings up the question, how many of us still post here?

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Just jeske.  The rest of us are all his alts, arguing with ourself to escape the boredom induced psychosis that the last few editions of CSM support from GW has left us with.

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As  relative noob here, I was here then left then cam back to eh hobby, I think that the current way it is split works.  I do see that even combining the forces together could work.  we have a group of people that seem to jump about in the sub forums anyway.  CA seems to be the place where the most action occurs.  


Just my 2 cents.



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I hate to say it but I also think at present it wouldn't hurt more than help. There aren't so many Chaos players here that they could be divided into so many subforums and keep a decent level of discussion. I'd love to see the day that wasn't the case, though.

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I would probably forward the merging into Forum: Chaos space marines with an army list section and Forum: Daemons with an army list section. I personally have trouble looking through the sub forums due to low post counts which usually means I don't look into them for a month and when I do there are only about 4 posts I've missed anyhow. 

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Yeah, 10 subforums is like one subforum per regular chaos poster.


Also, I just noticed the the proposed organization seems to be removing any general discussion subforum for daemons?  That seems as needless as adding five extra for chaos marines.


I am not a fan of merging general faction discussion with the army list subforums, however.  Keep those separate.

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Yeah, dividing it into mortals and daemons would be enough I think. I honestly don't think God-specific forums make much sense now that GW have decided that all the Traitor Legions have (access to) Plague Marines, Berzerkers, Noise Marines and Thousand Sons. I mean, I used to be a die-hard Word Bearers Undivided fan, but as GW have rewritten the background to make all the Legions more or less the same game-play wise, my warband now has both Plague Marines and Noise Marines.


Split it by Codex. CSM in one and Daemons in the other.

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Think I'll be echoing most of the others here. While it would be nice to have sub forums for the Legions, there just isn't really enough Legion posts to warrant it. The God threads, while it pains me to say too, are slow with the same few people posting and updating the same posts.


So as has already been said before...

+ Realm of Chaos +

  • ++ Codex Chaos Space Marines Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Space Marines Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)


  • ++ Chaos Daemons Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Daemons Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
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id say keep it as it is, when looking for interesting threads i dont wand to go through khorne related stuff to find slaanesh...

Dont listen to forte, he wears makeup and womens shoes to bed

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Tenebris is right too about the sticky topics. Think we're the only lot without the ETL thread stickied and the topics that are are a bit dated currently.

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one forum for CSM and daemons, one each for army lists. everything else just disperses discussions instead of enabling them - as seen in the current god-specific sub-forums.


also: easier to check ;)

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Yeah, there really aren't enough of us or enough gameplay mechanic differences between the legions for it to be worth it. On top of that, splitting up the god forums and adding a warband forum means seperating, for example, actual Death Guard from Purge and Cleaved warbands, scattering Nurgle stuff all over.

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Just jeske.  The rest of us are all his alts, arguing with ourself to escape the boredom induced psychosis that the last few editions of CSM support from GW has left us with.

Well jeske was never one person to begin with .



Am in favor of the csm/demons  , most sensible thing to do. HH can get a sticky , if there are enough people if the topic crossess 50+pages then one can think about a sub forum.

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The trouble with having Legion subforums is that there aren't lists for them outside of the Black Legion, unless you get into the Horus Heresy. But then the Crimson Slaughter have their own codex, but share a subforum with warbands that don't use their special rules?


I'd be inclined to keep it as it is, because I'm not sure I'd want to see something like a subforum for the Iron Warriors, but only five people ever posting in it. Since there are no special rules for Iron Warriors (for instance, because that's where I'd be posting) we have to use other rules. I often go with Black Legion codex just for the rules because I want to represent elite specialists, and sometimes I use the regular codex to save points for war machines. So what does that leave to discuss in the Iron Warriors subforum? Painting hazard stripes and figuring out how to make a Warpsmith useful?


Until there are special rules like chapter tactics, or unless the HH subforums get merged with their appropriate Traitor Legions descendants, I don't really see a point to going that far. In fact it might even be depressing.

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