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Considering a reorganization of the Chaos forums

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Another vote for CSM /Daemons. We need more people, not more forums. sad.png

Additionally, this structure provides us with a model with which to add forums/sub-forums if Games Workshop provides additional codices, army lists, etc. (e.g. traitor guard, dark mechanicus, etc.).

I hope that once FW updates the Vraks lists a Lost and the Damned forum becomes viable.

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I would prefer this too - we don't have that much activity in the god specific forums anyway.


+ Realm of Chaos +



  • ++ Codex Chaos Space Marines Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Space Marines Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)


  • ++ Chaos Daemons Army Lists ++ (actually a hyperlink to Chaos Daemons Army Lists sub-forum in the Army Lists category)
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Another vote for CSM /Daemons. We need more people, not more forums. sad.png

Additionally, this structure provides us with a model with which to add forums/sub-forums if Games Workshop provides additional codices, army lists, etc. (e.g. traitor guard, dark mechanicus, etc.).

I hope that once FW updates the Vraks lists a Lost and the Damned forum becomes viable.

YES!!!! VRAKS needs it own spot. theres quite a few of us playing those lists and they are going to get more and more popular with unbound armies being available and guard now being come the apocalypse. they are a good, easy way to get traitor guard that is actually treacherous.

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haha, call it realms of chaos and just dump everything into one section, then truly we shall be at home

First bolter & chainsword, then games workshop?
It'd actually be reverse since it just used to be "Codex: Chaos" and "Codex: Chaos Space Marines(that happens to summon daemons)" and it wasn't until 4th Edition that CSM and Daemons were made into separate armies, IIRC.
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Personally I think we need four subforums

*Competitive chaos forum(waac crowd goes here)

*chaos space marine forum(codex csm, cs, bl books)

*chaos daemon(codex CD)

*Lost and the damned(FW vrak and traitor guard)  


God forum are mostly dead, except for nurgle, somewhat.  

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reorganizing as per supplements would be like "sub-forum: Clan Raukaan" - with bannus and deus ex ferrum personally meltering anyone who dares to click the link ;D


HH people (like me) have 3 HH forums for that, lost & damned is covered in the IG/AM (ruleswise) or CSM/CD forums (fluffwise).


besides: will this perhaps be the first downsizing after a offered upsizing in the history of the B&C? gotta <3 chaos

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haha, call it realms of chaos and just dump everything into one section, then truly we shall be at home

First bolter & chainsword, then games workshop?
It'd actually be reverse since it just used to be "Codex: Chaos" and "Codex: Chaos Space Marines(that happens to summon daemons)" and it wasn't until 4th Edition that CSM and Daemons were made into separate armies, IIRC.

Sorry but showing my age here.


Before there were even Codex books there were two Realms of Chaos books that covered all things Chaos in Warhammer & Warhammer 40,000. So it would be a return to the roots of all things Chaos.

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"lost & damned is covered in the IG/AM (ruleswise) or CSM/CD forums (fluffwise"


No. It isn't. With unbound armies Vraks is becoming more popular and they aren't covered in the IG forum.

Forgeworld has also confirmed they will release a book updating the Vraks lists by the end of the year which will make them even more popular. Vraks definitely needs it's own forum and we might as well use it to talk about traitor guard too

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Got to agree with you there Henry. Would love a traitor guard thread as although I am very happy to put mine in the IG forum, it would be nice to have a dedicated place for them.

Even though I use the AM codex, this is mainly because the Vraks lists are so horribly outdated now I wanted to use the newest rules, but having a separate thread would be nice for all is fellow traitor guardsmen.


*would also mean that the 3 ETL vows I have completed so far and the 4th I'm on now could got towards chaos next year as I don't use the Vraks lists.

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Reorganization would be good and I agree with a lot of the things others brought up already. I'd personally opt for the following:


0. Purgatory: A place for any and ALL complaints, rants and negativity


1. Army Lists


2. Chaos Space Marines

  • Undivided Legions, Subforums: Black Legion, Crimson S laughter
  • Dedicated Legions

3. Chaos Daemons


Yeah, I really think that would make the Chaos section an even better place than it is already.

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I'd consider current rule set, with detachments and stuff. As we can have an army with detachments for main codex and all of the currently existing supplements, plus we can use the same set of miniatures for all of them - I would prefer merging all the CSM into one forum and CD into neighbouring form. Rarely I see topics, specific for some supplement, and more often like comparison between them, or discussion which one to take.

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haha, call it realms of chaos and just dump everything into one section, then truly we shall be at home

First bolter & chainsword, then games workshop?
It'd actually be reverse since it just used to be "Codex: Chaos" and "Codex: Chaos Space Marines(that happens to summon daemons)" and it wasn't until 4th Edition that CSM and Daemons were made into separate armies, IIRC.
Sorry but showing my age here.


Before there were even Codex books there were two Realms of Chaos books that covered all things Chaos in Warhammer & Warhammer 40,000. So it would be a return to the roots of all things Chaos.

More of just consolidating numbers though.

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I think that the best course of action would be to reduce the board to three subforums:


Chaos Mortal Armies

Chaos Daemons

Chaos Army Lists


This should cover all of our needs and would be a proper place for all kinds of discussions, namely the mortal armies would act as an umbrella term for Dark Mechanicus, Traitor Guard, Renegades, Traitor Legions...


I think even now the majority of our posts are in the Ascendant forum since due to lack of legion specific rules most of our armies are in gameplay terms Chaos Undivded with some Marks of Chaos meshed in. We can hope that someday we will get an update of the Vraks army list and perhaps some more supplements but so far we have three dataslates, two supplements and two core books, we can consider ourselves lucky since some armies have none of the above.


On a side note I think that the disposition above will not risk to clutter our board since there are already few of us who post regularly and fewer still that collect specific legions, especially since our army lists shift always toward the most recent possible rule since our CSM book is a veritable piece of garbage which buys time with some supplements. At this stage almost every chaos army is either daemons main or Crimson Slaughter... 


In short, don't disperse the already meagre contributions and posts in a number of boards, rather collect them in a sleek, thoroughly moderated and updated board. We of Chaos have no need for specific subforums, what we need is an increase of the activity on our board so some sort of initiatives for the Chaos faction would be much more welcome. 

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I totally agree with a few other posters here; we really can't support a structure like that.


I think a good layout would be;


1. Mortals of Chaos - this would include Vraks, which I still run, as well as Tyrants etc. I think thus would promote more conversations too.


2. Daemons of Chaos - this is probably going to be the more trafficed area for unbound allies.


And would mean people need to Learn2Tag, searches become much easier.



Also for the Lulz; I am the jeske, no I am the jeske etc.

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I totally agree with a few other posters here; we really can't support a structure like that.


I think a good layout would be;


1. Mortals of Chaos - this would include Vraks, which I still run, as well as Tyrants etc. I think thus would promote more conversations too.


2. Daemons of Chaos - this is probably going to be the more trafficed area for unbound allies.


And would mean people need to Learn2Tag, searches become much easier.



Also for the Lulz; I am the jeske, no I am the jeske etc.

 that does look good but i'd separate out the power armour

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